

Keshav, a flying creature, lives in a haunted ruin. In the eyes of everyone, he is a demon or a wandering soul, but in reality he is of a calm nature and he is very much in love with flowers. One day he meets Vrinda who is allergic to flowers . Both fall in love with each other in spite of adversity. will they live together... ************ "I don't know... I don't know... but I have to be brave. I have to go inside. I want to see who is he?" Then she started to move in fear, she looked here and there. She could not see anything, she took a sigh of relief and started moving forward. She went further inside the building. That creature was sitting on a big tree nearby. He looked like a human in appearance. His eyes were just yellow. Tears of blood came out from his eyes. The teeth were also a bit big may be canine. He had black marks on his shoulders, probably tattoos. Vrinda was still thinking a lot. "Maybe he's a monster." ********************* JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/kalakshik/?hl=en

sharmakalakshi913 · Fantasy
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324 Chs


Before he could say anything further, Vrinda could not control herself and she gently touched Keshav's cheeks with her lips and then ran away shyly. For some time Keshav stood still. Then on hearing some sound, keeping his hand on his cheek, he started thinking.

"What just happened to me? What happened to me now?"

Vrinda came straight out of there. One of the men saw it but he thought that someone would be like this. the man's friend asked

"What are you watching?"

"Nothing man, it was a girl."


"Nothing must have come to meet my special friend."

"Don't leave, you focus on work."

"Nobody will get it. Don't worry."

Vrinda was cursing and shying herself all the way.

"How stupid am I? Why couldn't I control my emotions? I have met him so many times. Always being with him gave me security. So how did I become like this myself today? Was being close to him making my heart beat so fast? Was Raavi right? I'm liking him. What I did to him today. After that he will definitely be angry."

Here Keshav had a different situation. He lay down in his room and searched the internet

"What does it mean if a girl does that?"

He found out from the internet it means

"she likes you."

Keshav started thinking

"Dude, that's fine. she likes me. she did this but after that my heart beats faster. Why hasn't it reduced till now?"

He put his hand on his heart and said

"Please calm down. Calm down my heart. Don't beat so much."

He remained sitting like that. Then he touched his cheek again and started remembering that incident again.

This chapter have first kiss between Keshav and Vrinda.

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