

"Where am I" I found myself to be on the floor next to a cup of spilt tea- sulphur? I could smell that poison anywhere. I was hit with the memories of a girl who had a horrible life. I guess I'm now the new Princess Roselyn... who did this to me? I'm going to get to the bottom of this.

I was trying to get up when I heard someone "omg your highness! Thank goodness your not dead I was scared to death", a small, cute woman said.. who is she I thought. "Your highness?" She asked. "Oh- um sorry but what happened" I asked as I pretended to be half unconscious. " Mistress Donna and Miss Daphnia were just here when you fell on the floor.. I though you were dead" she sniffed. I remained silent. "Who are you?" I finally asked dumbfounded. "Oh no- miss it's me Ree your highnesses servent did you forget me?" She quickly replied. "No-no but I seemed to have lost my memories and can't recall anyone" I said truthfully. "His Majesty is going to kill me" She fretted as she helped me onto my bed and left the room.

it felt like ages till someone came to pay me a visit- it was the royal doctor. He gave me a full check up to see if anything was wrong and left. I miss my cat I thought. It seemed as if I was fine but I couldn't help wonder where I was. "Ree?" I called "yes your highness?" She said as she came in "let's go out?" I asked and that was how I found myself wondering the castle grounds trying to get to know my new surroundings.

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