9 Chapter 9

Six months later……..

All four of the men in the unit were on edge. Kit would walk in,and they all would watch her. She shouldn't be at work and they knew it. Not only was she beyond her due date and extremely large all of their wives were s well. Though no one would actually say it.

“What?” kit asked as she looked at them.

“Why don't you go sit down,please,honey?” Mitsuhide asked.

“Guys,I am not going into labor this second.” She said. “Neither are the girls.”

“You are handling this a little too calmly,” Sasuke said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

“Yeah,mom,” Yuki said.

“I swear one day I will shoot you Yukimura.” Kit said. “Honestly,I want you all to know if the girls all go into labor at the same time,which by the way is a sure-fire way for Mitsuhide to go insane. It will be on Friday.”

“Okay my favorite mother in law,how do you know that?” Masamune asked.


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