
Sans x Dream-LazyPositivity

Dream:Hey classy~ you here?

Classic:Right here lemon boy.

Dream:Oh didn't see ya there babe.

Classic:Not surprised at this point, and really you shouldn't be surprised either, Your like 2/3 feet taller than me! Makes me seem like your a man dating a kid, that came wrong but you know what I mean!

Dream:Heh 😅 yeah don't worry I know what you meant, anyways do you know what day it is??

Classic:It's Friday

Dream:Which means it's your turn to do the damn chores!!

Classic:yeaaaaaahhhhhh NOPE! *Teleports outta there*


*Switch to classic's pov*

Classic:Phew got outta there just in time.

???:Let me guess it was your turn to do dishes??

Classic:WHOA!! Jeez Killer don't sneak up on me like that man! And yes it was my turn to do CHORES not just the darn dishes man.

Killer:Eh same thing, anyway just do the stupid chores man!

Classic:Hell no too lazy for that mate.

Killer:Bro it's a short 10 minutes, why not? I'm lazy but hey I do my chores at the castle and get left alone, you should try it.

Classic:But it's to muuuuuuuuch!

Killer:Whatever lazy ass.

Classic:Your one to talk.

Killer:HEY! At least I do my chores and go on killing missions and that.



Classic:Uh nothing bro, so let's talk about something else, how are you and cross?

Killer:Oh were fine, he's doing a meme battle with epic right now.

Classic:Not surprised.

Killer:But I'll tell you something that will.

Classic:Try me. *Teleports a ketchup bottle to him and starts drinking it*

Killer:I got cross pregnant.

Classic:*Spits out ketchup* WHAT?!?!?!

Killer:HA! See I did surprise you.


Killer:Well were magical skeletons that can change our body's to an ecto body for a male ecto body or a female ecto body that works like a regular human body, Do the homework bro.

Classic:Oh, I forgot we had ecto body's.

Killer:How did you- nevermind, anyways when do you except dream to get you pregnant?

Classic:Haha nice joke but that's never gonna happen buddy.

Killer:Never say never bro, plus who knows maybe dream will get you pregnant without your permission, he IS nightmare's brother dude, always expect something.

Classic:Well in that case I'll just blast him to the after life.

Killer:Dude he's like the Guardian of positivity, and had years more experience than you, I'm sure he'd except that, plus even if you do mange that, the multiverse will become imbalanced, and would tear itself to piece's, soooooooooo you really have no choice in the matter if he chooses to get you pregnant, hell he's probably planning to get you pregnant the moment you come back for trying to skip your day on doing chores.

Classic:God damn it your right.

Killler:I'm always right.

Classic:Stfu, imma head back to dream before he comes up with that idea for my punishment.

Killer:Good luck bro.

Classic:Yeah, good luck to you to, your gonna become a father soon!

*Classic teleports back to his house*

Killer:Yep, being a father, let's see how long this mission will go on for.

*Classic's pov*

Classic:uh DREAM! I'm back to do my chores!!!!

Dream:Good, your finally gonna learn how to be responsible!!!

Classic:Yeah, let's just do this.

*insert epic montage of him learning how to do chores the right way, then being able to do it correctly*


Classic:*heavy breathing* I want to die.

Dream:Calm down classy, you'll be fine.

Classic:No I won't.

Dream:Fine here.

*Dream then proceeds to make classic drink ketchup*

Classic:Thanks babe, but I'm tired I really need to sleep, could you please take me to our bedroom?


*Dream then picks up his lazy husband bride style and takes him to their bedroom, he places him on the bed then coves him with the blanket, he then turns off the lights as he heads back to the bed and also gets on it, he covers himself with the same blanket, as he then snaps his fingers replacing his clothes and classic's clothes with their pajamas, as he rest his skull on his pillow and pulls Classic to cuddle with him*

Dream:Sweet dreams classy.

Classic:Mmm You to dreamy,

*They then smooch as they drift off to their dream's.


The end.

Words taken:768.

If you want to request something feel free to do it, I'm happy to take any.