
Scammer is Sentenced to Death and Becomes the King

Fringe comes back to his hometown, the city of Tormes, after travelling around the continent for years performing all sorts of scams, only to get caught on his first day by the city's knight Elizabeth earning him a death sentence. Can a professional scammer become a decent city lord? Of course not, and it's hilarious!

NanaiSensei · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Death row and a cute girl

The day my death sentence was to be carried out was also my first time having a proper meal.

I don't know who invented the tradition of offering an inmate sentenced to death a last dinner, but I certainly owe to him my life.

The enticing aroma of a well done beef in front of me made my mouth water in anticipation. I've been stuck in the death row for over two weeks now and the only reason I'm still alive is because everytime they placed food in front of me I rejected it.

On the first day, the guard brought me a loaf of bread and a piece of burnt meat which I recognized to be rat's. Of course I wouldn't eat that!

"Hey! why are you not eating? it looks so good It was hard for me to bring your plate here without grabbing a bite for myself"

"Meh, I don't want to ruin my taste with this, but if you feel like it you can have it"

The guard, obviously, rejected my offer and left the place.

Next morning they offered me a bowl of stew, it was thick and murky, I couldn't tell what was in there. At least until I stirred it and...

"Oh! isn't this the same rat as yesterday?"

The guard didn't even look at me and whistled a tune awkwardly.

"No it's not"

"Then I assume you don't mind giving it a taste..."

The guard frowned and left hurriedly.

How can they be so stupid to believe they'll be able to trick me into eating that crap. Me! a professional scammer!

Day after day they tried to get me to eat something, they went from throwing rat meat into my face to offering me healthy meals. Then, even the lord's personal chef cooked for me and I rejected every single meal.

One day, the chef came himself over to my jail cell, enraged and screaming at me.

"Why don't you eat the food I prepare!? Are you saying my cooking is not good enough even for a small time delinquent like you!?"

He screamed and cried pulling his own hair, but I remained unfazed.

"You said it yourself"

"I'm going to KILL you!!!"

He screamed and pounced at me, It was the first time I was glad to be behind bars. Being so hungry, it was really hard for me to refuse eating. I declined his dish just because as soon as I eat it I would be hanged. I could even see the gallows from my cell, in fact, the only reason why this jail has a window is so prisoners sentenced to death can see the gallows.

"You can't kill me, you would have to feed me first and I'd rather eat horse shit!"

The chef turned red in pure anger and even the guards had a hard time trying to contain him. After a while they took him outside kicking and screaming.

And that leads to today's meal. Everything was going according to my plan, it wasn't a good plan since it only prolongued my life, but as soon as I see a chance to escape I'll take it. Or that's what I thought, but not even in my wildest dreams could I have imagined what would happen next.

"Yo Tom! what inedible crappy dish have you brought me today?"

"Hey Fringe! no dish today"

He shrugged as he opened the door to my cell. 'Could it be possible?' 'Am I really going to be set free?' a glimpse of hope rushed through my body.

It vanished as soon as Tom, the guard I got to know better after my two week stance on this lovely prison cell, put me in shackles and guided me out of the dungeon.

"Hey, are you serious? are they really going to kill me without even a proper meal?"

I said anxiously, but he remained silent.

Just as I was about to lose hope, he led me into the keep's dining hall.

The table was set with silverware and the finest plates I could ever imagine, there were many dishes lying in front of me, including the aforementioned well done beef, and there was even a wine glass and a clear water bottle. Needless to say, I've never in my life drank clean water, all I could afford was to get water from the well just like any other citizen.

A couple of musicians started playing music turning a fancy room into a complete dream experience.

At the other side of the long table was sitting the lord of the city, a fat man well known for his incompetence, and standing behind him, his personal chef and a gorgeous blond female knight in plate armor.

I would totally fall for her if I didn't know better.

"Now, they tell me you've been rejecting the food they offered everyday and you have been starving for two weeks, correct?"

"That's correct"

I nodded, still in shackles.

"If it was me, I would've simply dispossed of you, but it seems you've hurt my chef's self esteem so badly he can't focus on his job anymore and I'm stuck with his whining all day. Now, eat to your heart's content and let's get this over with so my chef can concentrate on his job and prepare my food properly"

The city lord waved his hand.

"You don't expect me to eat in shackles, do you?"

I lifted the manacles to show them how restrained I was.

"Whatever, just don't forget this place is filled with guards and we even have a knight"

He nodded at Tom, who proceeded to remove my shackles.

I sat on the chair with my mouth watering, my stomach grumbling in anticipation and the fear of death completely overshadowed by my hunger.

"This is not a simple meal, it's a last wish meal. There are four courses and you'll experience the pleasure of my masterpiece dessert!"

The chef smirked, completely confident that I won't reject the food despite knowing it'll be my last meal, because as soon as I finish eating I'd be hanged. And he was correct, meat cooked to perfection, vegetables so colorful I've never seen in my life, fresh fish and fancy dishes I can't even name were placed in front of me. How could I possibly reject this?

I gulped down my saliva and, just as I was about to start eating the first bite a guard entered the room in a hurry.

"Terrible news my lord! The royals have sent an emissary to check on our lands!"

"Don't be disrespectful, don't you know how to knock? we just need to bribe them like always"

"The emissary they sent is the royal knight Rosaura!"

The city lord looked displeased, but he was eager to dismiss the situation.

"Fine, we'll just try to prepare an excuse or something, when are they arriving?"

"They're here already! we're trying to buy time but she can get here any minute now!"

The city lord turned pale as a ghost, no, as if a ghost had seen a devil!

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Why is my councilor not here? call him inmediately!"

"I-I'm deeply sorry my lord, but he ran away"

The guard stuttered

"He did what!?"

Then, the city lord ran across the room from side to side not knowing what to do.

"Elizabeth! why do you think they came?"

"They most certainly came here to sentence you to death, my lord"

"What!? but why!?"

"Theft, bribery, tax evasion, taking advantage of your position for personal gain, royal funds embezzlement, should I go on?"

Every word pronounced by the young knight were like invisible daggers stabbing him, she only stopped when he was almost fell to the floor.

"No, I mean, why did they come now?"

"It must be because of the upcoming war, they need to dispose of corrupt leaders and nobles"

"Will you fight for me Elizabeth?"

The fat lord crawled to the knight's feet.

"Impossible, my lord, I wouldn't dare to lift my arms against the crown. I've taken an oath after all"

Perhaps trying to assess the degree of sympathy she had for him, he asked again.

"But, without that oath, you would, right?"

"No, my lord, I would simply do my job and assist the royal knight"

Losing all hope, the lord pondered for a few seconds and stood up. He patted his clothes and looked into the distance.

"That's exactly what I need to do too, my job! I'll go to my chambers to prepare for my fate. Don't let anyone in until I'm ready"

The lord walked ceremoniously to his room and closed the door.

"He's not coming back, you know?"

I said.

"Wash your mouth before speaking ill of our lord, a mere street dog like you should know his place!"

She replied with a cold glare. Then I pointed towards the window.

"Perhaps your dear lord forgot this window has clear view of his room"

The city lord peeked outside the window, dropped a sack filled with coins and valuables, then started climbing down using bed sheets tied to one another. Elizabeth's expression stiffened, then I continued.

"You have to give it to him, he's quite agile for his weight"

Then a loud bang noise was heard, so, he wasn't that agile after all.

"This is bad, this is bad, this is really really bad!"

The knight started mumbling.

"Calm down, it's not that bad, they won't catch him, the royals will appoint a new city leader and that's it"

"You're wrong! this is really bad, if the city lord flees who will be responsible for his crimes?"

"Not it!"

I said quickly and Tom followed suit.

"Not it!"

Elizabeth turned pale and ran across the room not knowing what to do.

Suddenly, the dinning hall double doors were blasted open and the most stunning, beautiful woman I've seen in my life entered. She too was a knight, but there was no comparison with Elizabeth, the royal knight was on a league of her own.

"Where is the city leader!?"

Royal knight Rosaura asked angrily.

"Over there, ma'am"

Tom and Elizabeth said in chorus while pointing at me.

I hope you guys enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it!

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