

Telisy P.O.V***

"Telisy dear wake up its time for school" I heard a kind voice as my eyes fluttered open i saw Mandy our house maid more like my second mum."Good morning dear " she said smiling i smiled back" Good moring Mandy" i got off the bed and went for shower as i finished i went downstairs and saw mum and dad waiting for me as they saw me they greeted me with smile, i smiled back at settled down. We were talking,laughing till we finished our food. As i was about to go " Telisy dear today we are having guests over so come fast" Mum said i nodded and saw my Enzo. Enzo is my car gifted by Lorenzo my bestie. He studies in my school but he went for a vacation and will come back tomorrow. I made my way towards school as i reached i got out of the car and different types of looks were given to me. Ignoring the stares and glares i went  through the hallway  and saw lily waving her hands to get my attention like a mad men. I went toward her direction with books in my hand as i was attacked by hug." Hey did you hear a new boy is coming?" With a Curios look she asked. I shook my head as she huffed she knows i was not interested in any boys expect him. I let out a deep breath. We were talking as she blabbered about how the new boy will look. After tge blabers I went to my locker as i heard " Kitten don't you look pretty today" i turned and as the couple i ship alot. He was cupping her cheek as i remembered him. He use to call me kitten ,tears coming from the conner of my eyes i blinked to vanish them i did accomplish but the memories didn't vanish. I was walking with my head hung low and suddnley i bumped with someone and my book fell from my hand as i looked up i saw the devil the candle Wax with his friends i know he did it purposely i was trying not to glare but i couldn't help myself so i gave him my death glare."Ops Sorry kitten i didnt see you there" he said in a fake kind tone which irritated me alot. 'Kitten' this made me more irritated i clenched my jaw " Don't call me kitten" Anger was filled my whole body i told him millions of time to not call me kitten but him being a jerk he didn't listen"Shit!I aplogize again.....Kitten" he smirked but i didn't give up i smirked back which made his smirk drop." Listen here candle wax,Call me kitten once again and you'll regret it" i threatend him a curios look took over his face"What will you do kitten?" He asked as i took a step forward and said " You will know soon candle wax keep patience" my voice came deadly as he shivered not knowingly.i picked up my books and went to my first class which was with him. Everything is ready now i know Wax being Wax he always acts like he is the leader or what ever they say he always walks in front of them i waited and suddenly the door burst open and *Splash* as i said the white paint was all over Mr Candle wax i started laughing with the class as he did really look like a candle. After i sobbered up i walked to him with a evil smirk." Oh the candle Wax now really looks like a Candle" i laughed again with some students as he walked out obviously to change dress.

*** At lunch***

I walked in with my food beside me is lily as we sat down my eyes were connected with Candle Wax by mistake. He had a smirk in his face i know this smirk of his. He is going to do something so now i have to be secure. 

***After school***

I went towards my Enzo as i was shocked to see my enzo painted in pink colour." Enzo " i shouted in sadness i heard a laugh as i saw candle wax behind me laughing his ass off. I huffed and called Nathan my bodyguard/friend/driver. He came after 5 Min and took me home my enzo is currently in operation with the mechanics. " You should get ready dear the guest might arrive soon" Dad said as i nodded. I wore a Pink dress with black heels. I tied my hair into ponytail. A knock was heard"Come in" i said and saw mum dressed up " Honey are you ready the guest might arrive soon" i nodded and asked " Ah Mum who is you friend?" She smiled and said " its the Flames dears" and walked out, her Answer got me shocked. The Flames are comimg meaning Candles Wax is coming too god how will tolerate his face all dinner time. I actually like Wes he is kind a gentlemen and also is a great men alike Candle Wax. My parents like Wes and Wax alot like they are their own Children. And Candle Wax's mom and dad treats me like their own daughter" Honey the guests are here come fast" Mum shouted i walked downstairs only to be greeted by a ugly face. I ignored him and turned my attention to Mary and Tom." You look so ravishing dear" said Mary who had Tom's hand around her waist."Thank you You guys look great too" i complimented them back as they smile and walked with my parents to the dining room. I am now left with the Flame Brothers. I smiled at Wes as he hugged me. Me and Wes were good friends even though we have 4 years difference. We share secrets to each other like i know he is a virgin and he knows about my first love relationship." How are you princess?" "Good what about you?" I asked back and he nodded.  A throat was roughly cleared by candle wax. Wes is the only one who knows about the bad relationship between me and candle wax. All of a sudden Wes started laughing. I looked at him confused , he saw the confusion he said" today i was working and Wax called me to bring  cloths for him to change i was about to ask why but he hung up. I brought him cloths and went to your school to deliver as i saw him drained in white paint which made him look like a candle" he started laughing again but this time i joined. " How can you laugh Wes the one who splashed the paint on me was Kitten" Candle Wax said huffing. Wes stopped laughing and looked at me for a second and started laughing again praising me. We were disturbed by our parents calling us to join them.

Now i am sithing between Wes and Candle Wax. We were eating in slicence and i felt a sting in my left thigh it took me a second to know what happens. Candle Wax pinched my left thigh. I glared at him and he smirked back at me. He again pinched my thigh this time i stood up and all of the families looked i smiled innocently and said i needed water. As my dad passed my water i puposly dropped the water on Candle Wax's pants. " Oh my God! I am so sorry Ca- Wax" i exclaimed he looked at me and i secretly smirked at him. " Oh dear you should have done it carefully" said mom i nodded with an innocent face. I looked at Candle Wax as he smirked. Confusion took over my face " Ahm can Kitten show me your room i need to change my pants" he said i mentally cursed myself i looked at my mum and she nodded. I gave him a fake smile and took him to my room. Nathan was outside my room i smiled at him and he smiled back ,Candle wax is in  the restroom and i was on my bed. The restroom door opened and "Ah" i shouted Candle Wax was only wearing An jocky underwear. I might have shouted out loud that made Nathan burst into my room. He saw Candle Wax only wearing an underwear he put me behind him and said" Sir you shouldn't seduce Miss please get dressed" i got an brilliant idea" What! No he wasn't trying to seduce me he was trying to seduce you he is a gay i shouted cause i was surprised" i said looking at Nathan. Nathan's eyes widened as he looked at Candle Wax and said" sorry dude i am not into men's" with that he walked away i laughed  as i saw candle Wax turn red. He glared at me i smirked at him and said" if you think with that underwear of ours  can seduce me than its wrong Candle wax, i will send a maid with a pair of pants" i winked at him evily and walked out of the room.

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