
Prolog: the thoughts of our god

"You know looking back i never knew why i made this world i wacth it yes and do take care of it kind of... but others help so we all take care of it. Its just why did i forget that i made them like this." "Its always so fun to see them change or what was it agian oh yea "shift" thats right i made all of them of the essence of magic."

"None of that rigid clay bullshit so there soul can change shape but i never imagined it would be reached into this far i mean its almost like he has become something new its so fascinating." "But where did i put the list again i need to see what he is.... *Rummaging* *Rummaging* *CRASH* *MREWAAAWWW* *BOOM* *WILLIAM SCREAM*

"There it is ok ok ok lets seeeeee.... ahhhh ha hes a Gronarc the mountain Sentinel."

Physical Traits:

Gronarcs are imposing figures, standing taller and broader than most other orcish subraces, with an average height ranging from 7 to 8 feet. Their most distinctive feature is their thick, stone-like skin, which varies in hue from deep grey to shades of granite and basalt, providing them with natural armor against both the elements and their enemies. This rugged exterior is complemented by dense, powerful muscles, granting them extraordinary strength and endurance. Their eyes, often a piercing shade of silver or steel blue, reflect their resilience and unyielding spirit. Gronarcs possess a mane of coarse hair, typically kept long and tied back, which ranges in color from dark grey to black, often streaked with white or silver as a sign of age and wisdom.

Culture and Society:

Gronarcs are master craftsmen, with a deep reverence for the mountains they call home. Their society is structured around clans, each led by a chieftain and a council of elders, who govern based on strength, wisdom, and skill in craftsmanship. The heart of Gronarc culture lies in their forges, where they work metals and stones from the mountains into weapons, armor, and artifacts of unparalleled quality. Their architectural prowess is evident in their settlements, which are carved into the mountainsides or built from stone, designed to withstand avalanches, earthquakes, and sieges.

Gronarcs are known for their stoicism and a strong sense of honor. They value hard work, discipline, and loyalty to their clan above all else. Despite their formidable appearance and warrior prowess, they are not quick to anger or violence, preferring to resolve disputes through negotiation and, if necessary, ritual combat that emphasizes honor and restraint.

Religion and Beliefs:

The Gronarcs worship the mountain deities, ancient spirits they believe reside within the peaks and stones. These deities represent the fundamental aspects of their lives: strength, endurance, and craftsmanship. Rituals and offerings are made in natural caverns turned into sacred shrines, where the Gronarcs seek guidance, protection, and blessings for their endeavors.

Relations with Other Races:

Gronarcs are generally isolationist, due to their remote mountain habitats and self-sufficient nature. However, they are respected by neighboring races for their craftsmanship and martial strength. Gronarcs trade with other races, offering their forged goods and expertly crafted stonework in exchange for resources not found in the mountains. While slow to trust outsiders, once an alliance or friendship is formed, it is held in the highest regard, and the Gronarcs are steadfast allies.

Unique Abilities:

Beyond their natural resilience and strength, Gronarcs are adept at manipulating stone and earth, a skill that is both a part of their daily life and their combat strategy. They can shape stone with their bare hands, creating tools, weapons, and sculptures with remarkable precision. In battle, they can cause the ground to tremble, summon stone barriers for protection, or craft weapons from the earth itself.


The greatest challenge facing the Gronarcs is the dwindling resources of their mountain homes, as mines run dry and forests on lower slopes are depleted. Additionally, their isolationist tendencies sometimes leave them vulnerable to external threats that require a more united front.

"That would explain why hes almost a silver now i bet you he became a metal form man I love how i made this place Why don't I look at it more"