
I do (3)

The school bell rang and all the students scurried off to their lessons, the halls were soon filled with happy and cheerful students greeting each other. Laughing, shouting, talking, having fun, Juliet had recently transferred to this school because she had shortly studied abroad fro the past two years. She held on tightly to her school bag ignoring the feeling of isolation that she felt in the midst of this crowd.

She opened one of the many doors on the corridor walking into a class half full already with bickering students. Taking her seat in the middle she sighed placing her head on the desk, calmly controlling her breathing to prevent herself from bursting from anger.

[ How dare he! ]

Ignoring the odd squeals from the girls in her class she mumbled to herself on the best way to murder that so-called boyfriend of hers.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"

She turned her head to see another tall one, why were they so many tall people anyway? They all made her feel so small it was annoying. She glared at the seat he was asking about, the one directly next to her.


Looking up she groaned in annoyance, this was someone that was extremely handsome with blonde hair, light brown eyes, and paler skin, he was a girl magnet and she wasn't in the mood to deal with pretty boys. However...

"....You're pretty cute ya'know...." she said with a mischievous smirk, the boy stared in shock before blushing, his head dropped and he raised his hands to cover his face before swiftly walking away. She was left staring at his retreating figure in confusion, sure he wasn't...

[ Did he just blush and run away? ]

She smiled, slightly happier than she was a minute ago, the new kid seemed so adorable, she just wanted to chase him down and hug him and pinch his cheeks. She didn't notice the girl behind her who had been admiring the new kid looking at her with eyes filled with annoyance.

"Ok class settle down! We're looking at moral theories again today!"

Class passed by quickly and Juliet was left to her own devices for the two hours between then and her next class, she walked the school halls coming across the music room, she wasn't a music student, neither was she thought how to play any instruments. However, she was a well-rounded person, she enjoyed certain types of sports, she was also very scientific but she also loved debates on political, economic and social issues. And finally, she was very in tune with the arts, she might not make a career in that area but when she could she would try to feel the cool wood of the piano again and sing for herself.

As she opened the door she walked in closing it behind her, in front of her stood the boy she had seen earlier getting ready to leave the music room. She became excited, this was her chance to make a friend!

"'Sup!" she said smirking at the boy who jerked back and when he saw her at the door he blushed, then he lowered his head causing his bangs to cover up his eyes.

"H-H-Hi .." he stammered making her smile, he was just so cute.

"My name if Juliet, I'm also new," she didn't walk forward because she would look like she was purposely trying to approach him and get in his good books because of his looks and popularity.

"Yeah.. I know.." he whispered, "My name is Maximum" he replied, she thought for a second, he already knew her name? Did he by chance hear any rumors circulating her?

"Nice to meet you Maximum!" she said giving him a toothy grin, "Which school did you transfer from?" She had no idea that his eyes that he had hidden under his bangs had saddened at her questions.

".....You don't remember me?" she tilted her head confused, remember him? Had they met somewhere before?

"Have we met before?" he stood still for a moment before shaking his head. She hummed trying to rack her brain to figure out where she could've seen him, a boy with blonde hair... Nope. "Eh, I have a few free periods, just wondering if you wanna accompany me?" she asked, eyes sparkling hoping she had finally gained a friend.

His blush deepened, he was extremely socially awkward and shy, it baffled her really what happened to his childhood. Surely he would've been the most popular boy in school. She wasn't incorrect, once upon a time he had indeed been the most popular boy in his area, but that was at least two years ago.

He nodded again and she jumped up in joy running over to drag him to her destination. "Come on let's go to the library!"

Like that she found a friend to drag around with her for the rest of the day.

"Where do you live?" she asked eagerly and he answered her, his eyes were no longer hidden they showed happiness, hiding the pain he felt. He answered her truthfully as he had once promised not to lie to her.

"Aww, I live on the other side of town!" she said putting on a sad face making him laugh unconsciously. maximum noticed someone from another school waiting for someone at the gates so he stopped walking momentarily. His fists clenched. "What' wrong?" she asked looking in his direction and there he stood looking around for her, she bit her lip in anger, "Let's go the other way." She said in a whisper not noticing the anger in Maximum's eyes, she had actually gotten together with that guy...

[He didn't deserve her! ]