
Scar of Ifrit

The Scar of Ifrit. A massive crevice in the earth, which split the planet in two. It was impossible to see across because the other side was either too far away, or shrouded in a thick fog maybe both. And it was impossible for anyone to see the bottom. No one in the world knew how deep it went or how far across. When man had reached their pinnacle of magical power, but were unaware of the consequences, this was the result. A giant, monster infested canyon that only served to keep civilization divided. When the Scar appears between Daki and his brother Silas, it seemed like all hope was lost. Now Daki must find a way to cross the scar in order to reunite with his brother and a mysterious man. Follow his journey as he delves into the depths to form ever lasting friendships and defeats strange and powerful creatures.

Maizeblu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 4

Taeo had avoided the Cathedral for years. The younger 'him', had always thought it to be some kind of magical place. A place, one of the deities of Ifrit, had a hand in constructing. Intentionally built beside the world's Scar, with the purpose of fixing all of mankind's mistakes, that led to that disaster. He thought that maybe… just maybe those within the guild, those who were a part of it, might eventually be able to right the wrongs of the generation before them. The older 'him' knew better.

Most who joined the Guild, did so only for the wealth and fame they could achieve. No one actually wanted to heal the planet and get rid of the Scar. If they managed that great feat, then all the dungeons which gave birth to rare items, artifacts and gold, would vanish. It was the innate problem with humans. They cared only about getting richer.

And then there was Matthias. He was the reason for Taeo's hiatus from the Guild. As the acting guild leader, most of the rules and regulations about becoming and staying a member were his. Including the rule that stated, 'everyone will eventually venture down.'

Taeo shuddered at the thought. He didn't want to go down into the Scar… ever. There were all manner of beasts down there, from small, cute and harmless creatures, to daemons who wanted nothing more than to feast on the souls of the living. He couldn't risk it. There were people on the surface whom he vowed to protect. He chose to stay in edge and fight off any nasties who decided to make their way to the top. Now however, he had brought Daki here and stood, facing the man who could potentially order them all to their doom.

Matthias looked up from a paper he was holding. At first, his gaze fell onto Daki, a relief short lived. Then the man's glare turned to Taeo. He shivered and took two steps back. "Um…" he said. "You know what Daki?"

Daki looked down at him.

"You can handle the rest on your own, I think…" Taeo turned, but before he could take even one step away, he felt himself being yanked back by the collar of his shirt.

"Where do you think you're going?" Daki asked.

Taeo looked up at Daki who stared back with a furrowed brow. "H-home…" the voice which came from his throat was high and squeaky.

"I don't think so," Daki said. His tone was flat and unconcerned.

Taeo struggled against the man's grip as his feet left the ground. He was placed in front of Daki who was kneeling now, to be on his own level. "Please…" he said, almost pleading to be let go. "I can't be sent down there."

Daki's look softened. He glanced up at Matthias, but when he turned back to Taeo, it was with a look of confusion and a little eagerness. "Down…" he said. "You mean, into the Scar?"

Taeo nodded. "I… brought you here, isn't that enough?"

"I think it's too late for that, my friend."

Taeo started. Matthias was a master of that. Crossing the gap in a large room quickly, with almost no sound. He shook his head. "N-no… no!"

"Oh come now Taeo," Matthias said in his usual, kindly voice. "Don't be like that."

Taeo glared up at him. "I can be like, however I want!"

Matthias stared back with no clear, visible emotions.

Daki stood and placed a hand on the man's shoulder. "Please stop antagonizing my friend," he said.

Matthias smiled at Daki, before turning back to Taeo.

Taeo shrunk down, hiding behind his new friend, hoping that the man would drop it. He knew what Brother Matthias wanted. "The answer is no! I will not be going down there!"

Matthias sighed.

"Besides," Taeo said. "I think Daki has some business with you." Taeo tugged on Daki's overcoat. "Well go on… give it to him!"

Daki shook his head. "Alright… fine," he said. "Mother Margie asked me to deliver this to the Guild, I'm not sure what it says." he fished the folded paper out of one of his deep pockets and handed it to Matthias.

Brother Matthias took the paper and carefully unfolded it. He stood, reading its contents and Taeo watched the man's concerned frown, turn into a wide grin. "Hah!" he shouted.

Taeo jumped back, startled by the sudden laugh.

Daki's eyes went wide, then after a moment, his brow furrowed. "What is it?" he asked.

"It seems to me," Matthias said as he looked up. "That the list I received was correct. Your mentor wants you to join us."

"Join you?" Daki asked.

Matthias nodded. "This letter says that she has taught you all that she is able and the next goal in your life, should be to cross the crevice."

"Cross the crevice…" Daki looked on with a cautious interest.

"No!" Taeo shouted. "Don't do it Daki!"

From the very beginning, adventurers had made it their goal to find a way across, whether it be by air or land. Of course the air thing proved unsuccessful, but they could still climb down. That was where the problem arose however. Most adventurers didn't climb down beyond the first layer and those who did, often did not return. They were lost forever, into the abyss.


"It's… dangerous," Taeo said, putting emphasis on that last word.

"Yeah," Daki said. "I know."

"So… I think what we have here, is a request to let you join us in order to achieve that goal."

Daki nodded.

"And it's lucky for you that we are little short on crevice climbers these days. And that your name just happens to be on my list."



Taeo watched as the man handed the piece of paper to Daki, which he had been pondering over earlier. That list would have everyone in the city on it, who might have the needed skills to take on the monumental task of tackling the Scar and those who put their names down on purpose, in the hopes they might be recruited. Hoping to be recruited however, was just a fool's errand. Those were the adventurers who were less likely to return safely.

Daki pointed to a spot on the paper. "My name is here."

"That it is," Matthias smiled. "And if you didn't put it there yourself, it means that your mentor, Mother Margie, thought you might now be strong enough."

"I see…" Daki said as he handed back the paper. His tone was the tone of someone who might be less than enthusiastic. "It's… not that I'm not grateful to her for looking after me all these years, for teaching me everything that I know. But I… I've been pondering this for a while now and I think I've finally made up my mind on the matter."

Matthias raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"That chasm opened up over twenty years ago," he said. "The only reason I would have to go down… would be to cross and go up the other side." his gaze drifted away from Matthias and around the room, full of the flickering candle light. "To find my brother." his eyes snapped back to Matthias. Daki looked down at Taeo and then shook his head. "But no… I would find it hard to believe he is still alive after all that time."

"Ah," Matthias said. He fell quiet, just staring through the space between Daki and Taeo.

"Good," Taeo said as he stamped his foot. A tiny cloud of dust billowed outwards. He pumped out his chest at that, proud of what he had just accomplished in the immaculate guild hall. "No one should go down there."

"I disagree, Brother Taeo," Matthias said.

"You disagree?" Taeo asked, somewhat surprised. Matthias had never said Taeo's honorific when addressing him… until now. Though he wasn't much better, he supposed. Taeo had a hard time honoring someone he had a strong dislike of. "People go down there and die, Matthias. Adventurers who have nothing to live for other than to… get rich."

"Yes," Matthias said. "That is true."

"Then why do you keep sending them down? Is… that their only purpose? Wouldn't they be better off staying up here, Killing the surface fiends?"



Matthias put up a hand to halt Taeo. "I am sorry, my friend. But yes, there will be those who seek only riches. Daki however, is not one of them. Are you?"

Daki shook his head. "No," he said. "But I haven't agreed to join you yet."

"I don't think you have a choice," Matthias said. "I'll let you read it if you want. But basically, this states that Mother Margie does not want you to return. She'll curse the soil you stand on, let the rain over you be acid, the sun burn out your eye sockets, the moon-"

Daki sighed, exasperated. "Fine…" he said. "Fine!"

"So… you will join us?"

"Daki, if you join the Guild, then you're out of your mind!"

"I know," Daki said. He shrugged as he eyed Margie's note. "But what other choice do I have? Mother would and has said similar things like that in the past. I… I mean she… doesn't want me to return until I find my brother, so I don't have anywhere to go at the moment."

Like a conniving little villain, Matthias rubbed his hands together. "Excellent!" he said. "Then I guess we should start."

"Start with what?"

Taeo slammed his face into the palm of his hand. "You really had to ask that, didn't you?"

"Your initiation," Matthias clarified.

Daki looked down at him, as if he was surprised, but Taeo just shook his head. "Yes! It's something… everyone here is asked to do, before they can officially crevice climb."

"But I thought…"

Matthias shook his head. "Relax," he said. "All you have to do is defeat the crevice monster of my choosing."

"Really?" Daki asked. "Is that all?"

Taeo knew from his own experience with the beasts, that it was a bit more nuance than that. Upon joining, he was forced to go through a very similar situation. But instead of it being Matthias who summoned the creatures, it was someone else. He shuddered at the thought of being almost helpless again.

Matthias snapped his fingers.

Taeo stared at Daki who appeared to be completely unaware of the massive shadow forming behind him. It formed into the shape of a wolf and then split into two wolves. As the creatures materialized from what appeared to be thin air, he could feel the warmth from their breath. One white and once black, balance and chaos in their respective, physical forms.

"There are two of you," Matthias said. "So I thought it might be fitting to have you fight two of them."

Taeo crossed his arms and tapped his foot. "And what makes you think I am going to fight?"

"You really do not have a choice Taeo," Matthias said. "I intend to send both of you together, so I need to make sure you are both up to the task."

He scowled at the man. "And if we aren't?"

Matthias sighed. "Then I guess you would need more training."

A low rumble came from the white wolf's throat as it began to circle them both. It barked angrily at Daki, her breath buffeting his hair, under that large hat. Daki stood still, with one eye on the beast. He didn't appear to be fazed at all, by their sudden appearance. The black wolf however, seemed unconcerned with what was happening and just sat, watching.

The female stopped in front of him and sniffed. She opened her giant, wide maw with a mouth full of daggers. A maniacal grin. She licked her lips and leaned in close to him.

"Oh sure," Taeo said in his more sarcastic sounding voice. "I'm sure you would love it if I, the hare, were on the menu!"

She lowered herself, as if she were ready to pounce.

Taeo drew a small dagger from his belt and slid one foot back. "Too bad," he said. "I am not food!" he lept into the air.

The she wolf followed, fangs bared.

Daki let out his own growl. "I'm ready too!" he shouted. "Bring it!"

For anyone who might be interested, I have a Discord which is available to everyone and a few extra chapters will be available for free on the Patreon! If you enjoy this story, then please feel free to leave a comment and similarly if you have any edit suggestions!

Discord: https://discord.gg/JRq3k9rG

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/maizeblu

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