
Book 2/ Season II

Chapter VI: New school 

John opens the door of the car and helps Sasha out ..he stood at attention...most of the girls swooned...at the sight of this sexy guy in a black suit...with a red tie, looking like a angel sent to earth..he smiles as he closes the door of the SUV and it drives away"ready. lady Sasha" he says as he walks with her to the office to register...he would either register and be assigned to her classes or not register and be just her Butler, a girl by the name of Lisa Silvana shows up and has a crowd of men and women...but when they see John they become one giant horde around him...Lisa looks at him and kinda walks over to them" who are you?" she asks kinda looking at the fact that his muscles we're kinda showing...he was perfectly toned, built, and had some scars that make him look bad-ass"I am John...Butler and guard of Sasha dragova" he says as he bows gentleman like, Sasha steps forward" he is mine... so don't think your Able to steal him... as you do like other men" she says looking at the crowd..as they disperse, what sounds like gunshots go off...John instinctively, steps in front of Sasha and draws his hidden blades that were hidden under his sleeves...(like a punch dagger style blade)...he stood ready, most people freaked out that he had drawn weapons and was in a defensive stance" John...Don't worry... we're safe....at ease" John sheaths his blades in his sleeves and returns to escorting Sasha, as they get to the office. Lisa had followed and so does her little group, eyeing the mysterious John...a Butler who has blades hidden in sleeves,and seemed trained to be ready to protect his master at all cost,as she registers she asks if her Butler was allowed...to come with her..."if not..I'll register for all her classes" he says as he looks at her with respect and secretly love..."he can register for your classes and be your Butler...but his grades will determine if we separate you...hmm...OK go to your homeroom...Mrs. Williams in room 117.." she says as they get what they need, schedule, and stuff to explain they go here"let's go John" she says as she heads towards their new homeroom teacher and John follows silently planning everything out...as they reach the door they hear"...and so class that's why you do not mix up gas and water"she says laughing they then stops as they knock on the door as they back up she opens the door and sees Sasha...then looks over to John ...he bows to her..."don't mind him...he is my Butler, we are new students..." she says and the teacher takes the paperwork they give her"OK..come in and stand at the front...both of you...we will introduce you to my class" she says as she brings them in...Sasha smiles, but John just nods and stands two steps behind and to the right of Sasha, "class...I would like you to introduce you to..." she steps aside and lets Sasha speak"Hello my name is Sasha dragova... it's a pleasure to meet you...and this guy to my right..is my Butler..." she nods to him"my name is John... a pleasure to meet you...I am Sasha's Butler and caretaker...if you need anything... please let me know" he bows to them slightly then returns to position and awaits orders"OK...any questions about them" a student raises his hand and asks where their from"I'm from a nearby town... Sanguine...and so is the"John just nods...he was being silent so as to avoid messing up,one girl asked about John...like what he likes or dislikes, what's his favorite music and what's with the suit..he looks at Sasha and looks cool as he says"I prefer classical music, and I wear the suit to show that I'm a Butler" he says as he then steps back to his standard stance" John is a quiet one....he isn't very talkative...but he is there when you need a should cry on, or someone who's there to scare away the creeps" she says as he flexes A bit.. kinda showing off...the other guys kinda felt like they stood no chance in hell of outdoing him, "another question..."a girl in the back says"why is he armed to the teeth and looks like something from an anime or manga, I mean...for god sake he is built like a brick wall...how does someone get that way?"she asks..Sasha chuckles as she lets John handle this one"I am impressed...not many people ask that, I have spent my life, surviving by whatever means necessary, it turned me into well me." John nods as Sasha asks "anymore?" as they ask questions, Sasha answered most of them...John spoke rarely but had a sense of Elegance and kinda made the girls swoon...as he was sexy as hell,

Chapter VII: the task at hand and bodies to pile 

John had been given a target, the person has tried to avoid paying the boss back

"Target: Joana versi


Race: human

Gender: Male

Armed to the teeth and is surrounded in meatheads...the bastard owes the boss 50 Grand,"He says as he loads his guns,he sits in the van with 3 others,squiqs,Sasha,and some new recruit, John was in command of this job"ok, Sasha your with me, you two watch the back, smoke anyone who ain't us," he says looking at the kid" hey kid, keep your head down and obey Squigs."he says calmly as they pull up to the person's house,he was a dealer in the more... Ghetto part of town,it was a run down old two story house that they ran their gang from, so two would hit the front and two in the back,as they were getting ready,the kid says"why should I listen to you?"he says as he grabs an AK-47 and looks at John"because If I have to break into what I would consider a drug den with guns, my plan best go right...or they may not find our bodies."he says coldly, handing Squigs a 10 gauge shotgun,and grabbing a modified mp5"Sasha,you ready, Squigs?,newbie?"he says as he pulls on his mask and gets to work, as they move in tony and newbie move to the back door and set up, the sound of suppressed gunshots fill the air,a minute later they are dragging out Joana,the young man looked scared shitless as he had 2 armed people dragging him out to a van,before they throw him into the back,they knock him out and bound and gag him as well as the bag over the head, "Squigs, noob, if he moves you know what to do!" he says getting in the driver seat beside him was Sasha in the passenger seat, as they pull away, another car pulls up, full of guys...all of them armed,it looked like with 9mm pistols,revolvers and other guns,one of them looked to have a shotgun with a gang sign on it"fuck!"they say as they see the van and the folks inside"smoke those bitchs!"they say as they open fire,John smiles as this bitch was bulletproof and armored, he had no worries exept on killing the shooters"John, what's the plan?"Sasha asks as she grips Her suppressed Uzi"let's see if they can fight folks who shoot back!"they get out and return fire,and them being what they are, the fight was one-sided,John looks around and says"put the bodies in the van, with the others, then destroy the house and car!"he tells Squigs, Sasha and the newbie as he grabs one of the bodies and piles them up in the back

As they pulled in to the garage of the mansion, they had bodies in the back,bodies to pile and Bodies to burn,when they stop John tells them"grab him, let's get the fuck to the boss then let's handle the bodies, John tells Squigs and the new guy to take the bodies outback and that he will handle it from there, John then picks up Joana

Chapter VIII: The Change

As John escorts Sasha to her lunch someone tries to mug them...John, of course, being John brakes the lads arm and leg and sends him to the floor, one of his friends saw this and thought to tell the others who were part of a gang"John...Don't kill him...just injure him badly" Sasha says as she walks to the door...John breaks his other leg and walks to Sasha...when the gang came back they saw there friend was hurt.." who did this to you?" the boss asks, the injured thug says"John...Drake" he faints"GO GET THE FUCKING NURSE...." the students/gang members ran to get the nurse...they owed John blood and they would have it... As they get lunch one of the kids who managed to slip a gun onto the campus walks over and looks at John then says"this is for Tim! "he pulls the gun and shoots... John pushed Sasha out the way and took the bullet in the shoulder...he grabs a pencil and stabs the shooter. Each stab was a kill shot... He sits down and looks at his shoulder...after a few hours and a lot of paperwork, they finally have peace

As she sits right next to him in the car, Sasha checks the wound... Her boyfriend was shot and he acts like he was fine... "John... My plan... "she whispers "is to turn you into a vampire...and make you a mademan...once that happens... You're free to publicly love me... "she says as he looks at Sasha and nods "if we get to be together... I'll do it... As long as you are mine... I am yours... For eternity "he pulls out a little black box... But suddenly stops and they get out and head into the mansion... He hides the box for later... When Sasha brings up turning John... Her father looks at him... "I'll do one better... Drink my blood... And become a vampire lord... A noble of the vampires... We are dukes, kings, queen,  and lords.....however... "he stands up and looks serious "you will serve our house... And... Make my daughter happy... As well as do more important work for me... It makes you captain... A capo... First, drink... Drink deep "as he cuts his wrist and puts his arm out... John drinks without hesitation... He drinks to the point that he was making himself more powerful than his sire

"and now...You're a very important person... A capo... And a lord of the vampires... Welcome home... John Drake "he laughs as he just gave John a new name and a new life..."John Drake... Well until I marry your daughter... Then it will be dragova.. "the boss looks shocked... Then put two and two together... He has a plan.. "so when... "he collapses... As he starts to change into a vampire lord..after a few hours when he woke They noticed he doesn't change like a normal would... He had grown and became bigger, faster and stronger than even the boss, John's new power felt great...he smiles as now he was a bit taller and more buff...he looked like he was able to lift tanks... He smiles a whole lot wider when they bring out his new suit...it looked like a better version of the old one ..plus it had a whole lot more armor and weapons..." guaranteed to stop anything short of a 50 Bmg round..."

John smiles a bit at that then puts on the suit. john Drake,...the guard and boyfriend of Sasha dragova...the infamous daughter of Viktor dragova and Natalia dragova, he likes this...he notices that he had a bit more fur/hair and massive fangs..."OMG... your parents must have been werewolves,thus you having Uber senses and strength...now that is quadrupled by the new vampire blood....your a hybrid...a perfect one.." he smiles and says"I am still John...the boyfriend and bodyguard of you...the most beautiful woman in the world....no offense miss dragova..." he says as he sees Sasha's mom...who..

Looked sexy as hell, he smiles as he hugs his girlfriend..." so...I'm a hybrid...that's awesome..." the boss smiles a little wider...."I also... would like to grant you something...As Boss of this family...I hereby appoint you to...Cappo...this comes with respect and trust, as well as love....but you will have new Responsibly...such as tending to my daughter...and keeping her safe, Happy and... tending to her needs, as well as managing a business, like insurance, or keeping the local gangs...out of our way..."he says seriously and calmly... almost setting a Erie feeling,"congratulations...you are now part of this family...and will be taken care of from henceforth...also...we have a room for you..."Sasha steps forward..and boldly says"no need...he will be staying with me..." she says almost demanding, and bravely, the boss looks at John...and nods quietly"....be careful...and don't cause too much trouble..." he eyes poor John...who was about to be dragged to his girlfriend's room and probably have a little....fun

As she pulls him into the room he smiles as he closes the door behind them...and starts to unpack...and kinda undress"you want to shower first or..." he stops when Sasha reaches into his pants and feels his Dick..." god...

You're huge..."John smiles and starts to fully strip...he stops and starts helping Sasha do the same..as they strip they kiss for a second then help each other strip.once naked the 6'8 ft John, looks at Sasha who also was nude...he leans in and kisses her passionately, massaging her breast as he does. as she works her way down..her eyes finally meet the Cock that John had hidden...and it was huge...as she kisses the tip he starts to moan in ecstasy, Sasha starts to start licking his cock from balls to tip then starts to suck the tip and work her way down,  footsteps of Sasha's mom and little sister looking into the room from outside..."damn...he is hot...maybe we can steal him"they say quietly as so John doesn't hear...

A couple of hours later and the two of them finish...it was a perfect moment, a perfect match

...a match made in hell, as they start to dress, Sasha hugs him pressing her Breast against him, John blushes a bit and looks up"Sasha...lets go somewhere,I have a place to show you.."he says as he slips the little black box on to his pocket as she wasn't watching...she turns and nods"it's a date" she says happy and cheerfully, and she starts to get dressed...kinda showing off her goods to John

(Drake is a surname...kinda like snow...it's a name for a Bastard child, or a child not born to your wife or husband...they are also called illegitimate children or wards )

Chapter VIV: I love you so much...so will you be mine?[Ain't that a kick in the head] 

As they walk, John smiles at her ... leading her to a nearby restaurant that was really famous...as he looks at the waitress he says"We are the Dragova party...we made reservations" he says as she checks nods and leads them to the best table there was...he pulls out her seat"thank you" she says sitting...

He looks at her and says"order anything you want..I'm paying" he smiles as they mow down 300 dollars worth of food and he says as he walks with her through the door and down the road to a nearby park with a Gazebo on a huge bridge... As he takes her hand he gets down on one knee and says"sasha...i love you so much... So please... Will you marry me? "as he does she kisses him... "John... Yes... Yes...!! "she says as she holds him"I love you, baby... Always"he says as some the other couples cheer for John for this young couple... some look as if they were considering doing the same"I love you sasha...always and forever till death do us part"he says smiling he takes out his phone and plays"careless whisper" by George Michael...he starts to dance with her, John smiles as no one yet knew about their relationship ...but today was the day he told their class and showed the other bastards that Sasha was his...and  no one could stop that"We have an announcement..." he looks at Sasha who was fully blushing, he takes her hand and raises it... showing off her engagement ring..."I proposed to Sasha..." he says cheerfully and excited" what!.." most of them yelled"Y'all knew me and Sasha were a thing right?....guess not." he laughs and smiles"now..you gents better find a different girl... otherwise... I'm going to have to break you" he then kisses Sasha....on the forehead and says"let's go...honey"he pulls Sasha with him, smiling at the fact that Sasha was his fiancee and was blushing,the teacher stops them"I'm guessing you are transferring to another school?"she asks, sadly"yes, There is a private school that is for girls, lucky I'm her Butler, her fiancee, and her confidant, I must go" he says as all the girls cry out for him to stay, they were still interested in him"if Sasha stays... I'll stay" he says looking at her and blushing, a few seconds later she answers"we can stay,...for a while" a week later and the wedding is on, as the song"here comes the Bride"plays, John smiles, everyone had gathered here, as they got halfway down the aisle. John looks at her and as she reaches the alter John grins"Hello my love, looking great today, I hope we get some more time together... alone" he whispers then says the words"I do, till death do us part" she says the same and everyone cheers"never expected this. damn John,I hope the guys next year, don't think to hit on her,...they may not be able to pay the price"Tony chuckles lightly as he knew this was a beautiful thing,as the priest says"kiss the bride"John kisses her long and passionately,he picks her up and sets her down"I am yours and you are mine, till death do us part" he says as they walk out the church, a limo pulls up"let's go home." he says to Sasha, then helps her into the car, gets in and leaves the area near the church,

(That is the end of season 2, I had fun working on it and was happy to get this far, hope you want more, cuz Season 3, is coming together nicely but I need to know if you want more or if this should be the end of this series)

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