

In the middle of a grand hall-

"We have all arrived here to celebrate the accomplishments of our loved and favoured ones. They managed to walk the tedious, somewhat long life journey and come to the other side of the road with thriving success. This celebration marks the end of their high-school years, and we hope our wishes and accomplishments will pave the way to their future." The principal raised his drink as a toast to all the parents in the hall.

Cheers erupted throughout the hall as parents held their children close to them with a smile. Soon enough, drinks began to fly out of the kitchen behind him into the hands of all those who cared enough to come and watch their children graduating. This was not just any high school. It was a school for the different, the supernaturals.

As people know, Earth has existed since immemorial amid the vast cosmos we call the universe. It was one of the many celestial objects that fostered life's growth on its surface. While the normal creatures began to grow, as usual, the power of life brought about changes that weren't predictable. Just like humans existed on this planet, so did beings that were not humans.

There were many kinds, with varied abilities and features that made them different, yet all of them could be categorized under the roof of a single word, supernatural. These beings defied the very nature that ordinary people understood, comp[rehended and tried to make sense of. It was only expected of both sides of the coin to exist peacefully, but one thing was shared between them.

The common feature that managed to breed within every form of life. The desire to live and survive. This single essence gave rise to various instincts and emotions and eventually resulted in action.

Humans, as expected, were at the forefront of the usual side, trying to subdue their otherwise different counterparts. Small disparities began to foster complex thoughts, resulting in both excellent and destructive emotions. While the good was underestimated, the bad was remembered and ingrained within teh memory of those who suffered, eventually becoming the fuel to what would be known as the first war of natural vs supernatural.

Soon enough, these struggles began to grow, and eventually, the two sides decided to divide themselves and live their lives separately. Through invoking unknown grand powers, the everyday world was left to roam, rule and thrive in the world while the supernatural was hidden from their views. An alternate world was created for them, but their ability to interact with the everyday world remained.

As time passed, these struggles grew both within the two sides and among different sides. Inter and intra-wars existed, which soon shaped the long history of lifeforms. ELCIA was the name given to the world of the supernatural, and soon enough, a similar behaviour, such as humans, began to plague the world as well.

Eventually, after years of entanglement, things changed with time, and races began to blend; the worlds began to mix. That brings us to the modern-day world, into the grand school of young supernaturals called Hexes Academy. The academy was designed to be the training round of young supernaturals of all kinds before they were sent into the real world, both the current and the original.

Its function was simple. All kinds of supernatural children would arrive here and study their history, learn about their powers, learn to control them and eventually reach the age which allows them to gain mastery over their young yet powerful abilities. This was required as teh supernatural world no longer desired for their citizens to be limited. The bond that had separated the normal from teh supernatural had long since fallen.

The children were allowed to choose their destination and live as they liked. Hexes taught them the tools they would require to go freely into either of the worlds and live their lives as they wanted. Today was the graduation ceremony of its one-thousandth batch and the welcoming ceremony of the thousandth and tenth batch. The graduation ceremony was of prime importance as every ceremony celebrated the graduation of the world's future and the species to which the students belonged.

The party went on for hours before teh principal, Professor Gregory Tolkin, climbed the stage again.

"I thank all of you for having assembled here on this joyous occasion to celebrate the oncoming ceremony of the next generation of leaders. Since the first happy occasion has been observed, I would like to introduce the second happy news for all of us. This is also the day we would welcome the next batch of supernatural minors joining teh academy and training with us for the next period of their life. I want to receive the Thousand and tenth batch of the Hexes Academy. Kindly welcome them with open hearts.:" Gregory Spoke in an excited tone.

Gates opened up, and a group of minors, teens and many more began to walk inside. These were teh new students of the academy. A massive round of applause and cheers followed their steps as everyone present looked at them with a mixture of emotions. There was pride, happiness, excitement, hope, expectations and a horde of other emotions which is better left unchecked.

Everyone was in the middle of celebrating when a resounding screech made everyone fall to their knees, except for a few individuals who could remain standing due to their power. Everyone's face was filled with pain and shock as a commanding voice fell from heaven.

"The Holy Heaven Begins To Weep

As The Unholy Hell Begins To Break

The Chains Of Holding, The Chains of Day

Despair may Fill, But So May Hope

The Chosen One Begins To Walk The Rope

Leading The World's End

Or The Actual World To Be

Heavens Shall Follow, Even The Fate Decree."

Some vomited blood, others fell unconscious, but everyone could feel the burden of hearing the voice sing the poem their years. While the people started rushing at each other, one boy tightly clenched his heart as his nose bled, and his eyes darkened and brightened simultaneously. No one could see the phenomena, but by teh time someone did manage to come, it was already over.

"Are you ok?" A voice sounded from the side as a hand appeared beside his shoulder. The boy raised his head to see the face filled with smile and strength yet covered in exhaustion and pain. He grabbed the hand and rose.

"Thank you." The boy said.

"No worries, mate. I am Chris, by the way." One boy greeted.

"Klaus." The other boy replied.

My dear readers,

I welcome you to my latest creation, the world of Sarcastic Love.

Unlike what people might think, the title is always relatable.

I hope you will be bale to understand the sentiment behind this one, and enjoy the journey through a part of my being.

If you do, support me and accompany ius on this journey.

if you don't,

Hey we are thankful for your time.

Best Wishes

Debasish_padhicreators' thoughts