Wyatt hale's life took a turn for the worse after he was blamed for the death of his Foster parents. After the loss of his best friend something awoke in him, some thing sinister. Giving him powers and abilities beyond normal human's comprehension. Now he sets out to defy the heavens, for making his life one misfortune after the other. Little did he know, the harsh truth was yet to come.......
Wyatt was happy, because today was the day....the day he would finally get adopted. After being rejected by three families he finally found them, his forever family.
Wyatt was in his shabby room in the church orphanage, preparing himself for when his new parents would come and take him away from this place, this awful place.
There were only a few things in his room, a rock hard mattress that could barely he classified as a bed, four or five clothes that were patched beyond redemption, a three legged chair, and a mirror which had several missing chips and large cracks, and his only belonging, a beautiful silver locket with a four leaf clover engraved on it.
Wyatt turned his head to the sound of the door opening, he smiled as he saw who came into the room.
"I was wondering if you would come tell me goodbye." Wyatt teased playfully.
"Oh, shut up." a female voice replied, equally as playful.
"I'll miss you, Annalise." Wyatt suddenly said.
Annalise was his only friend in the orphanage, she had been with him through thick and thin. When others bullied him for his heterochromic condition, she fought three of the boys all by herself and won, when he was locked in a dark room by the sisters in church for asking for more food, she took the whole pot fed it to the pigs just so she would be put in there with him. She was the only person he cared about in this entire world.
"Don't get all mushy on me, Wy" she nudged him on his shoulder.
"I'm serious.....I-i don't know what I'll do without you." Wyatt said as he felt his eyes getting moist.
"Come on Wy, it's not like I'm dying or something, we'll see each other again and.." Annalise suddenly stopped as she noticed Wyatt's eyes were teary.
"Don't tell me you're crying." She laughed.
"I'm not, It's just dusty in here." An obvious lie as he hurriedly cleaned his eyes.
Annalise looked like she was about to say something before she heard her name being called.
"Annalise, let Wyatt finish preparing" an older voice shouted through the hall.
"Yes, sister Rita." Annalise groaned, before muttering 'evil sister' under her breath as she left.
"I heard that, young lady." Sister Rita shouted again, while Annalise ran away.
"I hope you get adopted too." Wyatt shouted after her, while she responded by sticking out her tongue.
On the 1st of April 2011, a happy couple came to adopt a child from the vineyard orphanage, his name was Wyatt Hale.
As they looked at the 6 year old boy, thier hearts melted. From his slick raven black hair, to his cute heterochromic eyes that they couldn't stop staring at.
Little Wyatt shifted uncomfortably, showing that he didn't like when people stared at his eyes.
"Hello, Wyatt. I'm rose Clifford and this is my husband, Arnold." The nice lady bent down to Wyatt's level as she talked to him. "Would you like to come home with us?" She asked gently.
Wyatt just nodded, he was standing behind the reverend sister that brought him out, clearly shy.
"Such a sweet little angel, isn't he?" Sister Rita said with an innocent smile.
'suck up.' Wyatt thought, still behind sister Rita.
"We've sorted out all the paper work, yes?" Rose asked, eager to take thier new son home.
Sister Rita had barely nodded before Rose picked up little Wyatt in her arms.
"Now now, dear let's not overwhelm the boy." Her husband, Arnold chided her.
Arnold could understand the excitement his wife felt, for the first time in thier 8 years of marriage they would finally have a child.
"What's your name, child?" Arnold asked the little boy in his wife's arms.
"Wy-Wyatt, sir." Wyatt answered him.
"Father." Arnold corrected. "Not sir, father."
"Father." Wyatt finally said. Arnold was beside himself with joy as he heard those words, he suddenly heard sobs from his side and saw his wife crying.
Wyatt was confused, why was this woman crying. Of course they were all happy but to shed tears? He felt it was too much.
After about an hour of sobs and tears, the new family was ready to go home.
Wyatt looked at the old orphanage, his former home, his former hell.
'Dear God, please don't let me come back here again.'
" Sister Claire! Sister Claire! Did you hear?" a hushed voice asked.
Sister Claire who was busy with her duties sighed at her companion.
"What is it now, Sister Hope."
Sister Hope smirked, she knew her friend couldn't resist juicy gossip.
"It's little Wyatt, he's back."
"Already?! But it's only been a day." Sister Claire was baffled.
"And that's not all, guess what?"
Sister Hope loved to do this, despite know her friend was horrible at guessing.
Sister Claire made an annoyed face, showing she wasn't in the mood for games.
"Wyatt, he killed his foster parents."
Sister Claire dropped the basket of clothes she was holding, her mouth wide from shock.
It had to be impossible. How could a six year old kill two adults.
"But it is though. Stabbed them with a kitchen knife and drained them of blood." Sister Hope nodded as if she was there when it happened.
"Oh, dear God protect us. Such a sweet child harbouring so much evil."
Sister Claire lamented as she made the sign of the cross.
On the 2nd of April 2011, Wyatt Hale returned to the Vineyard orphanage.
Sister Lucy stood before him, disgust evident in her eyes.
"I always knew you were a demon child." She said as she looked down scornfully at Wyatt.
Wyatt, who looked lost and empty just kept muttering what seemed like gibberish, not even acknowledging the adult in front of him.
"From here on out i will make sure you suffer in this orphanage, a befitting hell for a demon orphan don't you think?"
Wyatt looked up at her, then went back to muttering, that was the only reaction Sister Lucy got from Wyatt after saying those words.
"Take him to purgatory." Sister Lucy hissed.
It was only when Wyatt walked passed her could she make sense of his muttering. He repeated the words 'it wasn't me.' over and over.
In an unknown location, a strange, white bearded man sat on a throne seemingly made of Gold.
He held a beautiful white lamb in his arms. The playful, innocent creature, played in his arms without a care in the world.
"Micheal." The man called out.
"Yes, Father." A younger looking man, who seemingly appeared out of nowhere answered.
"It is time."
Although the strange man known as Micheal looked sad, he still nodded his head and bowed.
"May thy will be done."