
First day in school

For hundreds of years people have coexisted with monster without having any knowledge of it, to an average human this idea was nothing more than fantasy, ware wolves, vampires, witches, creatures captured like dragons, gargoyles and so much more,

The sole purpose of this academy was to train its students to fight against the demons tormenting humanity and going as far as using humans as food, human blood tends to strengthen these demons, basically the more humans they eat the stronger they get.

On a monday morning the fresher student where in class having there usual lectures, when this young man walked in the classroom, with bright skin as without blemish, long flowing hair, his general looks where incredible. "I was just transferred here" he said in a sweet voice looking at the teacher, "have a seat" the teacher replied. He walked straight to the back of the classroom, but this was no ordinary classroom, for it was all vampires from the teacher down to the student's, as it was the lectures continued.

After class was over a girl walked up to him and said "hi there, what's your name?," Liam", said the boy, "I'm Laila, welcome to the school of magic" she said.

Liam was excorted to the boys hostel where he bunked with a Xander, a wild vampire, an odd combination considering the fact that Liam was a boy who didn't seam to have emotions, a vampire with no pity, remorse, kindness, nor love in his heart or so we thought.

The following day the vampires where on recess, students run into the library, no this of course was no ordinary library for it was know to contain books with forbidden spell, the witches where very fond on it.

Laila watched Liam as he went searching through the books "what are you looking for?" she asked, he replied "I'm not sure" then this coven of witches walked up to him, "so you're Liam, not as handsome as I expected" said Tara a level 6 witch, Liam bothered not to reply, "I'm talking to you" she said and Laila gave back "why don't you mind your own damn business" the bad blood between these two went back as far as there parents.

As these two argued Liam sat down net to a low level witch, Diana, Diana's family where know to have produced some of the best witches ever know, and as a cousin to Tara there lineage went as far back to merlin but our Diana for now at least couldn't complete a proper spell.

Dispite Diana hidden beauty she was like a shadow at school general went unnoticed, so she was shocked when Liam sat with her."Hi" he said to her, in a shaky voice "H-H-Hi" she reply avoiding eye contact "you're Diana right?" "mmm yes but how did you know my name?" Liam seamed startled, he looked at her right in the face with his fiery red eyes and said "Year book, I saw you in the year book", "ohh that's right" she replied.they had a complex conversation :

Liam: your level two witch right?

Diana: yes

Liam: I heard you frolic this libery offen

Diana: yes I've red most of these books, can I help you?

Liam: I wanna know where they keep the old books?

Diana:the old book, you mean the books of ancient magic?

Liam: yeah, where can I find them?

Diana: I'm sorry but those books are forbidden, I know where there kept but only a level 8 sorcerer can get in, and there no one here with that power yet.

Liam let out a soft sigh and said "thanks anyways", "but why do you need them" she said "I have my reasons" Liam replied and walked straight out of the library, Diana watch him leave with a confused look in her eyes.

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