
Magic, Mana & Mana Core

In the morning I woke up. The sun had yet to rise. Then to achieve my goals I have made a pretty elaborate plan. First, I will learn magic. Second, Learn how my scientific knowledge interacts with magic. Third, somehow get Cecilia to dual me and say loser can has to do anything asked by the winner. Fourth, Defeat Cecilia and ask her on a date. Because, from what I have heard Cecilia is 10 elven years old. (40 in human years) It means she will know if I make a sexual act against her. So, I have to take it at a really slow pace.

From the maids gossiping, I heard that Cecilia had been studying in a Magic Academy. So, she will be very proficient with magic. I will probably make a good choose if I learn from her. Then, after organizing my thoughts I waddled over to Tess and said "Can you take me to sister Cecilia?" while making the cutest face I could make then "Why do you want to go to her?" Asked Tessia. Then I replied "I wanted to go say good morning to her. But I don't know where she is." while fiddling with my fingers. "Ok, come with me" Said Tess after picking me up in her arms and carrying me.

While Tess was taking me to Cecilia I noticed and commented "Tess, why is our house so big?" "Because, Master William made this house for his wife." She replied in a playful manner. "Dad made this for mommy? Then why don't I ever see her?" I asked being a little saddened. "You will know when the time comes." she said in the most serious expression she could make. Honestly, I never seen her be so serious around me so I was a bit worried why she would be that serious.

After a while we reached the garden where Cecilia was and Tess put me down. "I want to talk to sister, can you go?" I said to Tess in a polite way. "As your wish." she replied expressionless. Then I slowly waddled to Cecilia who was sitting & drinking tea and said "Good morning, Sister." She put her tea down and said "Why, if it isn't my little brother. What brings you so early in the morning." she asked me with a gentle smile. "Sister, I wanted to ask you a favor." I replied with confidence. "A favor you say.... What is it?" she asked with a serious face.

"I want to learn magic! Please teach me!" I replied with excitement sparkling in my eyes. "Fufu~~ You want to learn magic?" she asked me while on the edge of busting out of laughter. "Yes!" I yet again replied confidently. "Why do you want to learn magic?" she asked me in a dead serious face.

"I-I w-want to become like y-y-you" I said while stuttered like I was ganna piss my pants or something. "Hahaha, You wait until you become older. " After a short laugh, she told me I was being impatient "B-but, I want to become like you NOW" After shuttering on the first word I said the rest of my with alot of confidence. "You should wait, father himself will teach you magic in a few years" she said as she advised me. "But , I want to learn from my beautiful sister" I told her while focusing on the 'Beautiful' word. Then there was silence between us for 5 minutes I felt disheartened. As I was losing hope that she would not teach me, suddenly she said "Meet me here in the noon." with a lite blush on her checks.

"YAYYYY!!!" I screamed while jumping up and down like it was the happiest day on earth. I also saw the brightest smile I ever seen on Cecilia's face.

----------------At noon in the Garden------------------

"So you came" Cecilia said with a smile. "Yes, Sister!" I said in joy. "Before we start our lesson, I warn you that path of a mage is a really hard one. You will have to practice constantly. Do you still wish to continue after knowing that? " "Yes!" I replied boldly. "Okay, lets move onto the lesson."

"First of all, Do you know what magic is?" she asked me. "Its magical wosh wosh, right?" I answered in uncertainty. "Its one way to put it. Simply you are manipulating magic molecules to make things happen." "Sister, what are magic molecules?" I asked her like I didn't know what they were "Magic molecules is mana. Its around us, Within us. Its everywhere." She replied honestly. Tho' I actualy know what mana is due to me being a game addict in my past life. "You cannot manipulate mana with any physical means." "What does 'physical' mean?" "Hands, feet, touch etc that can be felt by your body." "Then how do we manipulate mana?"

"All beings have a special spiritual part. It is called Mana core. It can be used to manipulate mana." "How do I know If I have a mana core or not?" "You will not have a mana core until someone awakens it. It is good to awaken mana core when people are young. But being very young could end to disaster. That being said I will awaken your mana core now. Close your eyes, it might tickle a bit." I closed my eyes thought what was happening. Soon after Cecilia came to my back and pressed her hand against it. Then she said "Now, imagine a ball forming from white stuff around it." I quickly imagine that but.... I accidentally imagined a womb being fertilized. Tho' it did the trick and saw I could feel the mana within me.

"You awakened a Mana core that fast?!.... Ehem. Congratulation! You successfully became a mage" She said as she was shocked. Then she congratulated me on Becoming a mage. "YAYYY~" I screamed with joy.

'Step one complete! now for step two.' was what I though as I was moving closer to my plan.


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