
Chapter 16 Preparation before Task_1

"It's Monday today, the task event is the day after tomorrow. I can start preparing now. There's still room for quite a bit in the 100-liter 'Storage Room'. Hmm, right, I can get some gasoline or something, to combine with the 'Ring of Flame Dominion'..."

Colin reflected for a moment, "The effect of the 'Ring of Flame Dominion' is to control the direction of flames within a fifteen-meter radius. The more flames controlled, the stronger the sensation of burning."

But before that, he needed something that could create a continuous and difficult-to-extinguish source of fire.

Moreover, these things had to be easily found in reality.

He pondered it over and it seemed that he had heard of some formula involving gasoline and white sugar before?

"Baidu's answer is too simple. Let's see if the colleagues have any insights."

After posting his question, Colin went into the chat room to inquire.

He did receive some answers...

Things like gasoline, sulfur, alcohol, and some stuff like red phosphorus and other chemical names that Colin didn't understand...

However, Colin felt like he understood but still didn't know how to proceed.

The knowledge was fragmented and theoretical...

As for the practical operation, he didn't know how it would be, and there were many things he didn't know where to obtain.

The key was he needed to use them the day after tomorrow!

Just then, Colin saw someone named "Arsonist-Tao Tie" mention him—

"For a hundred points, I can sell you a formula for my specially made 'Secret Formula Harmony Oil', which can be used with the 'Ring of Flame Dominion'. I'll guide you through the whole process, guarantee the effect, guarantee the quality..."

That person didn't wait for Colin to reply before someone immediately jumped out to mock, "Who needs to buy that? Just any old can of gasoline or, if not, high-purity alcohol would solve it... To charge a hundred points for this, almost a third or even half of the points from one mission, is robbery. I advise you to just go rob..."

Many people echoed this sentiment below that comment.

"Hilarious, one after another you all talk so much, but how many of you can produce a complete theory? It's all either from Baidu or some patched-together fragments you've found elsewhere. And what's this about white sugar gasoline? You call that a formula? That's so outdated! And besides, what use is knowing just a formula? Without mastering the precise proportions, you'll suffer! Do you even know through which channels to collect materials without getting detected? Do you know from where to extract the raw materials and the details to pay attention to? Do you know what supplies to buy in reality for extraction and purification? Do you know how to identify errors if the result isn't up to standard? Do you know how to adjust the raw materials to achieve the desired effect? Do you know what to watch out for when using it in different scenarios? Do you know how to safely ignite and extinguish the fire? I've also purchased the 'Ring of Flame Dominance' and have used it for some time. I can let you pay only after you feel satisfied with the effect..."

Good grief, you talk a lot, let's see what it's like to mingle with you...

Although Colin couldn't quite grasp it, he felt it seemed impressive, and he was in favor of knowledge charging, provided it was worth paying for. The way this fellow spoke so confidently made it seem legitimate.

He decided to give the other side a shot.

Of course, paying after using was also a minor yet favorable point.

As for the claim of being the previous owner of the 'Ring of Flame Dominance', Colin wasn't too surprised—after all, that item was like a public bus, many had used it.

The extremely low price made many skeptical and tightfisted people disbelieving...

Colin could easily find nine people who had used it just by browsing the forums.

"Speaking of which, were the weekly task rewards always this low? Just two or three hundred, even just a hundred or two hundred points."

Colin also glanced over the debates among the people.

Completing a 'Call from Afar' mission just once would bring in over two thousand points, nearly ten times theirs...

The only downside was that it was a little bit more likely to end one's life too soon.

But Colin didn't dwell on this too much. He contacted the person referred to simply as "Tao Tie" for a private chat and started interacting.

It has to be said, perhaps seeing it as a prospective gain, "Tao Tie" brother's service was very pleasant, giving Colin a most meticulous care.

It also made him realize... In the eyes of some people, everything in this world—beans, fruits, bones, eggs, all kinds of grease, medicines, fertilizers, shower gel, and so on, common items in life—are either combustible or an ingredient in something combustible.

In brother's words, everything in the world is art, and anything that's art is potentially explosive.

Of course, achieving this was predicated on some processing.

Under professional guidance, that very night, Colin acquired the 'Secret Formula Harmony Oil' he wanted.

It was golden in color, slightly viscous, and its advantage was that even a small dab, no larger than a bottle cap, would keep burning once ignited. Snuffing it out immediately wouldn't help; if it were subsequently exposed to air, it would continue to burn.

And if not handled properly, it could set half a person's body ablaze...

At the same time, it was environmentally friendly with less smoke, and after burning, it did not contain too many toxic substances.

As for extinguishing a fire that had already started, with the "Ring of Flame Dominance," it wasn't much of an issue unless the opponent had a similar tool—then it might lead to the enemy using the fire against you.

But the Brother also gave a formula for an "antidote," kept in a glass bottle. When thrown at the source of the flames, it would quickly neutralize the unburned parts, nullifying the effect of the "Secret Formula Harmony Oil."

Thus, preventing the enemy from using it.

It was essential for home and travel, and the ladies who used it spoke highly of it.

"Touching, such a talent must have a comfortable life in prison, right?"

Colin couldn't help but remark emotionally.

With some luck, the remaining time would be enough to make at least ten liters of Blended Oil.

This stuff, if one were skilled and had the raw materials, as well as a smooth mixing process, was quite easy to make.

Time flew, and it was Wednesday morning at eleven o'clock.

Colin double-checked everything he had prepared and then, as required by the task "Call from Afar," he lay on the bed with his eyes closed.

Before long, he clearly sensed that his memories related to Bonfire Company were fading quickly, like a clam buried in the sand, only to be found when needed.

At the same time...

A new set of memories filled the void—in these memory fragments, he was still diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), still spent a year exhausted both mentally and physically with nothing to show for it, and still, too young, had his own wheelchair...

The only difference was, this time, he did not receive an invitation to join Bonfire Company.

This time, after draining all his savings with no progress, he could only go home to quietly watch, fully conscious, as his condition rapidly worsened, as his body gradually withered, paralyzed, and became incontinent until he could meet his release through respiratory failure or cardiac arrest...

The whole process was filled with despair and helplessness.

But maybe because there's always a silver lining, one night he suddenly heard a call in his dream...

"Great... Heroes..."

"Save us..."

"... We beseech... your gaze... to..."

"Disaster has fallen... save us..."

"From the God-given Land... Heroes..."

The long and distant calls came over and over from a far-off place out of sight...

An indescribable premonition told him.

If he answered, then he might go to a unique space, never to return, completely cut off from reality.

All those former friends, family, relatives, and everything else would become history.


There was nothing left to hold onto anymore.

In his heavy slumber, Colin answered the call from an unknown origin, becoming the Brave One sought by those beseeching voices.

He thought...

To be reborn anew, shedding the feeble flesh of reality.