
Tears and Resolve.

In a big Japanese style mansion, a black haired youth was looking at two corpses with a sad expression when a little boy who looks quite alike him enters the room. Itachi steels his heart and puts a cold expression and turns around to see his little brother who is now frozen and looking in terror at the two corpses and his beloved onii-chan who has a bloodied kunai on hand. "What happened onii-chan?" Says Sasuke with his voice quivering. Itachi puts him under a genjutsu and shows him how he killed their parents.

Just as Sasuke finished watching his parents death, his body shakes and he loses consciousness before Itachi could say what he wanted. "Damn, I couldn't say what I had planned and don't have enough time to wait for him to awaken as the anbus are coming, I better leave fast, goodbye my dear Sasuke, onii-chan will miss you!, haaa how will I replenish my energy everyday if I don't see my cute Sasuke ;_;".

~Swish!~ a Masked man in anbu clothes reaches the Uchiha clan leader's residence and find Sasuke passed out on the floor next to his parents dead bodies. "How ruthless of Itachi, murdering his whole clan, oh the kid is still breathing, I'll take him to the hospital first".

Meanwhile on a transparent platform, an old man who looks about 60 years old with whitish hair and a face that shows he's no good was intently looking at a shining thing in the distance. "Oh, his soul was so strong that it pulverized the original Sasuke's soul, hahhahahhaha such a bad luck he won't receive any of his memories".

The sun is shining in Konoha, it's been just a few hours since the tragedy that assaulted the Uchiha clan. At Konoha's hhospital, inside a private room a young and beautiful woman wearing a nurses attire can be seen using a wet towel to wip clean a little black haired boy of about 7 years, she was just done with his upper body and fidgeting while looking at his pants. "Should I pull them down? ~blush~ whatever he's just a kid ~gulp~ let's see what we have here down, wait what? ~pft~ hahahhahahaha is that supposed to be a penis?".

Overlord: "wahahahhah, let's see how you come out of this! Pft its so funny, I had to do something to make things difficult for him, otherwise it would have been way too easy to get girls, I need to take a picture of his face when he notices how I messed with his little brother hahhahaha"

Sasuke started to wake up after the nurse finished dressing him, "(hmmm where am I?, it seems like a hospital room, my body feels weird ~looks at his hands~ such tiny hands, I must be in Sasuke's body already, damn Old man he didn't let me finish speaking, I wanted to ask for something like a status window at least, to know my progress in a more detailed way".

A middle aged man enters the rroom, looks at Sasuke and says:" oh it seems you woke up, how are you feeling boy?", Sasuke looks at him with a puzzled face while in his mind thinking "(shit shit shit! Japanese?! Fuck I don't understand at all, all the Japanese I know is yamette onii-chan, ittai, ochiko, ikuu, in brief only the most repeated words that appeared on hentais. What do I do? Where are the original Sasuke's memories? Wasn't I supposed to absorb them or something? Damn! I'll have to fake being too traumatized to speak until I learn the language)".

Doctor:uhm? (Why isn't he speaking?) Sasuke? ~waves his hand in front of Sasuke~ (hmm it seems the trauma of seeing his brother murdering his family was too much for him to bear, I'll just ask the hokage how to proceed) wait for me kid I'll come back right away".

When the doctor left the room Sasuke saw two nurses talking in whispers while looking at his crotch once in a while and letting out muffled laughs, "what are they talking about, and why do they look at my pants so much? I'll have to check later when I'm alone". An old man and two middle aged men enter the room led by the doctor, the old man wears a red and white robe with a weird triangular hat on top of his head, and the men on each of his sides show a respectful attitude towards him, one of them is blonde with pupil-less green eyes and the other has black hair that look like a pineapple and a scar on his lazy face.

"Inoichi, check his mmind, let's see what's wrong with him" said the old man, "right away lord Hokage". " mmmmm lord Hokage it seems there's nothing wrong with him, but Itachi showed him how he killed their parents through a genjutsu". "Fuuuu, then he just doesn't want to talk, it must have been hard on you little Sasuke ~ruffles Sasuke's hair~ let's monitor him here in the hospital for the rest of the week, then let him go back to the Uchiha compound and he can start attending the academy on Monday, maybe being surrounded by his classmates will help him recover from this hit". Yes lord Hokage!.

"(~fiu~ that was close, I thought I was done for but it seems that old fart Overlord did his work and prevented them from seeing my real memories, but there's still the problem of the language barrier...)" "Hey kid, don't look around like a stupid, I'm talking directly in your mind, the language thing was not my fault, you destroyed the original Sasuke's soul because yours is way stronger than his, but well I didn't think it would go that way so I'll give you that status window you wanted, but it will only show your basic parameters and not your skills (I hate it when a chapter in a novel is 50% status no jutsu), just don't talk to people untill you learn Japanese, you should be able to learn in just a couple of months with that soul of yours since it will give you a powerful memory and some other things I won't say, just discover them by yourself you lazy ass. Have fun in this new life, I left a lot of surprises for you, I hope you like them, see ya!"

"(That old fart! Just coming and going without letting me speak... let's see 'Status!')"

Name: Sasuke Uchiha. Title: micro penis

Body: 43 (academy student)

Chakra: 49 (academy student)

Sharingan: awakened (two tomoe)

Affinities: Fire (max), Lightning (max), Yang (max), Space (max), Time (high).

"(WTF is with that title?!!!!!!!!!!!)" He checks his little brother under his pants and sees something that let's him crying anime tears, "(damn can this even be called a dick?! Its more like a clit! God dam it!, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! So that's what the nurses were gossiping about, shit I want to die! T_T don't worry little friend I'll find a cure to save you. Time to start learning medical knowledge!, I won't stop until I make you the best!"


Couldn't sleep so I wrote another chap for today while drinking a beer.

Good news, I changed my tablet's language to English so there shouldn't be that many grammar mistakes anymore!

I hope you enjoy it, the next chapter comes with a nice surprise for my fellow perverts :D so I'll try to write it tomorrow.

Molkarcreators' thoughts
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