
A Helpful Task

My eyes snapped open, as my body immediately jerked up from the bed.

Cold sweat ran down my forehead as I rubbed my eyes, still stinging and sore. I took a deep sigh and stood up, looking at my hands, a part of me expecting to see the thick red blood that had been staining my hand scarlet mere seconds ago.

Of course, it was just the same dream.

I clenched my fists in frustration.

When would this bloody dream go away?

This dream had haunted me repeatedly ever since I was eleven. No matter how many times the same scene was shown, I couldn't stop the shock from reaching my heart. I had no idea who the girl from my dreams was, her age, or even her appearance, besides the fact that she had long black hair.

I pulled my curtains aside, staring outside into the gloomy abyss. It seems that I'd slept until well into the afternoon.

This was my life, the daughter of the late Duke du Lac, Sophie du Lac.

"Miss du Lac! Breakfast is prepared!"

I glanced downward, noticing the little stone golem pulling at my sleeves. Giving a brief nod, I scurried to the bathroom mirror to brush through my long brown hair, confirming that my eyes were indeed bloodshot while I was at it. After I finished changing, I followed the golem downstairs to the kitchen, where the other miniature golems were tidying up the kitchen after they cooked breakfast, standing on top of one another to reach the sink and carry the pots and pans back to their original location.

Currently, I was staying with my uncle under the disguise of being a commoner. Trying to live a peaceful life as a noble in the middle of a rural village was impossible, so this identity was used as a precaution in case my life was ever in danger. To the other villagers, my name was Sophie Clemont, a girl whose parents had passed away and needed to stay with her uncle as an orphan.

They also didn't know that uncle was a powerful sorcerer, hence why we have so many miniature golems doing the housework for us.

"Here you go, Miss!" a golem said in a raspy and deep voice. It put down a plate of fried egg with bacon onto the table and then hopped off to pull the chair out for me. I sat down and began eating, noticing the golem watching me. Well, to be more exact, facing me while I ate, since golems had no eyes.

...or maybe that was its back?

"Would you like some water?" it asked. I gave a small nod and it quickly ran to get the water pitcher and a cup. Golems were adorable yet peculiar creatures. You could usually find them on the market for a gold coin or two, but uncle had no problem making them himself and then enchanting them to work all day. While it may seem brutal, golems had no mind of their own, only acting as exceptional errand runners if you didn't have the money to hire human servants.

"Thank you."

Personally though, magic wasn't my cup of tea.


"Sophie! I'm back! And there's a letter from your brother!"

I darted up from my chair, tossing my book aside and rushing to the front door to greet my uncle. White hair that matched perfectly with his snowy white beard, the prodigy who chose the life of a commoner instead of a court official: Merlin.

"What does the letter say, Uncle Merlin?" I asked eagerly, excited to see if my brother had decided I'd go back to the main house soon.

Uncle Merlin sat down at the table, opening the envelope and clearing his throat.

"Dearest Sophie and Uncle Merlin," he started.

"I'll be short and brief. In the past few weeks, there has been a string of murders targeting noble families in the Oreane region, the region that the du Lac house has been charged with protecting and organizing for the past one-hundred years. However, I'm afraid the murders have caused several riots and unrest among its citizens. We are currently occupied with maintaining order at the capital, as the king is in poor health and still unable to announce the next successor to the throne. I'm afraid I have no choice, but to ask Sophie to go investigate the murders in the eastern part of the region. Do not worry about her safety, for I have sent my best and one of my most trusted guards to protect her. I ask that she comes alone, as Uncle Merlin coming would attract too much attention and prevent Sophie from growing. I will be sending a carriage in two days. Sincerely, Lancelot."

I sat still, unable to wrap my mind around the task Lancelot had tasked me with. Nowhere, out of the blue, with minimal explanation, Lancelot wanted me to go to Oreane, and investigate a serial killer?

Uncle sat across from me in silence, both of us unsure how we felt about Lancelot's sudden and dangerous request.

Ever since father died from a severe illness when I was eleven years old, I've been sent to live with my uncle who decided to teach me proper academia as he did with his other students. This meant mastering the education most ladies of nobility never even have a chance to try. The kingdom of Camelot, with its rigid social class, considered it to be more important for ladies of nobility to learn those that could support the houses of their husbands. Except, I already had an older sister, who went to parties and held many of her own, expanding her social circle every day. So my older brother, the current duke, let me off the hook for a single reason:

I had uncontrollable magic abilities.

That is, he decided to put me back on that hook today.

"A killer?" I finally asked.

Uncle Merlin folded the letter and stuffed it back into the envelope, tapping his finger on the table in deep thought.

"Perhaps it's about the next successor to the throne?" I asked. "There's no way they're going to let someone ascend without some riots and backstabbing. Especially if the king is sick and on death's door."

Uncle nodded thoughtfully.

"Yes, that would indeed be a likely cause. The question is, who is the one organizing these murders? Most noble families have guards, and even so, for the murderer to get away not with one, but a whole string of them...the odds seem quite low."

"You're saying someone who is a noble ordered these killings?" I questioned.

"Yes. It depends on which noble families are being targeted, and which connections they have. But..." uncle's voice trailed off again, his eyes closed, probably pondering whether or not to agree to Lancelot's request to send me to Oreane by myself.

"Sophie…" Uncle Merlin finally said, releasing a heavy sigh as he handed the letter to me. "You've studied with me for the past five years. You've grasped your magic, yet..."

I stood up and looked firmly into my uncle's eyes.

"I'll do it! Plus, you still have your duties as the magic teacher for several noble families! They won't take a sudden leave request like this too well!" I insisted, determined to go by myself.

Uncle Merlin stared at me sadly, finally shaking his head with a small chuckle.

"Angering noble families doesn't bother me. Are you sure you can handle this by yourself?"

I nodded, trying to shove my own doubts away as well.

"I knew this day would come eventually," he sighed, looking back into my eyes.

Calm, understanding, and wise. This was the uncle I had come to know and trust ever since I started living as a commoner with him. Someone who only wanted the best for me, and would do everything in his power to support me.

"So you'll let me go?" I asked with a grin.

"You'd sneak out if I didn't."

I silently cheered in my head, trying to keep my excitement contained. This was my first mission, the first mission Lancelot was entrusting me to complete, something no one could do except me!

"I won't let you down, Uncle Merlin! I'll complete this task successfully!" I reached across the table and gave my uncle a big hug. Surprised, he didn't react for a moment, but wrapped his big arms around me after a moment, giving me a small pat on the back.

"Yes, I'm sure you'll do great."


I got up bright and early, getting myself ready to go into town. Uncle had to leave to teach another student that morning, leaving me to eat breakfast with the golems once again.

Sometimes, I'd go visit Lana, the girl who lived a few streets down from our little house, and also one of my closest friends. Lana's mother owned a flower shop that I frequented ever since the two of us became friends when I was first sent here to live with Merlin. She was also the only one who knew about my background of being a du Lac, but swore to never speak of it to anyone, including her mother.

"Lana? Are you here?" I asked, walking into the flower shop and taking off my hat. A head popped up from behind some pots of unknown grass as Lana quickly rushed over to me, giving me an enthusiastic hug. I drew back from her instinctively, wincing as I pinched my nose.

"Ew! Clean the fertilizer out of your clothes!" I complained, shoving her off of me. Her usually clean brown hair was covered in dust, along with her clothes that smelled like freshly fertilized gardens, but why should I even be surprised at this point?

"But Sophie! It's been so long!" she whined, giving me a sad puppy look combined with a pout that completed the look. Instead, I rolled my eyes in response to her poor attempt to gain some pity.

"It's been two days actually. How's managing the shop without your mother?" I smiled, looking around at the peaceful flower shop.

"It's alright! I wish mom could come home sooner though, this sucks!" She rolled her eyes and waved her hand as if to dismiss the topic.

Lana's mother had left town a few days ago to see her sister, insisting that the trip was too long for Lana to come and that she needed to stay behind to watch the shop. Lana reluctantly agreed but still couldn't handle greeting the customers while also managing sales properly. Although I felt bad for her, I knew absolutely nothing about gardening. If anything, I'd just wreck the shop instead of lending her a helping hand.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you for your opinion on something..." I admitted sheepishly.

Lana's smile faded off. She suddenly grabbed my hand and led me away from the door, over to the side where a white bench was placed for customers to rest. Without any words, she shoved me down on the chair and kneeled down beside me.

"Today's the day isn't it?" she asked, looking into my eyes with utmost seriousness.



She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"A cute guy that you have a crush on and you want my help!" she squealed, flinging her hands into the air as she jumped up and cheered loudly.

I rolled my eyes and stood up from the chair, grabbing her shoulders so that she would stop jumping and squealing from the most ridiculous and random assumption that I had heard. Leave it to Lana to be a hopeful romantic.

"No, silly. Where did you even get that from?"

"Well, we're at the age to marry, and you never come to me with these things, plus we both know your brother will plan for you to marry eventually..." her voice trailed off, as her face darkened. I gave a small laugh.

"Don't worry about it, it's not that. Lancelot is asking me for a favor, but that would also mean leaving here," I explained. Unsure of how Lana would react, I looked away nervously. Sure we had been friends for a long time, but how would she feel if I suddenly took off like this?

"And? Is that it?" she questioned. "What kind of favor is it?"

"Well uh...it's kind of dangerous. I have to help him with this case they've run into involving a string of murders in the northern region of Oreane."

Lana's brown eyes widened, her smile immediately wiped from her face.

"What the heck! Why would your brother even consider putting you in a dangerous situation like that? Can't he ask you for a simpler task?" she yelled in anger. "He should ask for your opinion before just shipping you off like this!"

"I mean, I did have the choice to just straight up sat I'm not going, but I want to go!"

Lana seemed taken aback. She sighed and bent down to her flowers that were placed to our side, pretending to be checking their leaves but I knew she was trying to stay calm.

"Are you coming back?"

I shook my head.

"No. I might not come back after this. I'll have to return to live with my brother and sister eventually, it's just a matter of now or later. I knew I'd have to go back within the next year or two, but my brother actually just sent a letter yesterday." I sighed and thought back to the letter Lancelot had sent, almost desperately asking me to do this for him, for the good of the kingdom. "I'm sorry...I'll definitely come visit though!"

"Really? That sucks then," she admitted with a frown.

"Sorry..." I mumbled again.

"What! No, no, I know it's not your fault," she said with a nervous chuckle, her eyes darting away from mine while her hands were now just randomly fiddling with the flowers' petals.

I looked away too, guilty that I would be taking off so suddenly and could barely give a warning to the closest friend that I had ever made. The two of us stood in silence for a while, awkwardly occupying the empty shop.

"Then you should go!"

I looked up in surprise at Lana's sudden determination for me to take off.

"Do you want me gone or something?" I wiped my eyes and gave a little sob, pretending to be overdramatic, but indeed a little hurt by her sudden comment for me to take off into the unknown.

"No! I meant, well, if you're going to have to leave sooner or later, it's better to leave now and also accomplish the favor right?" she asked thoughtfully. "It's still a dangerous situation thought...what are the odds your safety won't be guaranteed?"

"No! Safety guaranteed! Definitely."

"That's good..."

This time, actual tears began to form in my eyes as I walked over and hugged my closest friend in five years as tightly as I could, not minding the smell of pungent fertilizer and freshly cut grass. She hugged me back just as tightly, patting my back in comfort.

"Promise you'll write!" she pleaded.

"You too!" I snapped back.

And like that, we spent the rest of the day together, me reluctantly agreeing to help her with the shop, even though I was glad she asked me to stay during the last day I'd ever be in this small town.

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