
The Strength I Need

Arthur was currently speeding towards Metropolis, his speed getting faster and faster till he finally broke the speed limit, going at a speed of Mach 1! When he heard that Superman was starting his debut in Metropolis, he could hardly contain his joy. This was Superman, the being that when one says super strength, his picture appears in your mind. He is probably the embodiment of the Strength Force in DC and few beings that have fought with him come out on top without using other means. In terms of pure strength, he's probably the undefeated GOAT, and now he was going to face him. True, he might not be as powerful as his experienced counterpart, but he has spent decades of his life in Earth so he is not particularly weak.

After a few minutes of running, he finally reached the city the alien boy scout was protecting. Arthur was lucky for he could see him currently floating above the Daily Planet, probably talking to his love of his life, Lois Lane, but that wasn't his problem. He grinned with a maniacal smirk before he ripped the hood of a car off, took out its engine and threw it at the Kryptonian. His awareness must have been low because the engine hit his back, sending him flying in the air uncontrollably but just for a few seconds before he stabilized himself then looked at where the engine came from. He frowned when he saw a teenage boy glaring at him with his eyes showing excitement.

"I heard you are the most powerful being in this city!" Arthur said without shouting but he was sure Superman was hearing him quite well. The man floated down to him, not landing but floating a few meters in the air, staring at him.

"I know you," Superman said with a frown. "You're that Metahuman that killed everyone in that prison,"

"Good to know my reputation precedes me. So, you are a hero?" Arthur said as he started manipulating gravitons to make himself fly like Superman, shocking the hero. "What are you going to do about my crime?"

Superman got serious then punched Arthur, a little lightly because he was just a teenager, but the punch was enough to send Arthur flying backwards, only to be stopped by a parked cab that got wrecked beyond recognition. Arthur groaned a little as he got off the mangled car, his eyes looking at Superman who was starting to do his hero speech about how he should give himself up. Before he finished the third word, Arthur appeared in front of him and punched back. Superman was shocked to notice that the punch knocked the wind out of him as he was sent flying away.

He quickly stabilized himself but another punch sent him like a ragdoll in the air. Arthur got hold of his cape, wrapped it around his head then started giving him powerful jabs on his ribs. Superman roared in pain before he burnt the cape off of himself and tried to punch Arthur who slid under the punch and delivered his own on his stomach, sending the hero to the sky. Arthur grinned to himself and was about to follow when Superman speed blitzed him. In a second, he found himself been dragged on the tarmac by a powerful hand before he was punched again, making him create a large crater that definitely destroyed many infrastructure.

"Cooled down yet?" Superman asked as he floated above him, giving him a 'don't be an idiot' look. Arthur started laughing as he got up.

"I was right in coming here. You are the most perfect being to make me become even more powerful," Arthur said and clenched his hands into fists. Superman frowned in displeasure when he saw this and sped towards him then threw a devastating punch. Before the punch could connect, another punch met his and the force of the two created a shockwave that sent destruction everywhere. Superman was shocked of the outcome but then steeled himself and looked at Arthur who was smiling back at him.

"I will make sure I empty every last drop of energy you have!" Arthur said and threw another punch with his other hand.

Superman flew out of the way but he underestimated just how fast Arthur was becoming as another punch hit him right on his chest, sending him sprawling away. He looked at Arthur but his eyes suddenly shrunk and he flew away just as a black sword slashed the air where he was standing. Hovering in the air, he looked at Arthur was now armed with two swords. He started thinking about where he could remove the swords from but Arthur attacked then. Superman could feel almost instinctually that he would be harmed if the swords touched him so he took off to the sky, thinking that he could outmaneuver him with his high experience in flying.

It was a good plan while it lasted. For the first five minutes, Arthur showed just how of an inexperienced flier he was compared to Superman. He could not brake in time, take sharp corner without crashing into buildings or other tall things. Superman was taking this chance to threw a few hits in until five minutes landed and Arthur was suddenly a master in flying. He started chasing Superman around the city, laughing like a mad man each time he punched the hero until the last punch that threw Superman onto the ground.

Arthur glowed as he went to a ten story building where he flew to the fifth floor, shoved his hand into the wall the flew all around it, cutting the building in half. He pushed the upper part with enough force to break it, got below it as it fell. It was heavy, but was manageable. This just shows how much strength Superman had to make him evolve to this level! He flew to the sky, appearing as only as a smudge in the blue sky to normal people. Everyone thought he was actually gone but Superman knew better. With his telescopic vision, he saw Arthur stop at 8000m before he threw the building towards the city. His eyes started glowing red until he saw a Arthur fly past the building, heading straight towards him.

Superman gritted his teeth and took to the sky, flying towards him, winding his punch for an almighty move. When Arthur was in range, he threw the punch, thinking it would blow the teenager back towards the oncoming building and destroy it but his hand went through him. He was stunned by the outcome as Arthur went through him completely and in his stunned state, he could not have foreseen what came next. Arthur was dragging a chain connect to both of his hands behind him and Superman bumped into it. He grinned as he suddenly turned, throwing the chain around him, restricting him completely before getting hold of him.

"I can't believe you fell for that! Good thing you're not Minato," Arthur said then propelled them towards the falling building that was starting to break apart, frightening Superman a little bit for it meant that Arthur threw it with so much force the friction was actually breaking it. His mind quickly went into overdrive and laser beams shot out of his eyes onto the oncoming building. He quickly broke the building into pieces which were quite big but he was glad that crisis was averted.

"Hahaha, how cruel, you destroyed something that would have just made you wince in pain and doomed the people below us to their death!" Arthur laughed, making Superman look down in horror. He saw the pieces of the building fly past them and land in the city below them causing wide spread destruction. His super hearing could pick up the shouts of agony, the squeals of pain and the dying shrieks of the victims as the rubble landed. "Your superior senses must be making everything countless times worse!"

"DAMN YOU!" Superman roared, his sound waves actually breaking the black chain and sending him flying away before he stabilized himself but two laser beams hit his chest, sending him crashing into a building. Superman broke into it too, landing on top of him and started sending punch after punch that caused the building to just crumble and a a crater to start forming below him. Each punch was stronger than the last, making Arthur's evolving of strength and durability to lag behind but that's not the only powers he had. Superman was about to land another powerful punch when Arthur's eyes glowed blue. Superman's eyes widened as he quickly shielded himself with his hands. A blue beam shot out Arthur's eyes, sending Superman to the sky. He stabilized himself before looking at the block of ice that was holding his arms together in shock and fear.

"Ice beams, huh? To counter your laser beams!" Arthur said as he got up. His body was healing at a rapid state and in a second, he was back to tip top shape and beyond. "You're angry, good. Channel that anger, make it grow stronger and give me the strength I need!"

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