
A new beginning

The beast finally reached them. Then it transformed into its human form.

"It's been a while, Sasha."

Sasha couldn't say a word. After a short while of utter silence, her eyes got filled with tears yet again.

"Doko!!!" As she called out his name, she started crying even louder  covering her mouth with trembling hands. They were not trembling from fear. Rather from joy. Doko was startled seeing her like that. He came close to her and tried to comfort her. But, she just wouldn't stop crying. The supreme one only watched them as they continued their long waited encounter.

"I'm here, Sasha. So, please... Don't cry. Please, smile for me." He whispered.

Sasha tried her hardest and smiled while tears continued to drop.

"I'm glad you are okay! I thought you were gone forever." She finally confessed.

"I'm sorry I made you worry so much." He replied. Then, he patted her head gently as he continued to reassure her.

"I have always been watching you. I watched you struggle. I watched you survive. I watched you learn. I've always been close to you though you never realised."

Sasha looked at him as he paused for a bit.

"And, remember this; I won't leave your side so easily. I'll always be close to you. I'll always be watching you very closely."

At last, her tears stopped rolling down.

"But...the bridge has been destroyed. I won't be able to come to your world ever again! How will you be there for me?"

Doko then suddenly pulled her into his arms and gave her a warm hug. And then...he whispered into her ears.

"You really are an idiot. A smart idiot."

Sasha didn't argue after that. She kept quiet and hugged him back. They stayed like that for a while until the supreme one finally interrupted.


Hearing her, both Sasha and Doko looked up at her. Then they realised and got embarrassed. Both of them let go of each other in an instant and blushed while looking away. The supreme one found it really amusing. She laughed.

Sasha and Doko got surprised seeing her. Sasha never imagined that such a higher being could laugh like that. As for Doko, he was surprised as he never saw her laugh ever before.

While smiling at them, she finally began.

"I'm sorry I interrupted such a nice moment. But, we should hurry. Staying for so long in this space will be harmful for you."

Sasha, as expected, didn't understand what she meant. She looked at Doko for explanation. Doko explained.

"She's talking about you. You are a human, after all. Humans cannot endure staying here for too long."

"I see. So, that's how it is."

The supreme one then gave them another smile.

"So, let's get going."

After that, the whole place turned extraordinarily bright. The next thing that saw...was the villagers, gathered around them. Doko was surprised as he had no idea what had been going on to make the villagers greet them so warmly. Sasha, on the other hand, couldn't stop smiling as she was able to confirm that the world had been saved. Because, she could see the children...all healthy and on their feet. The villagers were smiling, too. She had never seen them smile all at once.

From a distance, Lily came to them flying. She went straight to Doko and hugged him.

"Doko! I'm glad! You are okay!!!" She said at first. Then, suddenly her voice changed. It was as if she was crying.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!!!" She said out loud.

Doko knew why she was apologising so much. So, he waited no more. He patted her head just like he patted Sasha's and said what he had been longing to say.

"It's okay. You had to do what was for the best. There was no other way."

Shito walked to them. He looked up at him and welcomed him. Then, he finally thanked Sasha.

The villagers were glad to see Doko as well. But, they were also ashamed. For they were the ones who forced him to leave the world.

Their next course of action startled the four of them. The villagers along with the children knelt down before them.

"Wait, what are you..." Doko felt uncomfortable seeing them like that. Sasha, Lily and Shito were too surprised to say anything.

After a while, a villager spoke up on behalf of all the other villagers.

"Sasha, Doko, Lily and Shito... We haven't trusted you in the times we should have. Rather, we caused you more pain and suffering. We were wrong the whole time. Will you ever forgive us?"

The four of them were silenced. They didn't know what to say. Though Sasha and the others did not hold any grudge against them, they were startled seeing them regretting. But, after a small pause, Doko knew that he had to say something. He was a bit sad, of course. But, he never held any grudge.

"Please, everyone, stand up," he said,"We are the guardians of this world. I, Lily, Shito and most importantly...Sasha."

Sasha looked at him as he continued.

"It is our duty to defend our world and its people. You only did what you felt right. The only thing we could ask from you...is a little more trust."

Just by hearing his words, the villager started to shed tears. He came to him running and hugged him.

"Thank you!!! Thank you!!!" He said out loud with the sound of contentment. The other villagers seemed relieved as well. The children were smiling brightly. Seeing all that, Sasha couldn't be happier.

And then, suddenly the supreme one appeared before them. Seeing her, all the villagers bowed down. Doko, Lily and Shito as well. Seeing them, Sasha did so, too. She guessed that they were all bowing because she had different kind of respect before the people here.

"Please, everyone, you may stand up." She said at first.

Hearing her, all of them stood up again.

"May I have all your attention?!" She said out loud,"Sasha, Doko, Lily and Shito; please come here."

Hearing their name announced, they went there and turned at the villagers.

"These are the bravest heroes of this land. Please, give them a round of applause."

The villagers did so waiting no more. They clapped and cheered them on. Sasha had never seen that side of them. She liked it quite a bit. At a distance, she could see Mr. Gratus looking at her, smiling. Noticing him, she smiled back.

"Now then..." She said looking at Sasha,"It's time, Sasha."

She found it sad. But, she knew that it had to be done. The bridge had been destroyed, after all. Yet, she could spend a bit more time here because the supreme one used her powers. So, eventually, she had to return to her own world.

Sasha gave her a faint smile.

"I know." She said.

For the last time, she gave Lily and Shito a warm hug. When she was about to hug Doko, he hugged her first instead.

"Remember, I'll always be watching you." He whispered.

"I know. I believe you." She whispered back.

At last, he let go. Both of them stared at each other after that for a while. Then, she walked slowly to the supreme one. When she looked back, she saw that the villagers gathered around them.

"Sasha, our saviour, please visit us again." All of them said together.

Though Sasha knew that it was impossible, she just gave them a smile.

"I will." She said.

And then, the supreme one patted her head. Just as she did, Sasha got unconscious.... The next thing she saw...was the ceiling of her room.

After opening her eyes, she waked herself up for real. She was in her room, lying on her bed. She felt strangely weak. She soon realised that there was an ice bag on her forehead.

"Did I catch a fever?" She asked herself. She had a headache as well.

Slowly, she sat up and looked around. As far as she recalled, she fell unconscious on her chair before her table. So, she started to wonder why she was in bed. Soon, her mother entered her room.

"Sasha!!!" She called out her name and came to her quickly and hugged her before she could say anything.

"I've been so worried about you! I found you unconscious yesterday night. No matter what we did, you just wouldn't wake up. We even called a doctor. He couldn't say anything either."

Sasha was surprised hearing her.

"Dear!!! Come quick! Sasha has awakened!!!" She called out to her husband.

Soon afterwards, Sasha's father came into her room. Seeing Sasha, he shed tears. Sasha was even more startled. It was as if he had become a totally different person. What changed him? Of course...she realised soon that nothing had changed. Both her parents had always loved her. But, she never figured it out before.

"Sasha!!! Thank goodness!!!" He said out loud,"How are you feeling? Do you feel pain anywhere?"

It took Sasha a bit time to process everything. Her parents gave her the time. She was sick, after all.

"I'm okay. My head just hurts a bit." She finally said.

Then, both her parents insisted that she should bet back to bed rest till the doctor comes to examine her again. Sasha did not argue. She did feel like resting after all the adventures.

Within a few days, the fever went away and she was healthy again. She looked for the mysterious book afterwards. But, she never found it. She continued her school as usual.

She noticed some changes in her family. Her father started to work harder for them for better income. As for her mother, she started to take better care of her. She realised... that she should start being responsible as well just like Doko had suggested. Because, she realised...that the world is not cruel. It isn't all bad. There are also beautiful parts of this world. All she had to do...was to look closely and observe. Because, it turned out that what she was searching for had been awfully close to her. But, she never cared to look carefully.

At first glance, the world might seem full of destruction and malice. But, if there's a shadow, there's also light. One does not need to visit "Paradise Springs" to realise it. Because, they are already aware. But, they only tend to self pity  which makes them vulnerable and causes them to be irresponsible.

Sasha achieved a better understanding. She finally knew how wise her dear friend, Alice was. She corrected herself. And then...

It was as if she had been given a second chance. Second chances are valuable. And, she intended on making the best out of it.

She was blessed with a new beginning.

So, everyone... that's all there is to this novel. I really hope those of you who have read it enjoyed it. I'm glad For Sasha. I hope you are, too.

Thank you for being with me☺️.

RamisaNRcreators' thoughts