
A Potty Mouthed Nerd

Paulo Coelho once said memories are like salt, the right amount brings out the flavour in food, too much ruins it. This statement is especially true for both Qie Ranzhe and Wen Qinxi. For Qie Ranzhe it was the former but for Wen Qinxi it was the latter.

While one was curled up under the covers refusing to come out, another was smiling recalling past memories he shared with his first love.

His mind lingered on the memory at the campsite where Wen Qinxi drenched his brother with a bottle of ice-cold water before making a break for it. Qie Ranzhe wouldn't have cared if it was anyone else but this person was the silent Gecko who rarely took the initiative to speak unless spoken to.

At some point, he thought the teen had taken a vow of silence or something because he barely spoke. Now that very same person was running around laughing with no care in the world. "Come back here you asshole," were the words Wen Danzhe said performing a mad dash in the campsite.