
To Find Someone Worthy

(Student POV)

I found Mr.Bright really cool. When I said I would call him that he laughed and said that it was his last name. He laughed even harder when I asked if it was because of his glowing eyes, I never got my answer. But what was cool were all the books that he could take out. When I asked where he got them from he said "I own the place". I was baffled (read that in a book) that he was able to have such a big book place.

(Murrey POV)

The kid was smart unusually so. He soaked up information like a sponge and asked plenty of good questions. I was thoroughly inpressed as in just 1 month he was able to grasp reading. I was sure there was some system tomfuckery happening in the background considering the fact that it said it would stop assistance with MY abilitys. I tried to emulate the inspection skill and I got the feeling that I was looking at a prodigal genius.

After seeing and witnessing this fact I had planned out a schedule that would be mentally and physically tortorous. They don't know it yet but they'll be taking SCP-500 in their breakfast, lunch and dinner if they want to keep up with what I have planned. The next day I had theroughly pumped their brain full of information in the next hour. The great thing about time manipulation is aside from slowing people down you can speed people up. So when my student Jody complained about how it seemed like the days were getting longer I laughed as I had put a timelock on his body. So that way his brain would still be able to process everything at a normal rate but his bodys growth and age was being limited.

After a year we had gone from a boy who couldn't read to a still boy that was able to learn 3 years of subjects all at once. He was learning at an unprecedented rate, and only half that time passed in the Wanderers Library. During this time I had also used my Seeing Stone to check for any affinitys we could attune to him. I was expecting something like knowledge, or learning because of his genius, but I got some different results. He had an affinity for books and unholy worship.

Now there were a-lot of things to unpack. The book affinity made sense as although he was smart no one is that smart, aside from me. The book affinity would explain why he was attracted to me as I was the owner of the largest Library to ever exist, and his affinity would bring him to me.

The unholy worship part was a whole other can of worms that basically boiled down to cults, sacrifices that work and imbuing yourself with the power granted by your patron. And knowingly or unknowingly because of me granting him the status of being my student and the fact that I enchanted him with not needing sustenance, enhancing his mental capabilitys and slowing down his aging, AND going into the fountain of youth that I made. Its safe to say that he's absorbed the remnants of all that as me "granting" him power. But hey before I was setting up a religion in the present well now the universe has gone "guess what now you get two". Its not a bad thing and I'm hinestly intrigued by what happens when someone sacrifices something in my name. Food for thought.

Thinking things over more deeply I realized ultimately it could only be a good thing. As a now I had a super learning child that is able to sacrifice people to me, for probably positive effects, and also help with my religion through cults.

In the end I knew being transparent would foster a good relationship and he would in the end find out. So one day I decided to cancel our lesson for the day and explain everything and I mean EVERYTHING about his concepts to him, and made sure he understood. After doing so he confessed his desire to serve me and that he would spread my name to the corners of the earth. This being the best case scenario agreed and also shifted our lesson plans.

Before I would go along through a cirriculum and make changes to either have things make more sense or have them intertwine and reinforce the subjects taught. Now I would also be teaching him how to run a religion/cult and how to identify traitors, spys and how to use psychology to tell if someone is lying to you. With the basics out of the way I would also teach him polotics, buisness and administrative dutys on top of time management. If he wanted to spread my name I was going to make sure he was able to spread it to the corners of the earth. Though I did mention on how to not use my real name as true names could be used by people to curse them. All of this I was somehow able to make complimentive with 4th the grade curriculum. The fourth grade curriculum I was basing my teaching on was absolutely evil but perfect for the present situation.

After 9 years of teaching Jody would be able to apply to any university. And major in any subject. Along with that I had to increase the strength of the timelock on his body as I increased the speed that time effected us to fit how to run an organization into the schedule. It was so heavy that a day outside the effected zone was 52 hours inside it with 2 9 hours sleep periods. 4 hours of recreation to let the information settle and the rest was reserved for teaching. This schedule got the best out of Jodys natural affinity for absorbing information, and also allowed his mind breaks to decompress and process the information.

I was making sure Jody got the best out of his time here. To say we bonded would be the understatement of the century. He idolized me not just for having such a big place but also the power that I held. He didn't want it to overcome me but to be able to stand behind me. And when he asked how he could stand beside me I told him that because of his attunements it would be to create a big enough following dedicated to me. As he gains more power power than me through the amount of people dedicated to me. As I revealed this information he somehow took his lessons more seriously then he had before.

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