

'Oi..oi..where is this…it look like some kinda island...humm.. what are those floating thing...heads...umm..more heads...nice..nice just perfect a fucking Headddd!'

'Whyyyy...send...send me here I just a normal guy that want to live a leisure live….Mommy ….sniff...sniff….I promise I become a good guy...in the future...and....cursed you pirate god someday I will steal your treasure…for this.'

'Dream….maybe it's a dream..like before yes like before….and ....people always slap their face in the movie to awake themself...Let try first with left side cheek ...Pang!...fuck it hurt'

' I thought I already died so how come I still felt hurt and I didn't even awake...ok...ok….calm down let try right side...Pang!...Arghh…this is not dream why ….why…'

'My body yes...my body I somehow got my body back I...I reincarnated muahaha….I will become protagonist cursed you head...now I'm reincarnated I certainly have some cheat to purge all of you'

'Take this kick from Riz the one of the top player in football game….aim… and shoot….hahaha...umm that... somehow that head flying faster than my grandma reaction when cockroach flying to her'

'Just what a nonsense I'm babbling about now let focus where exactly am I.You Mr.Head explained where am I now before you got shoot on the head like Mr.Flying Head1.Umm...what you just wearing there...a spectacle...hmmm…this... tattoo behind your ear...somehow I think I saw this tattoo...Yo...Mr.Head are you made this at Uncle Madhem tattoos shop...umm..you don't know...it near the alley behind the street when you walk from city ...and when you found beautiful auntie that wearing a glasses that have a beautiful daughter that always go to park...to met her boyfriend and her boyfriend uncle's is connect to Uncle Madhem...So they live two block from each their apartment...and...they open the shop together….the shop just behind my house'

'I just remember it this tattoo is a symbol of slave from celestial dragon in one piece….One piece yes..yes...finally I got the answer thank Mr.Head let me give a kiss muahh...uwekk you stink Mr.Head so let me give you a bath...Take this…. aim….shoot…..Goodbye see you soon Mr.Head and happy bathing at the sea'

'Hehehe…now...I will become the pirate emperor...and rule over the sea but first let me take a selfie…..snap…...haih just where my phone when I need it…'

'Look like something big approaching….ship..That flag….it's a bird...symbol...maybe it's a...from a bird pirate group….let hide for a while until it passed'

'Fyuh...luckily they don't notice me….oh..oh...another ship is coming too...umm...clown flag….maybe they are traveler circus….but how can I called they too far….head yes head….Yo...guys sorry for today look like our friendship ending here...Goodbye...Take ….shoot…fire..'

'Ehhhh...the heck why they turn to cannon direction here….No...no...you got it wrong I'm just want to ask for help please...I will become a good guy….just take the cannon away...Fuckkkk...Goodbye world maybe...my grand..grand...son will take a revenge for me...lol'


'So I'm died for a second time and currently I on board on another ship and…..it got attacked by the first ship I on board...look...like the pirate god is mad..so let run…'

'Heck...another wet floor….Curse you mop head…oh no a white light again..'

'I dropped for a second time which the fucker wrote this story and annoyingly it so short'

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