
4: Push

'Able? Where have I heard that name before?' I think to myself. Then, not even a few seconds later, as the question becomes a thought in my brain, the answer comes to me, accompanied by my brain buzz (name pending), goes off as if to concur with my thoughts. 'Able; son of Adam, murdered by Cain.'

Kenith either knew that I figured it out or didn't care spoke up.

"I'm gonna need some help, "not Sam." He says, pulling up his glock and aiming it at Able, and fires once.

Now, at first, I didn't think Able would be able to do anything. I mean, come on, a bullet? I'm pretty sure those hurt. A lot.

So imagine my surprise when the dude leans his head slightly to the left and lets the bullet wizz past him. He f*king dodged it. Great, just great.

"H-how can I help exactly? Tell me something, anything to get me up to speed, man." I suggest (read, begged).

"Fine, you are a superhuman, ergo, you got some magical abilities. Figure them out, and hel- f*uck! book it!" He shouts, fires 10 or so more bullets at inhuman speeds at Able who dodges those too, (cause of course they both can), and then swans dives to his left, all in that order.

Mid-way through his short spiel, that buzzing is my head, that I'm pretty sure I forgot about, intensified. More correctly, it focused on my right.

So when he lept left, I went right. I guess I hit the floor too hard cause the air from my lungs left me as soon as I came barreling into it. I even left some soft dents in the metal.


But that would have to wait for another time as while I was struggling to breathe for a second, I then heard metal striking metal from behind me. Flipping my body over with surprising ease, I see that a black, and I mean like void black, sword is sticking out from the floor where Kenith was just standing.

The floor was cracked, a small crater in its wake. The blade looked savage, with serrated edges. The way the cell's light seemed to be absorbed into its form sent shivers down my spine.

The way it was angled also indicated that it came from Able. It then dissappears in a similar way that Kenith's cell phone did.

But as I whipped my head back to the hallway, I saw that Able had now reached the cell's doorway, no weapons at hand.

"Ah, I remember you . . . Samson, was it?" His voice rumbles. The buzzing feeling yet again intensified at the mention of "Samson."

Kenith, not bothering to speak to Able, shoots 5 more times at Able. Yet as Able again goes to dodge them, his eyes go wide, and abruptly, two swords like from before are now suddenly in his hands, and he then crosses them over his body in an x-formation.

*Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!*

Somehow, those bullets ended up exploding right in front of Able, obscuring the area of the explosions in smoke and debris, while sending him crashing into the wall of the cell.


The chain blasts also pushed me back, too, and while I didn't crash into the wall, I was now closer to Able than I was Kenith due to it as well.

This realization comes to me as I look to my right, and I see Able a couple meters from me caved into the wall, but looking relatively unharmed from the blasts.

Getting up to my feet, I try to run to Kenith, but I'm then stopped short by my brain buzz (name still pending) and again, I drop/dive to my stomach due to its influence.

And not a moment to soon, as Able practically zooms above and pasts me and lodges both his blades into the back wall of the cell.

With yet another tug of my buzz, I push off the floor and flip forward, doing to clean aerial somersault, landing on my feet, and start sprinting for the hallway.

'How the f*ck I did that?!?' I question as my body basically runs on its own.

All the while, Able, for whatever reason, was still holding onto one of his swords in the wall but had released the other in favor at chucking blades at me, with each one disappearing upon contact with the floor and then reappearing back in his hand to throw at me.

The buzz continued to guide my body, shifting my posture as I ran out the cell so that I wasn't touched by Able's blades at all.

Ahead of me, Kenith stood at the far end of the hallway and had in his hands a rocket launcher of all things. I didn't really know how much a rocket launcher would help against that monster, but with myself being too occupied with running away from the crazy tattooed man from blibical lore, I didn't bother questioning it.

That was until he pointed it to the cell. The problem was that I was still in the way. "Bro, move!" He shouts at me.

"How?! The hallway is too narrow!" I angrily shout back. That was kinda a lie.

While the corridor was about as big as two people side by side, Able's relentless swords still came flying for my flesh, so I needed all the room I could to continue dodging them as efficiently as possible. As such, I couldn't just hug the side of the hall for him to shoot at Able without risking a blade digging into me.

Kenith had the audacity to just shrug at me, and he then fired. At me. Nearing my face by the milliseconds.

Now, at this point, it's safe to say that I was my wits end. Oh sure, back in my apartment when I didn't get my job, I basically cried myself to sleep, thinking that was my lowest low.

But here I was, running from a sword chucking monster, a man whom I supposedly knew just fired a rocket at me to either deal with said me or the monster (who at this point I could tell was running after me, probably decided to not bother with his stuck swords, and was catching up to me fast), I didn't know where I was, and my buzz sense was now pounding inside my head.

So, of course, I snapped. I don't remember much of it. There's like 3 distinct things I remembered.

For starters, I shouted. Not a word or phrase, but just a deep and guttural roar filled with confusion, annoyment, but most importantly, anger. This shout of mine produced a shock wave that rippled across the hallway and hit everything and everyone in it.

Kenith, lucky (or unlucky, I'm on the fence about him), was only pushed slightly back into the main hall.

Able, however, took the brunt of it and was smashed into the floor, like gravity got tripled on him.

The rocket was strangely not affected by my roar, so I did what was easiest to do at that moment, my vision going slightly red at this point. Either from exertion or fury, I didn't know.

I sidestepped it, grabbed it by its body, my hands denting it, and threw it with more force than it had when it left Kenith's launcher, straight at Able.


I guess I wasn't thinking at that point. Cause when an explosion goes of mere feet from you, you would expect yourself to die, right?

Well, all I remember is being catapulted into the hall and passing out mid-air. At least, I think I managed to hit Kenith before I went unconscious, so yay?

Ask questions if you got them. I bored.

Also, if my chapter naming sense looks bad to you. . . deal with it, I guess.

GoldenMarkcreators' thoughts
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