
The confrontation

Cassy got down from the cab in front of a grand building. The reception lobby glass walled looked majestic as there were a great deal of trophies and statues of great sportsmen and women lined along the walls of the entrance. It was natural as the Raisun group owned many local as well as international sports agencies the sponsored for great sportsmen for various sports and also sponsored many young talented students from around the world in the area of sports. It also excelled in the line of sports accessories and in the business of nutrition supplements for sportspersons.

Cassy reached the receptionist, "I am Cassandra. I would like to meet Mr. Peterson. Would you please tell me where I can find him?"

The receptionist took one glance of her and hurriedly called from the near by phone and said, " Where would I find Mr. Peterson?"

She gave a curt nod replaced the phone turned to Cassy and said, " Mrs. Peterson, you will find him in the artificial golf course. It is in thee third floor to the right side by the fifth lift here." She pointed to the nearby lift.

Cassy did not mind thanking her and hurried of in a rage toward the lift. Sarah who understood the situation ran along with Cassy to the lift. The lift stopped at floor three where Cassy got off along with the others from the lift. She entered through the door which was boarded Golf range 6. The room inside was a little dark. There was a couch on which 3 well-dressed women and 2 suited up men sat with their legs crossed while she saw Justin swinging his club the hit the golf ball to a projected screen that rated his shot. The screen instantly showed a ball flying high in air and landing right next to the hole. With another single touch of the ball in front of him the ball in the projected screen rolled a little and fell in side the hole. The room that had been silent until now broke into an applause. The crowd in the room stood and one of the men shook hands with Justin and said, " You have a style Justin. You techniques are unique and you really are a man of your word. I am immensely pleased to sign this deal with you. We gave you three but you made sure it was done in two. You really know how to gain our trust." All the people in the room were smiling brightly. " Your trust is our strength Mr. BridsmiliI really look forward to making this project a grand success." He noticed Cassy witnessing the whole scene. He came near her with a smile and said, "Oh my dear, did you miss me? It is a good thing you came by. I just finalised a really great deal here with Mr. Bridsmilil. Come with me I will introduce you to him." He grabbed her hand softly and lead her to the group. The man Justin had shook hands with was a really old man with a white short beard. He smiled brightly at her. Justin said, "Let me introduce to you all my wife Cassandra. She is the co founder of the Snowstar group of companies." Mr. Bridsmilil extended his hand for a shake which Cassy took with confidence. HconfidencI would be a fool if I did not know her. The amazing work she had done to bring up the company in a short span of time is well known among us industrialists. Its an honour to meet you lady." Cassy smiled wide suppressing her anger. Next to him was Sarah's husband, who worked as a PA for Justin. He gave a curt nod on noticing Cassy.

Justin looked at his watch and said, "Oh, I just realised I had taken up more than the time you had allotted me. Its almost lunch. Let us proceed to lunch now."

"We appreciate your kindness Mr. Peterson. But we really have to leave now. I will treat you with dinner once the contract is signed. I have to go out of country today. So, for now the dinner plan is poscontrd."

"That's a pity. My personal assistant will contact you when the necessary documents are ready. Thank you for your visit."

Both the gentleman shook hands and Justin's PA walked the rest of the company out leaving only Cassy and Justin in the dark room. She looked at him. Just in avoided eye contact with Cassy. He grabbed his coat that he had removed to play his game and headed to the door. Cassy walked to block his way forcing him to look at her. They stood very close to one another that they could feel each other's breathing. Justin backed out and turned towards the couch and sat on it.

He then looked at her and said, " So, why did you come here? Wanted to cause yet another havoc here? That was a good show of act there that you gave at the meeting. Now that I look at you, you seem to be all fine to come up and cause another scene here. Calling me a fraudster. What a funny joke." He turned to the other side and gave a smirk.

The man who had been sweet just a moment before had disappeared. The man who was standing in front of her now was a man filled with arrogance. He was a thief who had stolen her company.

"This cold-hearted bastard" she thought to herself. Her tears vanished. She would not cry any more she thought to herself. This is revenge time. Cut the diamond with a diamond.

"Oh... honey why would you say that? I was really sick until right now. I just came to make sure you had eaten." She said with a cute face and puppy.

"Oh.. my dear wife. I still have a lot of work to do at the Snowstar head quarters. I have to remodel the building and get rid of the old staff and appoint new ones. I am really too busy at the moment. You should go and eat first." He said with a innocent face.

" No. You are not doing that to my company. What do you want? Why are you doing this me and my company?" Cassy asked with an angry tone. She was suppressing her tears now.

Justin looked at her. " Why are you the only one to ask me questions? I would like to ask you many. But I am sure you have no convincing answers."

Cassy's expression changed to a puzzled look. This was the first time Just time had ever tried to make a valid conversation with her after her wedding. He was not threatening her nor was he blackmailing her.

"Ask away. I will answer them."

" Why did you want to marry me in the first place? Why did you try to stop the wedding? Just answer these two questions."

She knew he would ask her the questions. If only he had understood her he would never have asked these questions. He never tried to understand her. Not even once."

Justin looked at her. He wanted answers. He desperately needed them to soothe his heart.

Cassy eyes turned blank. Justin could not recognize her thinking. He wanted her to say out loud what she was thinking.

"And should I consider what you had done to me a revenge for hurting you?"

Justin's eyebrows rose in both surprise and disgust. He knew she would not answer him. He gave her a chance. She blew it. Now she will pay.

With a blank look and with at most coldness replied, " I knew you had a high IQ to guess right. You do not own any company now. So I think there is no need of you to act like a boss. I assume you have already moved in at my apartment. You will do as I say, listen to me and act. You will stay there unless you don't want to see your company vanish in thin air. From now on you are forbidden from having any powers that directly apply to the workings of the Snowstar. It will from now on be regarded under my authority since you have signed the agreement to make it mine. Any direct decisions that are made by you will come under my consideration before implementation. And if by any chance i choose to deny any such proposal my decision will be considered final. All your personal and professional life will be monitored and remember this Cassandra if you choose to give me hard time, you choose to see your company gone."

He stood up from his couch, came near her very close that he could feel her breathing. He made eye contact with her that made a chill run down her spine. He then moved his face closer to her ear and wispered, " You chose to experience hell. I will not disappointed you."

Cassy froze where she stood. He reached out to the door knob opened it inward pushing her to bump on his hard chest. She looked up into to his eyes. They were never this scary before. A tear drop rolled down her cheek, embarrassed she pushed him away hard, opened the door and sprinted out.

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