1 SATAN 2: The world and its condition

It is strange but you can't deny, the world is showing lots of signs which is tough to understand. What we had before 50 yrs ago we don't have it now and what is present now won't be the same after 50 years. People are leading a life, people were leading prosperous life earlier. This 2 sentences aren't tough to be understood.

When I was a child, a chocolate costed less than a penny but now the same costs more dollars. The brand is the same but the price is not. Like this what I am getting now for few hundreds tomorrow I would pay in lakhs. Material is same but quality has diminished and the product is no longer the same as it was earlier.

People never think about all this. We all are like lambs. We never question anything, we accept everything as fate. When we don't know anything about the existence of such thing. Today you are blossoming youth and tomorrow you are old aged. I usually find people complaining about old age, they feel during this stage of life, they undergo lots of stress and their childrens don't care for them.

It is no strange. When we people don't care nor have time to think about our planet earth, the place where we live, eat, shit and sleep, then why should we think about our parents? Rude, isn't my words sounds like a heartless one, it sounds but whatever I have said is the practical truth and it is what is happening on the world.

Gone are those words which taught us the morals of humanity. Today no one follows those words taught by our parents when we were child. It has changed with the world. Today you need to make your own rules and plans to survive, no one has time for anything except earning money. It is the only anthem of the world. Today you will serve only for money and benefits.

There was a time when people apart from earning money use to think about other things and had enough time to spend with family and friends but today they require a planner for that. Animals are leading the same life style, the dog barks and the cat drinks the milk and the snake bits any creatures. Like this no change in animals life but it is humans who are the one who have become the biggest threat for this planet. It is only we who keep on poking our nose into all unwanted things. In the name of technology progression we are killing ourselves slowly.

We are the original murderers of this planet. Today if this planet is like this, it is mainly because of our acts. No other creatures have caused this much of trouble as we, even the dinosaurs were better than us because they were killing creatures for food and they didn't have the thinking capacity so they acted in a more foolish manner but what happened to us? Don't we have brains. Anyhow for every reaction we have opposite and the same or more action.

I feel the day we realise it, it would be great or else what treatment those dinosaurs got, we can expect much more than that. It is not a joke but the fact. This earth is the place of changes, here only the perfect things lasts longer. Today we are reading dinosaurs as a endangered species found no where on earth, tomorrow it definitely would be our turn.
