
First meet

Eva's p.o.v

It all started on 26 June 2018 my friends and I were returning from our English class and were preparing ourselves for 2 maths period... yeah you heard it right 2 Maths period and I was in a different world all together..... thinking about my future and the person who I would never wanted to meet , just a thought of him I would make me think of my friend Api (bestie) in California. Damn I miss her I would see him because she asked me to update her about his whereabouts...

I just hoped not to see him ..... but as famous proverb goes think of the devil and the devil appears he came walking down the corridor I don't know what happened to me I suddenly turned around and started talking to my friends.

I thought he would have gone to the staff room or for any other cases for teaching and started walking again this was not the ending found him waiting for me on the staircase and what he told me left me baffled....I seriously didn't expect that from him , he preferred remaining silent and had decided to talk only to specific people .

he just told me to meet him after my school and went away.

This was all and I had no feeling so I started you avoid him nothing changed only thing was we never saw eachother that frequently.......

I went to call Rebecca and accidentally pounded on him and just turned around and took an another stairs to call her.... that was stupid right ... I actually was hell nervous about what he told me that day .. I didn't know what he wanted to talk to me ....

Days rolled by there was again no improvement in our relationship......

July 6 2018 , I decided to talk to him ..... it was my birthday I don't know why I wanted him to wish me first I just hoped that he came early to school and wish me . That day I wore a Prussian Blue anarkali my hair tied loose I had 6 boxes of chocolates . Started to distribute them from the ground floor teachers . when I entered in his class I found his chair empty I thought he has not come all my excitement died at that point ..... With a dull face I walked to other classes to distribute .In 9B I saw him sitting there and correcting books so I asked permission and enter the class and went to him as soon as he saw me he had a slight slime on this face surprisingly this action of his created a weird feeling in my gut and I actually gave him a broad smile he stretched out his hand and I really accepted it and he wished me ..... God I miss him... was the first thought that proped on my head...

Then I gave a notice about his appearance he had wore the same navy blue shirt and black pant and had his beard grown a little making him look adorable and dashing and when he smiled I noticed he had a cute dimple being covered by his beard . How I wished that moment to have paused so that I stare at him a little more..! he then says "you have a whole life time to stare at me like that .. later love " I was just stunned for a moment 'wait am I imagining things ' I thought but he surprised me with an answer " ofcourse not silly " ' was that loud ' I thought now I have a doubt that am I really thinking or taking to myself ..... I had no clue he again asked me to meet him after the school ....

Finally with a lot of difficulties I concentrated my class and in school finally left me home so it was time for me to go and meet him to actually know what he wanted tell me .... the most lingered question would be solved as soon as I meet him

I went to his class and found him working so I thought not to disturb him but my stupid heel had already got him out of work .... he called me over to him and handed me a gift and wished me again and sent me off

I came outside the campus and opened the gift and found a letter and a beautiful necklace in had simple pendent and a blaided chain I loved it at the first sight .. but my wonder was what was written in that letter ?? he had strictly told me not for open it until I reach home ..... I don't know. why then I suddenly spot him coming out the campus and gave me smile and gave him the best if the smiles I hid from the people he asked me to wear the chain around my neck to see how I look with that I then asked if he could make me wear it .. I mentally slapped my head for being stupid to my surprise he took the chain from my hand and asked to turn around ....!!! believe me this the shock that I would never want to forget in my lifetime he made me wear it and I turned around and saw him awestruck .... and I laughed at his expression he had on his face

... wait a minute am I really finding him attractive and why does my heart skips a beat when he passes by me.????

That person who had no affect on me surprisingly managed to create a space in my heart , my mind creating a new feeling towards him because I never found him attractive at all I would always ask my friend Api how could she even fall for him...... destiny seperated me and Api and I even stoped updating her and slowly lost touch with her .

want to know the male lead.... it's a surprise guys

Esha24creators' thoughts
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