
Savior in the DC Universe

John traversed into the vast DC Universe. Seeing the criminals revel in their chaos, John, dedicated to punishing evil and promoting good, felt powerless. Fortunately, his missions to punish evil came with rewards. Everything began with the vampires... Defeat and strip the abilities of the vanquished! Until one day, a Marvel dimensional cover appeared before John, and he suddenly realized that perhaps it wasn't he who chose the dimension, but the dimension that chose him! ... Strip abilities and fuse corresponding concepts. The God of Vampires: The origin of all vampires! The War Knight: The pinnacle of human limits? The Fallen Angel: Impossible to be anchored! ... ??? : Omniscient and omnipotent... Years later, the brilliance of the Judgement Council pierced through the concept of the multiverse! [Raw: 美漫:从血族开始的救世主]

Zaelum · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 12

Outside a dimly lit grocery store, several robed figures swiftly moved through the darkness, accompanied by low growls, like wild beasts.

Abraham led the group with a determined expression, heading towards the grocery store, followed by Ephraim and the others.


Jim's face was filled with terror as he noticed a vampire peeking out from the darkness.

Its pale face and bloodstained mouth indicated it had just feasted.

With a roar, it charged like a swift leopard. However, a sword gleamed, and Abraham drew a shining sword from his cane, beheading the vampire in one swift motion, to the amazement of everyone.


Ephraim and the others looked in disbelief at the elderly Abraham, whose agility belied his age.

As the grocery store door opened, Abraham's sharp gaze scanned the surroundings.

He noticed something unusual.

Thud! Thud!

He knocked on the shelves hard.

Abraham's stern gaze fell upon two people cowering in a corner.

"What are you doing hiding here?"

"Sir, there's a monster over there!"

One of the store clerks pointed fearfully.

The next moment, Jim, at the back of the group, screamed and fell to the ground as a vampire emerged from nowhere, slashing his hand with a long tendril.

Despite his attempt to dodge, he couldn't completely avoid it.


Ephraim rushed to pull his friend behind him, and just as the vampire lunged again, a spear pierced its head.

Vasiliy appeared, carrying an ultraviolet lamp, his eyes scanning the group, pausing slightly on Abraham.

"Are you here to find weapons too?"

Ephraim's attention was on Jim, who was now pulling out a wriggling worm from his hand. Vasiliy, recognizing the infection, gripped his spear tightly.

Ephraim hurriedly moved Jim to a display table, laying him down.

"Perform surgery now!"

He looked firmly at Nora, and the two quickly gathered the necessary tools from the shelves.

Abraham gripped his silver cane tightly, watching the terrified, sweating Jim.

With the help of the two medical experts, they removed the wriggling worms. Jim looked gratefully at Ephraim, thanking him repeatedly.

"Thank you... thank you!!"

Tears filled his eyes. Despite his grave mistake, Ephraim hadn't given up on him, leaving Jim feeling deeply conflicted.


Ephraim sighed in relief. Under the ultraviolet light, Jim's injured hand showed no abnormalities.

Nora also smiled in relief.

However, Abraham's gaze remained fixed on Jim's face. Vasiliy approached, shining the ultraviolet light on Jim's face.

The scene froze everyone. Nora covered her mouth, tears streaming down her face.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Jim's face twitched. Realizing something was wrong, he picked up a mirror and looked at his reflection.

Tiny worms crawled under his skin.


Jim cursed softly.

"Jim, don't give up. We'll start from the head!"

Ephraim said gravely, looking at his old friend with deep sorrow.

Vasiliy pushed Ephraim aside, turning Jim around and lifting his shirt.

Nora closed her eyes in pain as countless tiny worms wriggled under Jim's skin.

"Fuck... fuck!!!!"

Ephraim tore at his hair in a frenzy.

"Kill... me!"

Jim put his shirt back on, forcing a smile, and looked at his friend with a feigned calm.

"Don't let me become a monster, Ephraim! And... I'm sorry. If you can, please take care of my wife."

Tears welled up in Jim's eyes as he looked at Ephraim's pained face.

"No, no!"

Ephraim closed his eyes, repeating the word.

The next moment.


A gunshot rang out, and everyone looked in shock at Vasiliy, who stood with the smoking gun.

"Fuck! What are you doing?" Ephraim angrily shoved Vasiliy against the wall.

"That guy was doomed. Didn't you hear his plea?" Vasiliy looked firmly at the frenzied Ephraim.

As Ephraim was about to punch Vasiliy, he was pulled away.

"Now is not the time for infighting!"

Abraham scolded, glancing appreciatively at Vasiliy.


Ephraim rubbed his hair furiously, embraced by Nora.

"You're a good warrior!" Abraham said to Vasiliy.

However, the gunshot seemed to have attracted nearby vampires.


Low growls shifted everyone's attention. They looked nervously at the approaching vampires.

Suddenly, with the sound of bricks breaking, the wall above the grocery store collapsed. Two vampires fell, pinning two clerks to the ground.

Abraham and Vasiliy charged forward, while Ephraim and Nora searched the shelves for weapons.


The glass door shattered as more vampires rushed in. However, Vasiliy illuminated the entrance with strong ultraviolet beams, holding two UV spotlights.

"Hurry! We can't stay here. We need to get out!"

Abraham pulled the silver sword from a vampire's head, panting, and led the way out.

Outside, the scene made his face darken.

Ephraim and the others followed, despairing at the surrounding vampires.

Their eyes glowed red, with flesh hanging from their cheeks, revealing long tendrils, making them look particularly terrifying.

Abraham's face was solemn as he looked towards a dark corner.

"Abraham? The old man is still so sharp!"

Eichhorst, in a neat suit, emerged from the shadows, his eyes glowing red, a cruel smile on his face.

"Even from afar, I could smell your rotten stench!"

Abraham watched his decades-old adversary with deep concern.

"Today, you and your new helpers will die here, just like before!"

Eichhorst eyed Vasiliy holding the UV lights, swallowing the remaining blood in his mouth.


As everyone despaired, Vasiliy laughed aloud.

"Today, I'm not alone!"

Vasiliy's composure unnerved the seemingly triumphant Eichhorst.

The next moment, as if to confirm Vasiliy's words, a vampire was blasted away like a cannonball.

Its head landed on the ground. In the crowd's astonished eyes, a figure in a black trench coat and a Western hat appeared before them.

Seeing the figure, Eichhorst's arrogant expression changed, and he vanished in a blur...

(End of Chapter)