
SCP: The Unforseen Variable (Old)

Murrey, finds himself in a new world made of laws he dosen’t understand. Find as he grows his organization creates a religion and tries to prepare for the end of everything. This book is being rebooted because I screwed up some plot points that I can’t fix aside from rewriting it all. So I’m doing a reboot. If you wanna get a sneak peek into what the reboots plot is gonna be later down the line I guess you can read this. I wouldn’t because it would make the pay offs less impactful, but you do you. Permission was given to me by Duy Giang to use his art for the cover go check him out. They’ve made some of the coolest and quality art related to SCP on a visual level and is one of the reasons I wanted to make this book

Whadyamean · Video Games
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The Time of One Must End for Another To Start (Revised)

After realizing the time constraint I imediately looked at SCP's and after thinking about getting a Keter SCP for protection was brought to reality by a notification.

[Inquiry Detectected: SCP's will NOT be loyal to the one who summons them. Proceed at own risk]

With that terrifying revelation I went to look at Safe SCP's and came to a few.

-SCP-662 (Butlers Hand Bell: 4000 points)

-SCP-268 (Cap of Neglect: 2000 points)

-Stabilized SCP-207 (Cola Bottles, 1 bottle: 500 points)

-SCP-5094 (Miss J: 1000 points)

-SCP-500 (Panacea, 1 pill: 2500 points)

In the end I ended up buying SCP-5094 and one Stabilized SCP-207. Both of which to help me with my limited schooling from my past life. One noticable change with the stabilized SCP-207 was that it encouraged the subjects mind to expand at a pace that both strengthened it yet didn't cause permanent damage. While SCP-5094 was a digital videogame that would allow you to learn the entirety of a chosen subjects in a matter of days.

Perusing the system I checked up onwhat the the buildings and recuitment tab had to offer.


[Note you will be able to gain propertys and personnel when shop access expires]

Reading this notification brought my worrys down, but also had me wonder if I should even get anything. At the end I decided on a compromise.

-Undergound Facility Site-19 (no SCP's)

(1000 points)

-Security Detail (100 foundation Guards)

(250 points)

I bought Site-19 because of a 50% discount for "the floor plan being disorientating as fuck." And thus bringing research progress down by 10%. There were better options for the guards like some "MTF" which were elite units usually specialized in combating anomoalies, or the "Serpents Hand" which was more of an ambush and infiltration group that used hit and run tactics.

Although the Serpents Hand was cheaper then the MTF both of which were obscenely expensive. With the Serpents being worth 5 times as much as the guards. So I decided upon outfitting myself with whatever I had left over.

Overall I had 2,250 points left and going into (Items) I was surprised. I noticed that the (Items) were almost exactly like SCP's but were notably more expensive then the real thing. For context a bell that acted just like SCP-662 was 7500 points. I wondered why that was an immediately got my answer.

[Inquiry Detected: [Item] objects are more expensive due to their nature of not having as many limitations as SCP's. For example if SCP-268 were to be worm for a long period of time it may apply its anamalous abilitys even when not worn. But when an [Item] is slected for this role it does not have this drawback thus increasing the price for each disadvantage effect that is eemovwd.]

After reading this I checked for the differences in price for SCP-207 and 5094. And found myself relieved as there was almost no difference in price between the objects and its counterparts. As I found myself browsing I was intrigued by a couple of items.

-[Soul infused Veterans Trench-coat]

A Veteran from WWl had found themselves fatally wounded. Though with bravery they kept fighting for what they believed till there last breaths. That was until their best friend and fellow comrade in arms noticed their condition. Upon comforting him in his last breaths he said "Keep this jacket for me will you."

-Increased Durability,

-allows the Trench-Coat to be manipulated into anything the wearer wills.

(1000 points)

-(Timekeepers Pocket-watch)

The Timekeepers were tasked with watching over the realm. Unfortunately they were hunted down and killed to the last survivor by a being that wished to claim the domain of time itself. Some say their downfall was their lack of strength brought by arrogance due to having watched the worlds since the beginning of time. Others say it happened because of a Civil War that had weakened them. In the end though they are an extinct people with only a remnant of their power left inside the objects they held for countless millenia.

-Increases reaction time when kept on wearer,

-allows the user to hypnotize a person

(1000 points)

(Generals Gloves)

During the Revolutionary War this general had the courage and strategic mind to lead his troops into what would be called losing or suicidal battles. And despite the odds would still be able to pull of strategic victorys. Paired along with the generals innate ability to produce moral they were a force to be reckoned with. A part of his luck,genius and charisma still resides within these gloves

-Give innate Knowledge of how to use a weapon when in contact with them

-Gives the user a Tendency to come up with effective plans

-Grants the user increased Luck when it comes to military operations

-Gives the user a bonus to moral when fighting losing battles

(250 points)

After scrutinizing the [Item] selection to see if there was any better alternatives for my budget I found myself gazing at the time.

[5H 12M 3s]

Realising that I probably wouldn't find anything else I decided to finally read that Tattered Journal. I was intrigued by it but had never had the chance to read it because of my incorporeal self being thrown one pressing issue to another. I was even more intrigued by the thing when I brought it out.

It was a leatherbound book with the pages strung together with Velum. But that wasn't all when I had opened the book to its last entry being Nov17th 2056 I was greeted with what seemed as a mans last words.

"We have failed, we thought we could stop it. We knew it was coming yet we never thought of what to do until it was right in-front of us. To whoever reads this we are a dead people. Do not mourn us for we were fools. Instead prepare yourself for when the crimson wave. There is no winning. Only surviving. We have decided to restart reality. Set it all back I only hope you will be able to save us all. If you wish you may read the earlier entrys. Though beware to read them you must understand the worlds mysterys. As those cannot fight what they can't see. "

For a Brighter Future,


I tried to read the other entrys but the pages were filled with words that made sense by themselves. But otherwise didn't mean anything. "I love oranges they are a good fruit. Cats are tiny lions." Things such as that were commonplace. Before I had any extra time to ponder my situation I was interupted by yet another notification.

(Quest:Unlock the Secrets of the Journal)

You find yourself in a precarious situation. A threat so large it forced the hands of humanity to reset reality. You as a person who dosen't wish to die a violent death should prevent this from occuring it.

(Reward: Access to the journals information. and lessons)

Despite the horiffying revelation that the world basiclly ended and that I'm on a time crunch has some panic set in. But there's nothing you can really do while stuck in a void without a physicall form to show that frustration except wiggling my arms.

When I eventually calmed down I spent my remaining [3H 48M 29s] reading the descriptions of SCP's. Specifically Keter SCP's and gleamed a good chunk of information through it. Looking at things that have a gloomy/spooky aura is a great way to get infected by a cognito hazard. Most SCP's that are Keter that are humanoid have either immunity or are protected in some way from physical attacks. Most of the time Keter SCP's have rules/gimmicks that help those against them survive. And learning those rules are paramount.

In my rampant viewing I hadn't realized one crucial detail.

[0H 0M 0s]

And with what seemed to be a trend I blacked out.