
Chapter 2

"Huh?" Amai said. "Oh no that was the bell!" Amai thought to herself. Amai ran as fast as she could through the hallway. Eventually she made it into the classroom.


The teacher opens the door. "Well what do we have here...another late student.." the teacher said in an annoyed tone. "Detention during lunch!" The teacher exclaimed as he walked to the board. "You sit next to Eddie." The teacher said. Amai walked over. "Hey Amai." Eddie whispered. "SILENCE!!" The teacher exclaimed. "As for talking in class, you can have another detention after school. Maybe that will teacher you a lesson of not only being later, but also not talk in class." The teacher said in anger. Eddie has growled in displeasure. "What is that I hear?" The teacher asked. Eddie has turned silent. "Good." The teacher said as he faced the board again.

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