
Chapter 2: Operation Containment

June 9th 1989

1:54 A:M

SCP Containment Armory

Site-25,10 Miles near Oakridge Village,USA.

Pvt.Millers Data


[Transferred Degree]

5th Degree Mobile Task Force Rho-6

Its been 6 days since Pvt.Gates death.

Pvt.Gates is a very close friend of mine,now he's gone..gone! We were moved to the SCP Containment Armory because of the incident in the Lab. I was moved to a new degree and cluster.Now i am an Rho,also know as the "City Strikers".

Though i miss my old squad..But i also want to get promoted and be transferred to MTF Blaze-16,they are also known as "The Last Stand" They are highly trained MTF's and they participate in the hardest operations like: Operation see and contain.

Operation clearing the land.

Operation promotion with a beanbag.

And many more..

Anyways were getting scanned right now.

were going back to the lab and fix the problem.Its pretty scary to go back and contain SCP-173 because it's my first time really,to perform such a hard operation..

All i ever did in my MTF career was,guard the containment chamber and transport class d's to the chamber..

I was sipping Coffee and i was just trying to focus on what's gonna happen until someone shouted into my ear:

"Hey there! I'm Lt.Ken.I'll be with you this operation..your Pvt.Joseph Miller right..?"

I reply to him:

"Jeez don't scream in my ear! Anyways..Yes that's correct but,you don't have to call me by my full name lieutenant..you can call me joey if you also don't want to call me Miller.."

"Haha,alright Joey.I like the sound of joey more..anyways get ready we have 24 minutes before we go that lab again,cmon chop chop"


As i get ready and pack my things i see a wallet in my bag.I took it and opened it,i saw a picture of Micheal Gates or Pvt.Gates my very close friend.I try to not let my character down and stayed strong.I put the picture back in the wallet and brought it with me,i walked down the halls and took my M4A1.Alot of people were rushing down the halls fast I said to myself:

"Wow,what a rush..hm,i wonder what's with all the ruckus?"

A MTF officer slapped my head and said:

"Don't you know? The SCP is almost outside the facility and it could start a killing spree! we have to go fast and rush into the chinook and arrive faster,cmon!"

Then,i started to panic and rushed into the

[Data Expunged] Chinook.

"Wow,that's Alot of people" i said to myself.

There was about 15 Rho-6 MTF's in this chinook.

"Wait is that..Cpt.Jones?! He got transferred too?! Hey! Captain Jones! Over here! Its me Joseph!"

He look at me and waves in a very dark way.

Our Chinook then starts flying to the lab.

We landed 15 meters away from the lab and we gathered around to her the Lieutenant's orders.

"Alright,boys im your lieutenant for the day Lt.Ken,I will be assigning all of you into 5 groups and I'll start with the perimeter.

Pvt.[Data Expunged]..You keep watch around the lab and shoot who chooses to trespass.

And Pvt.[Data Expunged],Cpt.[Data Expunged] and Pvt.[Data Expunged] Will patrol and guard around the facility.


After telling 4 squads what to do it was time for four our squad.

The remaining people are:



Lt.Ken and


We were going INSIDE the facility and find and bring the SCP inside the containment Chinook,now,I regret wishing to getting promoted into MTF Blaze because i think this is what they ALWAYS have to do if they have an operation,now that i think about it.I don't want to be an MTF at all,but,i stayed strong.because if i wasn't an MTF right now I'm helping uncle Johnny at state farm in Ohio.

And im not really looking forward to that

because it's not fun i promise you.Anyways,now were getting in the facility and searching for the SCP..now this is the voice data of the operation:

Pvt.Greenwood "6 o'clock..broken lab chemicals and preservatives.."

Lt.Ken "That's a waste,well keep an eye out for the SCP..it couldn't have gone far...I think..."

Cpt.Jones "Your Idiotic if you think this SCP is a fish easy to catch..It killed my whole-"

Pvt.Miller "Calm down cap! thats..6 days ago.." An empty voice called for us..

"help...please its out there..it's out there..it's gonna kill us all it killed my friends it killed everyone!"

Lt.Ken and Pvt.Greenwood tried to get near the sound of the persons voice.When they saw it,it was a dead class-A..

I asked them..

"What is it?"

Lt.Ken answered.

"A Class-A,I remember this fella.Mike Duke,No.2548,Class-A,49 Years old."

Then a very fast blow came fast right at us.

[Data Expunged]

End Of Data