
School of the Insane

After being made for the death trial, I was given a second chance and now I am in more of hell then before and I love it, so let's do this what do they call this place right the school of the Insain This story is going to bloody, and a lot a murder and a lot of many thing's so yeah, also MC is 17 years old

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Action
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14 Chs

The island has more then just a school

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the island, Hijoshikina found himself wandering through the dense foliage that surrounded the School of the Insane. The air was thick with the sounds of the jungle, alive with the chirping of insects and the rustle of leaves in the breeze.

With each step, he felt the weight of the day's events pressing down on him, the memory of the battle royal and the tension with Eima still fresh in his mind. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, a sense of curiosity tugged at the corners of his consciousness, urging him to explore the secrets that lay hidden beyond the walls of the school.

As he ventured deeper into the jungle, he soon stumbled upon a clearing bathed in moonlight. In the center of the clearing stood a dilapidated building, its weathered walls adorned with faded graffiti and overgrown vines.

Intrigued, Hijoshikina approached the building cautiously, his senses on high alert for any sign of danger. As he drew closer, he noticed a faint flicker of light emanating from within, casting long shadows across the forest floor.

With a mixture of trepidation and curiosity, Hijoshikina pushed open the creaking door and stepped inside. What he found took his breath away.

The interior of the building was like nothing he had ever seen before. Shelves lined the walls, filled with books and artifacts from a bygone era. Strange symbols adorned the walls, their meaning lost to time.

But it was the centerpiece of the room that truly captivated him—a massive map spread out across a table, its surface illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns. As Hijoshikina studied the map, he realized with a start that it depicted not just the island, but the surrounding archipelago as well.

His mind raced with possibilities as he traced his finger along the coastline, noting the locations of hidden coves and secluded beaches. Could there be more to this island than met the eye? More secrets waiting to be uncovered?

With a sense of excitement coursing through his veins, Hijoshikina knew that he had stumbled upon something truly extraordinary. And as he studied the map, plotting his next move, he couldn't shake the feeling that the island held more mysteries than he could possibly imagine.

What are you doing here. A voice came a it walked up to him. What is student doing here

As Hijoshikina saw a adult women, she seem have a scar on hee left side of her face, she was wearing a a black uniform as she was holding a wipe.

Hijoshikina looked up, startled by the sudden intrusion, and met the gaze of the scarred woman before him. Her presence exuded an air of authority, tempered by a weary resignation that spoke of long years spent in the unforgiving wilderness of the island.

"I was just... exploring," Hijoshikina replied, his tone cautious as he took in the woman's scarred visage. "I didn't realize there were other places on the island besides the school."

The woman nodded, her expression unreadable as she tossed a map in his direction. Hijoshikina caught it deftly, his curiosity piqued by the mention of other locations beyond the confines of the school.

"If you're looking for somewhere to explore, check these out," the woman said tersely, her tone betraying a hint of irritation. "I'm not paid enough to deal with you."

With that, she turned and walked away, leaving Hijoshikina alone in the dimly lit room with the map spread out before him. As he studied the map, his mind raced with possibilities. What secrets lay hidden in the shadows of the island's outskirts? And what adventures awaited him beyond the walls of the School of the Insane?

Alright let's get some new close. As Hijoshikina was next to the shopping market. I wonder what they except for money.

As he entered the there was no one there in the, cash counter so money wasn't a problem, as he went to the t-shirts area, Hijoshikina approached the racks of t-shirts, scanning the array of designs and colors. As he browsed, he couldn't help but notice a familiar figure nearby. It was the girl he had saved during the battle royal, her presence unexpected yet strangely comforting in this unfamiliar setting.

She seemed startled by his sudden appearance, her brown eyes widening in recognition as she stumbled back slightly. Hijoshikina offered her a small nod of acknowledgment, a silent acknowledgment of their shared ordeal.

"You're... you're that guy from the battle royal," the girl stammered, her voice tinged with surprise.

Hijoshikina nodded, a wry smile playing at the corners of his lips. "That's me," he replied, his tone casual as he continued to peruse the selection of t-shirts.

The girl seemed to relax slightly, a hint of gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thanks for... you know, saving me back there," she said, her voice soft but sincere.

Hijoshikina shrugged, a nonchalant gesture belied by the warmth in his eyes. "No problem," he said simply, his gaze drifting back to the t-shirts before him.

As they stood together in the quiet of the shopping market, surrounded by rows of clothing and merchandise, a sense of camaraderie passed between them. In a world where survival was the only law, even the smallest acts of kindness carried weight. And as Hijoshikina continued his search for new clothes, he couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps, in this girl, he had found an unexpected ally in the battle for survival.

Plush I don't kill girls. Hijoshikina said talking the shirt he likes as he picker a few more. I am killer not a monster

Hijoshikina's words hung in the air, a quiet declaration of his own moral code amidst the chaos of their surroundings. As he selected a few shirts and added them to his pile, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his decision.

The girl nodded in understanding, her expression thoughtful as she watched him. "It's good to know there's still some humanity left in this place," she said softly, her voice tinged with gratitude.

Hijoshikina offered her a small smile, a silent acknowledgment of her words. In a world where violence and brutality were the norm, it was easy to lose sight of one's humanity. But in refusing to harm those who couldn't defend themselves, Hijoshikina had chosen to hold onto his principles, no matter the cost.

As he paid for his purchases and prepared to leave the shopping market, Hijoshikina couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He may be a killer, but he refused to become a monster. And in that small act of defiance, he found a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that surrounded them.

So what is your name. Hijoshikina said looking at the gril. What is your name

The girl met Hijoshikina's gaze, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "My name is Akari," she replied, her voice soft but steady. "Akari Fujimoto."

Hijoshikina nodded, committing her name to memory. "Nice to meet you, Akari," he said, a genuine warmth in his tone. "I'm Hijoshikina."

As they exchanged introductions, a sense of camaraderie passed between them, a silent acknowledgment of the bond forged in the heat of battle. In a world where trust was a rare commodity, Hijoshikina couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected connection he had found in Akari.

With a nod of farewell, Hijoshikina made his way out of the shopping market, a newfound sense of purpose driving him forward. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he knew that he wasn't alone. And with Akari by his side, he felt ready to face whatever the future held.

As he left, the store he found the same plage doctor people looking at 2 minutes late he was in dorm room, as he sigh, he saw many of the others were closed, and lockerd up behind bars.

For us not having human rights. Hijoshikina said looking at the plage doctor. You guys really re treating us like students.

The plainclothes doctor's expression remained impassive as Hijoshikina addressed him, a silent acknowledgment of the power dynamics at play within the School of the Insane. Their lack of human rights was a bitter reality they all had to face, a constant reminder of the precarious nature of their existence.

Hijoshikina's gaze swept over the dorm room, taking in the sight of his fellow students locked behind bars. It was a stark reminder of the harsh reality they lived in, where freedom was a luxury few could afford.

As he changed out of his prison jumpsuit and into his new clothes, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The School of the Insane was a place of uncertainty and danger, where alliances were fleeting and betrayal lurked around every corner.

But as he glanced over at Eima, immersed in her book, he felt a flicker of reassurance. In this chaotic world they inhabited, perhaps there was still room for moments of peace and connection. And with Eima by his side, Hijoshikina knew that he wasn't alone in the struggle for survival.

With a sigh, Hijoshikina finished changing and approached Eima, who was engrossed in her book. He couldn't help but admire her calm demeanor amidst the chaos of their surroundings.

"Nice outfit," he remarked, gesturing to her new clothes. "Did you find anything interesting while you were out?"

Eima glanced up from her book, her expression unreadable. "Just some essentials," she replied tersely, her gaze returning to the pages before her.

Hijoshikina nodded, sensing her reticence. He knew better than to push for more information; Eima was not one to share her thoughts and feelings freely. But even so, he couldn't shake the feeling of curiosity that gnawed at the edges of his mind.

As he settled into his bunk, Hijoshikina couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. The School of the Insane was a dangerous place, full of uncertainty and hidden dangers. But as he glanced over at Eima, he felt a glimmer of hope. In this tumultuous world they inhabited, perhaps there was still room for trust and friendship to flourish. And with Eima by his side, Hijoshikina knew that he had a fighting chance of surviving whatever challenges lay ahead. They say we don't have rights. Hijoshikina said seating next to Eima. And yeat they give us room, a stable shopping area, a supermarket, and place to sleep what is with that

Eima glanced up from her book, her brow furrowed in thought. "It's all just a facade," she replied, her voice low but steady. "They may give us the illusion of freedom, but make no mistake we are still prisoners here."

Hijoshikina nodded in agreement, a sense of frustration simmering beneath the surface. "They dangle these comforts in front of us to keep us compliant," he mused, his tone tinged with bitterness. "But it's all just a means of control."

As they spoke, the weight of their situation hung heavy in the air. Despite the semblance of normalcy provided by their surroundings, Hijoshikina and Eima knew the truth they were trapped in a twisted game with no way out.

"But even so," Eima continued, her voice soft but resolute, "we can't let ourselves be fooled by their illusions. We have to stay vigilant, keep our guard up at all times."

Hijoshikina nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. "Agreed," he said firmly. "We may not have rights in the eyes of our captors, but we still have the power to fight back, to resist their control."

As they sat together in the dimly lit dorm room, a sense of solidarity passed between them. In the face of adversity, they knew that they were stronger together, united in their determination to defy the forces that sought to oppress them. And with that shared resolve burning bright within them, Hijoshikina and Eima prepared to face whatever challenges the School of the Insane had in store.

Plush 3 years. Hijoshikina said looking at her. The may have started we will escape. He said looking at Eima. Also turn the light one this place is dark as hell. He talked pointing at the 7 other light that were not on.

Eima nodded in agreement, her expression solemn but determined. "Three years may seem like an eternity, but we won't let ourselves be held captive here," she replied, her voice echoing Hijoshikina's resolve. "We'll find a way to escape, no matter what it takes."

With a flick of a switch, Hijoshikina illuminated the dimly lit room, casting a warm glow across the space. As the darkness receded, a sense of clarity washed over them, strengthening their resolve to defy the forces that sought to keep them imprisoned.

"We'll need to be smart about it," Hijoshikina continued, his tone thoughtful. "Gather information, form alliances, and bide our time until the moment is right."

Eima nodded in agreement, her gaze meeting Hijoshikina's with unwavering determination. "We'll need to be patient," she added, her voice firm. "But we won't give up until we've found a way out of this place."

As they sat together in the newly illuminated room, a sense of purpose filled the air. In the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, Hijoshikina and Eima were determined to fight for their freedom. And with each passing moment, their resolve only grew stronger, fueling their determination to escape the clutches of the School of the Insane once and for all.

So how many more killing games will they make us do. Eima said to Hijoshikina. I mean what do you think

So how many people did you kill. Hijoshikina said looking at Eima. For me 200 that why I got the death trail. He said looking at her

4. Eima sjad looking at him. They deserved it.

He lapped at that relishing that no one in this school was not a killer, he was sure even Akari has killed a lot of people as well, after all why else was she here with them

Hijoshikina nodded, a grim understanding passing between them. "Sometimes, survival means doing things we're not proud of," he replied, his voice tinged with resignation. "But in a place like this, you do what you have to do to stay alive."

Eima's expression softened, a hint of sympathy in her eyes. "It's a cruel world we live in," she murmured, her voice heavy with regret. "But we can't let ourselves be consumed by guilt. We have to keep moving forward, no matter what."

Hijoshikina nodded in agreement, his gaze meeting Eima's with a shared sense of resolve. "We'll find a way to make things right," he said firmly. "We'll find a way to escape this place and leave our pasts behind us."

As they sat together in the dimly lit dorm room, a sense of camaraderie passed between them. In the face of their shared struggles, Hijoshikina and Eima knew that they were stronger together. And with their shared determination burning bright within them, they prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their quest for freedom.

To be continued

Hope people like this and give me power stone and collect