

When school ended, Marcus drove his car far away from the city, to a forest he regularly went to. He left his car, and hiked north. In his right hand, he carried a bag with his true favorite drink-- root beer.

When he finally reached the end of the forest, he saw a cliff, the same one in his dream this morning. He sat down at the edge, the cool wind blowing through his dark brown hair, which had shades of caramel and red mixed in. He opened the root beer, and took a long sip.

"When can I finally replace you?" He asked to seemingly nobody.

"You can replace me when the time is right."

"Shut up, James."


When Marcus was ten years old, he started to talk to himself. When he became twelve, someone would reply. She would call herself 'James Hawkings'. Even though James told Marcus that she was a part of his mind, Marcus had no control over her. She could choose to appear and disappear, reply or not reply. She said whatever she wanted to, even if she was part of Marcus's mind. When she first replied, he was scared beyond reason. Eventually, though, he became used to her constantly reappearing and replying to him.


"When can I actually replace you, though?" He asked, in all seriousness.

"Marcus, we've talked about this before. I'm a part of your mind. Unless you have a brain transplant, there is no way you can replace me."

"Will you go away soon?"

"I won't leave you until you die, and even then, I'll be connected to your soul."

"I met someone interesting today, James."

"More interesting than me?" James asked, lifting an eyebrow.



Marcus's phone rang next to him. He sighed, and James disappeared.

"Pick it up." James said in Marcus's mind.

Marcus silently picked his phone up, and checked the caller ID. It was his uncle.


At his uncle's home...

"Damn this hacker!!!" Genevieve cursed softly. "Just who is he?"

Marcus's cousin, Genevieve, was obsessed with computers. She and her online friends would play "Hacking Games". They would build software, and everyone would take turns trying to hack it. Genevieve was the best hacker and software builder. However, her position was currently being threatened by an unknown player with pink hair and red and gold eyes. The unknown player, who called himself 'King Jellyfish', sent her a text.

'Help me out'

'Why' She texted back.

'I know that you're a fujoshi. I can tell Jared and Marcus that you've been shipping them...'

'And that Jared's on top...'

'Your own cousin is bottom...'

'How did you know that?' She asked.

'Your grandfather told me.'

Genevieve silently swore that she would never tell her grandfather anything fujoshi related ever again.

'Will you help me out or not?'

'Fine. Just don't tell anyone I'm a fujoshi.'

'Alright. I need you to introduce me to Marcus.'


'You don't want everyone to know you're a fujoshi, right?'

'My cousin's more important to me than my reputation.'

'Don't worry. We won't actually meet up. I just want you to give me his number.'

'Will you bully him?'



'It's xxx-xxx-xxxx'


Genevieve sighed and headed downstairs.


"Yes, Genie?"

"Can cousin Marcus come tutor me again?"

He looked suspiciously at his daughter.

"Are you going to make him admit he's gay again?"

"No, dad."



Back at the lonely cliff...

Marcus answered the call.

"Hey, Uncle Ronald!!!" He said cheerily, his eyes cold.

"Do you want to tutor Genie again?"

"Will she make me admit I'm gay again?"


"Then I'm in."

"You'll also be paid."

"How much?"

"Thirty bucks per hour. Half hour on school days, and two hours on weekends."

"That's $195 weekly. Are you sure?"

"Yes. You start today."

"It's Friday night."

"So? I'm paying you."

"Fair enough." Marcus replied, and ended the call.

He headed back down the forest, and ran to his car. He quickly sat down, ready for the new business oppurtunity.

Next chapter