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We got home by 4pm and I rushed up to my room immediately to freshen up. Oh yeah, you maybe wondering about my dad, well he's out on a business trip with my brother, Christopher. ***

I got dressed up and took out my notes for the day to review, and that was when my mom called for help in the kitchen. I really enjoy cooking because it's much like my favorite subject, chemistry. The utensils are your apparatus, the ingredients are your chemicals, the recipe is your procedure, and the final dish is your result. I so love chemistry.

* * *

Dinner was ready within a few minutes and I took my food up to my room and kept revising on the previous lessons. I took my phone to check the time an lo and behold it was 9:30... "OMG I have school tomorrow" I said to my self. Mom was probably in the study. I checked and found her, then bade goodnight. I put on my pj's and slept off with a drink of a glass of warm milk.

* * *

I got up early the next day. I finished my chores and by 6:30am, I was fully prepared. Mommy was ready too, but I wasn't really surprised because she is an early bird.

"Good morning mom"

"Good morning sweetie, how was your night?" she said then sipped from her mug of coffee.

"It was great mom, thanks. How about yours?

"Great dear, thanks. I can see you're ready early today."

"Yes mom" I said with a big grin on my face

She smiled at me.

* * *

She dropped me off at school and we bade each other goodbye. She would be coming home late today so I have to get home immediately after dismissal.

I was walking down the hall when I heard Emma calling me. I smiled and she came towards my locker. We had a little chit chat then we retired off to class...
