
My Curse

At first it took a long time to wrap my head around it. I was cursed? But why? And how long would it last? I soon realised that it wasn't going to change and there was no point in crying about it. I just have to wait until my "one true prince" comes to save me. That's the only way my curse will ever be lifted.

Every night, after I go to sleep, I blank out. I never remember what happens during the night, all I know is this. When I'm asleep, I turn into something else. I trasform into a creature two times larger than me, with a horrifying face. I don't know what it looks like, but it has been described to me as 'a tall dark creature, drained of colour, that lurks in the shadows'. That's all I have ever been told.

I was locked in my tower as a precaution to the safety of others. My mum and dad were scared that I would hurt other people, and wouldn't stick around long enough to find out if I actually would. But I know that I wouldn't hurt anyone. When I wake up, my room is never destroyed, and the whole tower is exactly the same as it was the night before. Surely something would be out of place in the morning, right?