
School Of Kings : Book 1

Contemporary Romance
Ongoing · 329 Views
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What is School Of Kings : Book 1

Read School Of Kings : Book 1 novel written by the author Asura_Dragon_Works on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Contemporary Romance stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


At just 15, Emily Austin was already a battle-hardened brawler, honing her skills in illegal underground fighting pits to make ends meet. Known only by her alias "Mir," she was mature beyond her years - and her overdeveloped physique - from the harsh realities of her world. But Emily's gritty life was forever changed when she was snatched abruptly on from her school. She awoke in an opulent castle surrounded by crashing waves, patrolled by armed guards and lethal maidservants. In the study, Emily was met by the imposing lord of the castle, Salvador "El Sombra" Montalvo. The infamous godfather figure revealed himself as Mir's biological grandfather. Though he'd disowned his genius son for eloping with a "lowly" woman, Salvador informed Mir that she was the sole heir to one of the most formidable families on earth. To claim her inheritance, Emily must spend the summer transforming into a lady worthy of the Montalvo dynasty. Come September, she would attend the elite School of Kings alongside scions of the world's most influential lineages. At this cutthroat academy, there was no hiding from enemies. Yet the most vicious threats came not from rivals, but beasts within the castle walls waiting to betray Emily and seize power for themselves. Survival would require mastering her heritage and trusting no one. Emily steeled herself to navigate this lavish but lethal new world. With her street smarts and savage fighting instincts, she was ready to conquer aristocratic intrigues and emerge a true Montalvo successor. This is a world that exists among us but is invisible to those who are not a part of it. A world of constant war, fire, vengeance, betrayal, blood, agony, and pain. It’s the survival of the fittest and losing isn’t an option P.S MC has mismatched eyes but I couldn't produced an Ai image like that so just make a note.

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