5 Chapter 5: My name is Zelia.

" What is your name?" Anna asked Zeno as she was taking me towards the gate of the mansion.

Zeno decided to act scared and shy.

" Don't be scared of me , see we are both about same age. My name is Anna Arent. Now can you tell me yours too?"

"My name is Zelia Swift." Zeno replied as he looked down avoiding to make eye contact with Anna.

Zeno was feeling very nervous as he didn't know how to behave and what to do.

"Zelia, you have a beautiful name! let's be friends i don't have a lot of friends and i would like to meet you more whenever i visit here!" Anna smiled excitedly at Zeno , she was also rather excited to make a new friend here that was a girl as she didn't always like to just be around Christian.

Zeno had a big shock hearing this, he never thought it would be this easy to get to be near her.

"Okay, meet me whenever you come here, you can just call my name three times when you are alone and i will find a way to get inside here again, but don't tell anyone i got lost here or they would think i came to spy or steal inside here." Zeno pleaded with Anna making a rather sad expression.

Looking at the chocolate brown eyes with a hint of sadness , Anna immediately melted right away and said," Okay i will help you get out and cover for you, let's go before Christian comes back to look for me. He is the boy who lives here , i always come here with my parents and when they are talking to his parents i always have to play with him. I don't really like playing with him but now i have you , i will call for you next time i come."

Zeno was of course happy with this arrangement. It was all going so smoothly. " Okay i will come whenever you call me." Zeno replied.

They arrived at the gate and Anna distracted the guards while Zeno got out of the mansion unnoticed.

Zeno went back to the mansion from the backside from where he would always sneak out in the previous life.

He changed his clothes and removed his makeup and pretended to sleep.

Soon Christian arrived and knocked on the door.

In his last life Christian had also arrived right at this time to take Zeno to meet Anna.

The last time Christian had ruined Zeno's chance at first impression and that was the start of the bad image he had in front of Anna.
