
Saving Zhu Zhuqing from the start

In Douluo, I met Zhu Zhuqing at the beginning… I thought i had reached the pinnacle of life. Unexpectedly, this is just a start. Ning Rongrong, Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong, and Gu Yuena came one after another. But I really just wanted a quite life, I don’t want to be encountered by a goddess again! .................................................... I am not the author of this. I am translating this chapter by chapter so even I don't know what is going to happen in the story. The picture is not mine. .....................................................

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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293 Chs

Chapter 100

The door of the imperial palace was opened wide.

In addition to the prince Xue Xing whose face looked seventy or eighty percent similar to Xue Ye, there was also a tall and thin old man who entered the hall along with him.

Poison Douluo, why is he here too?

This is the doubt that rose in everyone's mind.

"Emperor brother, I didn't summon you into the palace. Is there anything important for you to come here?"

Emperor Xue Ye asked lightly.

When bad people come, the good won't happen... Qian Renxue also frowned secretly.

Of course, her worries are not too much. Prince Xue Xing is definitely the most favorable supporter of Xue Beng. Dugu Bo has been supported by Xue Xing for many years.

Today, the three giants who supported Xue Beng are all here.

Qian Renxue suddenly felt stressed. Isn't this to suppress me?

Although there is still the Seven Treasure Glass Sect behind her, her teacher is not here now.

Moreover, Ning Fengzhi was only recently prepared to go all out to support her. Otherwise, all of Prince Xue Xing's and Prince Xue Beng's support would have been swept away.

Haa, my plan is still too hasty. If only I could ask Mr. Lin how to deal with Xue Xing's problem.

You need to know, Xue Ye trusts this younger brother extremely, not only has he given him great power, even the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy is under the control of Xue Xing.

This is an extremely important position.

After all, there are several powerful Spirit Doulous in Heaven Dou Academy, as well as countless high, medium, and low-level spirit masters.

This is the backbone of the empire.

Controlling them is equivalent to mastering the present and future of the Heaven Dou Empire.

The atmosphere in the hall was a bit solemn for a while.

But one person was extraordinarily relaxed. It is Xue Beng.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It must be that my uncle was worried about me and came here to support me. I have to say, it's good that he came, I can strike back now.

Moreover, his uncle is prudent in doing things, so he was afraid of being unsuccessful, so he brought Poison Douluo with him.

This time I'll see how Qian Renxue responds to this.

Thinking about it, he looked at the 'prince elder brother' with a smug look in his eyes.

At this moment, Xue Xing knelt down. "Xue Xing is here today for two things."

"Oh?" Xue Ye was startled. "Let's talk about it."

However, Xue Xing's next words fell in the ears of Qian Renxue, Xue Ye, and Xue Beng like thunder.

"The first thing is that Xue Xing is getting older, and I implore His Majesty to take back control of the Heaven Dou Royal Academy."

What! ?

What does he mean?

You are only over fifty, you are still young.

Qian Renxue and Xue Ye never thought that the other party would even make such a statement.

Xue Beng is even more stunned.

Uncle is not crazy, right... Abandoning Heaven Dou Royal Academy is tantamount to abandoning half of one's own power.

No, it's not right.

Uncle can't be so reckless, there must be a reason.

Calm..... Be Calm....

Xue Beng kept admonishing herself.

Suddenly, a line of thought flashed in his eyes as he thought of a possibility.

Does uncle want to support me vigorously now?

He threw himself out so that he could recommend me to control the Heaven Dou Royal Academy?

It must be so! This is paving the way for me.

Obviously, it wasn't just him who thought this way, even Qian Renxue also thought of this possibility. Her expression right now is extremely complicated.

After a brief astonishment, Emperor Xue Ye returned to his majestic appearance.

"The emperor wants to know who do you think should be in control of Heaven Dou Royal Academy."

Father, you knowingly asked this. He must have definitely choosed me... Xue Beng had already straightened up at this time, waiting for Xue Xing to burst out his name, and then Emperor Xue Ye would order the edict to be sealed.

But the next moment, he stiffened.

Holding his shirt tightly with both hands, he couldn't think anymore.

He just listened Xue Xing saying: "His Royal Highness has both ability and political integrity. Who in the whole country does not talk about 'Prince of Benevolence and Righteousness'? No one except His Royal Highness can do anything about such an important position!"

Ah this?

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Qian Renxue looked at Xue Xing incredulously. Is he recommending me? Isn't this digging a hole for himself?

However, Xue Xing gave Qian Renxue a sincere smile but in his heart he felt extremely bitter.

Just this morning, Poison Douluo came to find him and his intention is very clear, Xue Beng offended the big shot and made him very angry.

Anyone can be emperor, but Xue Beng can't be the Emperor.

Otherwise, he would kill him and Xue Beng with a breath of poisonous gas.

That's right, it's that simple and rude.

But it worked extremely well.

He will not have the slightest suspicion.

The situation is better than others where they are never given an option and are directly killed.

Dugu Bo nodded secretly, this guy is still thinking with his brain.

He kept remembering the dinner that day. Lin Yan looked at Xue Beng and there was undisguised disgust in his eyes.

And any person who makes the big boss unhappy, he naturally can't let him jump around. Poison Douluo who had taken so many benefits for nothing from Lin Yan knew that it was time to solve some problems for the boss.

After discussing with Ning Fengzhi, this plan was finalized.

If you want to step on it, he will never turn over.

Undoubtedly, Lin Yan's attitude towards prince Xue Qinghe is good, and naturally he became the best candidate for them to act against Xue Beng.

And when the plan was implemented it went surprisingly smoothly.

Thinking about it in the face of absolute strength, the change of the throne is just a matter of words.

Kill if you refuse, that's all.

"Uncle, you are..." Xue Beng's expression was blank.

The hall looked like a day with heavy rain to him, as even his uncle didn't seem to love him anymore.

My last happiness is gone.

However, Xue Xing didn't even look at Xue Beng. This hapless nephew has disheartened his right from the first glance.

"What about the second thing?"

"The second thing, let me talk about it. I want to be a member of the Heaven Dou Empire. I don't know what your Majesty thinks about it?"

Dugu Bo Yan said in a clear and concise manner.

The Great Emperor Xue Ye was a bit stunned at first later immediately a smile finally appeared on his face.

"Haha, of course this is a great thing. I will announce it to the world soon."

You need to know, a Titled Douluo becoming a member of the royal family and just being an elder are two different concepts.

Not to mention that Dugu Bo is so strong.

"This matter ends here, brother, take Xinghe to get acquainted with the process of the administration of the kingdom. I think he has grown up. After the Soul Master Competition, prepare for the ceremony of succession to the throne!"

As soon as this statement came out, the face of Xue Beng became similar to that of ashes. He knew that the emperor's balancing act played by the emperor has been broken.

The scale of victory tilted towards the prince. I am a loser.

Qian Renxue didn't expect Emperor Xue Ye to make such a promise.

At the same time she felt excited, there is also a kind of dreamlike feeling that this is all not true.

I carefully planned for many years regarding major events. It's so simple and easy to achieve! ?

But when she saw Dugu Bo's seemingly nonchalant smile at her, she immediately understood.

This is a person who works for Mr. Lin Yan.

This is a great kindness to him.

But this man, he is still in Yue Xuan, right?

Qian Renxue suddenly felt as if a vinegar jar was overturned. There was even a trace of regret in her heart. Is this self-inflicted harm?

The next day.

It was just getting bright.

Lin Yan woke up leisurely. Feeling the warmth in his arms he looked towards its source.

Due to their crazy overnight exercises, at this time Tang Yuehua's soft snow-white skin had a lot of blue-purple bruises.

Her long hair was scattered mesily on the back of her head and chest, and her perfect figure like mutton jade and the silk covered important parts.

Suddenly the urge to behave like a beast has come to him.

But the next moment, Lin Yan stopped his impulse.

"Qing'er, Rongrong, Yanzi? They are still here, right?"





Poetic Earth Month is all about promoting earth care. It is a month for every person to be inspired to look after the world around us.

A lot of people want to have a life-based approach to earth care. This is especially the case with regard to reversing the breakdown of the climate. While both news and statistics can be vital for understanding the raw state of things, they don't tend to motivate us beyond that moment in time. This is why Poetic Earth Month is so important.

Poetic Earth Month is about having a life-based approach to issues concerning our planet; something that will inspire us to take action. Poetic Earth Month aims to create a beautiful place so that the everyday person is inspired. Poetry, story, and art are used to help connect everyone with each other and our planet. It also gives us easy and straightforward earth care suggestions that any person can attempt. These are life-enriching and very easy to implement, so we can all make a collaborative effort together, making important decisions as a part of our daily life.

Poetic Earth month has been running for quite some time now, yet it has developed over the years. When it was first created, the aim was to create a month-long poetic focus on earth care. While the reasoning for the date remains the same, there have been some exciting and new challenges and activities brought to the fore over the years.

The 30 Days, 30 Poems Challenge is a prime example of this. People are also encouraged to join the EcoChallenge within the same money, which offers straightforward and simple ideas on how people can make a difference within the world.