
9-Placidium Of Navori

During the days of travel that led them to the city, Sasuke and Ahri traversed varied landscapes of Ionia, from lush forests to misty mountains. These days left Sasuke feeling suicidal.

Their destination was the Placidium of Navori, which was located to the east of the country.

On the first day, Sasuke walked in silence. Ahri, curious and carefree, attempted to engage in conversation but met with indifference. Sasuke's irritation was palpable, each attempt by Ahri to break his solitude only increasing his annoyance.

On the second day, the journey continued, and Ahri remained hopeful of gaining Sasuke's attention. She used her charm and wit to tease him, but he remained unfazed, barely responding, his replies as brief and cutting as the cold wind blowing through the valleys.

By the third day, the tension between them was evident. Sasuke was visibly annoyed by Ahri's constant presence, which seemed to amuse her despite his reprimands. He even began to wonder if she had a hidden agenda.

Day 4: Ahri, still persistent, continued to follow Sasuke but with a respectful distance, as if understanding that he needed space. She observed, learning from him, while remaining an enigma to the lone warrior.

Finally, on the last day of their journey as they approached the city, Sasuke seemed slightly less tense, perhaps getting used to Ahri's presence. He would never admit it, but her company had started to feel less burdensome, although he remained vigilant and distant.

The Placidium of Navori, with its towering gleaming structures and bustling streets, loomed on the horizon. Sasuke, with determined steps, and Ahri, still carefree, approached one of Ionia's sacred places.

"You know, Handsome," Ahri began, her voice soft in the night breeze, "the Placidium is known for its archives. Perhaps you'll find what you're looking for there."

Sasuke didn't reply, but he couldn't help but think it was a good idea. After all, the archives might contain information about the Otsutsuki. All he knew was that this place was considered sacred.

They entered the city, lantern lights illuminating their faces. Ahri seemed to marvel at everything, while Sasuke remained focused on his quest.

"Look, it's beautiful !" exclaimed Ahri, pointing to a fountain adorned with sculptures of mythical creatures.

Sasuke glanced briefly, giving the fountain a disinterested look. "It's just water," he said, his tone indifferent.

Ahri laughed, her unwavering good mood. "Oh, you're truly heartless," she teased. "But I bet even you can't resist the charm of Navori."

They continued their way, traversing night markets and hanging gardens. Ahri kept commenting on every wonder, while Sasuke remained silent.

Ahri, her eyes shining with wonder, turned to Sasuke as they walked through a vibrant night market. "Look at all these colors! It's like every stall is a living painting," she exclaimed, pointing at the shimmering fabrics and exotic spices.

Sasuke, his gaze scanning the horizon, replied unenthusiastically: "These are just distractions. Nothing more."

Ahri chuckled, her tail twitching mischievously. "You're really determined not to enjoy anything here, aren't you?" she asked, a smirk playing on her lips.

Sasuke sighed, his growing irritation. "I'm not here to 'enjoy.' I'm here for answers."

They then passed through the hanging gardens, where water murmured softly and night flowers unfurled their petals under the moon. "Even you can't deny the peace these gardens inspire," insisted Ahri, breathing in the fragrant air deeply.

Sasuke, however, remained impassive. "Peace is a luxury I can't afford," he retorted, his gaze as hard as steel.

Sasuke and Ahri walked through an alley lined with statues of honored warriors. One of them, a solitary figure with a raven on its shoulder, caught Sasuke's attention. The moonlight caressed the contours of the statue, evoking distant memories.

Ahri, observing Sasuke's lost gaze, approached gently. "Beautiful, isn't it?" she murmured, nodding towards the statue. "He seems to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders."

Sasuke nodded, his thoughts drifting into the past. "He reminds me of someone," he said, his voice barely audible. "Someone who also had a burden to bear."

Ahri placed her hand on his arm, a comforting gesture. "Every warrior has their burden," she said, her eyes shining with a compassion she rarely showed. "Perhaps you're not so different, you and him."

Sasuke looked at her, surprised by her insight. "You're full of surprises, fox," he said, a slight smile playing on his lips.

Ahri returned his smile. "It's Ahri. Maybe that's what makes life interesting," she said. "Finding connections where you least expect them."

They turned away from the statue, resuming their journey towards the largest library around. The flicker of nostalgia in Sasuke's eyes was fleeting, but Ahri knew she had touched something deep within him.

As they approached, Ahri attempted one last time to break through Sasuke's shell. "You know, even warriors need rest. There's no shame in finding comfort in the beauty of this world."

Sasuke stopped, his black eyes fixed on the gates of the Placidium. "Rest is for those who have completed their quest. Mine is just beginning."

Ahri looked at him, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Well, I hope you find what you're looking for, Handsome Boy. And perhaps, along the way, you'll find something you weren't looking for as well."

Finally, they stood before a grand library, its massive doors guarded by sentinels. Sasuke stopped, observing the guards.

"I suppose this is where our paths diverge," he said, his gaze still cold.

Ahri stood in front of him, blocking his path. "What if I told you I can help you get in?" she proposed, a mischievous smile on her lips.

Sasuke considered her for a moment, weighing his options. "And why would you do that?" he asked, wary.

"Let's just say I like the idea of being involved in an adventure," Ahri replied, blinking. "And besides, I'm curious to see how far you'll go to get your answers."

Sasuke sighed, realizing he didn't really have a choice. "Fine," he conceded. "But don't expect me to thank you."

Ahri laughed, her laughter echoing in the night. "Who needs thanks when you have the excitement of the unknown?" she said, before turning to the guards.

Ahri, her mischievous smile still in place, addressed the guards with an ease that betrayed her familiarity with such situations. "Good evening, gentlemen," she said in a soft voice. "We're here to consult the archives. Matters of the utmost importance."

The guards, wary, exchanged a glance before replying. "The archives are closed at this hour. Come back tomorrow."

Sasuke, observing the exchange, prepared to intervene when Ahri leaned towards one of the guards, whispering something in his ear. The guard nodded, evidently convinced, and gestured to his companions to open the doors.

"How did you do that?" Sasuke asked once they were inside. She managed to convince them with words? No, she probably used the trick she tries to do on him every time.

Ahri winked at him. "Let's just say I have my methods."

They walked through the silent aisles of the library, the scent of old paper and ink lingering in the air.

"Are you looking for something specific, Handsome Boy?" Ahri asked, her voice low in the quiet of the library.

"Information on the Otsutsuki," Sasuke replied, his eyes scanning the titles of the books.

Ahri nodded, helping Sasuke search through the shelves. "And what if we don't find anything?" she asked.

'So, that's what he was looking for'. Otsutsuki ? She had never heard of this term, even with so many memories absorbed. But she didn't ask more.

Sasuke stopped, fixing his gaze on a particular book. "Then I'll keep searching," he said, grabbing the book. "No matter how long it takes."

Ahri watched Sasuke as he flipped through the book with intense concentration, his single visible eye turning crimson. She could see the calmness in his eyes, a flame that wouldn't extinguish until he found what he was looking for.

'That's where I realize he's really handsome.' She thought unabashedly.

"I'll be here to help you," she said, more to herself than to him.

Sasuke looked up, meeting her gaze. "Why?" he asked, curiosity tinting his voice.

"Because that's what friends do," Ahri replied, a sincere smile lighting up her face.

This man is even the only person she considers a "friend", after living away from society for so long, she hadn't gotten too involved in the human world. She was solitary until she met this man beside her. She has never been in contact with humans.

'Friend? Is that how she sees me?' Sasuke looked at the fox woman with a mental surprise. Even after clearly putting a distance between them, she still managed to consider him as such?

Sasuke said nothing, but there was a glimmer of gratitude in his eyes. He wouldn't refuse the help, it would take him a bit less time than expected.

And so, the two embarked on a long search...

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