
Character information...

#Female lead:

~Family name: Rianne su

A~dopted family name: Rianne ellis

Gender: female

~Job: student, business woman...etc find out more in story...

~Favorite thing to do: daydreaming, eat, swimming, boxing, dancing, drawing, writing, explore new thing, taking photo, fashion, music, play social media...

~Talent: creative, quick learning but lazy...

~Appearance: white skin, black brown hair with blue ocean eye

#Male lead


Job:.....find out in story...

Favorite thing to do: working, dance , raping, music ,playing game ,quite creative , reading, playing football, driving sportcar or moto, eating.

Talent: hardworking...cooking...

appearance: dark skin...white grey shinny hair with a golden eye...

#Supporting role:


Ellis Family;

the heir and the adopted father name: Eli Ellis

brother of Eli Ellis name: Bennett Ellis

The first son of Eli name: Asher Ellis

The second son of Eli name: Alba Ellis

The third son of Eli name: Amor Ellis mean love

~there might be a change in story in the future~

I hope you guys like this extra information.... It my first writting story and I am still a student...so...yeah.. and thankful

help to support Rianne she might not ss what u expect to be strong.......and she kind of lazy ugly, foodlover...just maybe...love ya all♡♡♡