


On the top of the walls surrounding the Village were stationed the elite ninjas of the Uzumaki clan with tension and fear creeping from their body. At the forefront stood Seijuro Uzumaki, the current village head. Watching as the barrier protecting their village tremble with each new jutsu throw on it.

As Uzumaki Seijuro gaze upon the coalition create to deal with his own clan, despair fill his heart even though he tried to hide it beneath a stoic face.

Feeling a new ninja approaching him, he didn't turn his head but instead ask him.

"Still no message from Konoha?"

"Except for the Ninja alliance ordering us to surrender no other message were received."

Upon hearing that, some random Uzumaki Ninja Exclaimed with anger.

"Damn Konoha! The second elder was right they don't intend to help us at all! They just use us for their sealing and Bijuu and throw us when it becomes troublesome! What a great ally they are!"

While Seijuro felt that it was inappropriate for him to say that out loud, but he didn't refute him because that was what everyone think in they heart.

They always wholeheartedly help Konoha. Be it for their jinchuriki problems, their sensor barrier or even during the first Ninja war. But now that they needed help no one responded.

So right now, more than being angry with the Kiri alliance, they were more angry with Konoha and their treachery.

With a sigh escaping from him, Seijuro took a look at the protective barrier, before estimating how much time they had.

"How are the preparations? The protection will break in two hours or so. Is everything ready?"

"Yes Lord Seijuro. We already gather all sealing technique in the library. We can destroy it at any time. Also the explosive tags are ready. However because we short on special paper, we were forced to take any kind of paper to create the rest." reply the Ninja messenger.

"That's okay. Even though it will reduce the power of the explosion, as long as there is enough of it there's hope for the children and civils to escape successfully."

Yes, Uzumaki Seijuro never had any doubt about his enemy determination to exterminate them. So from the start he only had one plan: help as many civil as he could to survive while they hold the line when the barrier fall.

And all Ninja present knew about it. And while many of them were afraid, they were also determinate to do their duty. If their death mean more of their family member would survive, then they will do it.

As Seijuro was instructing the messenger to send a message to the south side of side of the Village, he suddenly felt six abnormal Chakra growing within the coalition army with his Eyes of Kagura. At the same time he saw six tail beasts appearing at the rear of the alliance army the battlefield.

"Tell Tatsumi to prepare for the evacuation! Hurry up!" Tell Seijuro in hurry as the messenger run to the south with the message with all his might.

Watching with dread, as the tail beasts prepared to launch their infamous Bijuudama, This time Uzumaki Seijuro focused on his subordinates.

"To all Uzushio Shinobi! The enemy is coming! Prepare for the battle of your life! Today is the day you will show what you are ready to do to protect our family! Today is the day you will show to our enemy why they were right to fear us! We won't fight for our land! Today we fight so our family can have a future! Even if we die, we will do so after creating a path for them to live on! They think they can eliminate us and take our secrets ? Then let's show them and exterminate them instead!!"

Seijuro speech made all the Ninja present blood boil. If prior to this, if there was some of them afraid of confronting an army of 20 000 Ninja before while they were only 7 500. After Uzumaki Seijuro talked, you couldn't find a single coward among their rank. On the contrary each of them felt like they could take the army in front of them alone.

From the start they new what their fate would be. If that's the case then why not killing as many enemy as they could? Anyway they would die, what worse could happen?

Thinking of this the Uzushio shinobi faced the incoming bijuudama with more determination than before.

But obviously Seijuro wasn't going to let that happen. They didn't even fought against the Kiri alliance, so how could they lose people?

The barrier protecting them had another function which was directing ninjutsu at it, but not only did it require you to activate that function yourself, but you had to have a huge amount of Chakra to do it. So they couldn't use it every time when it wouldn't do much on enemy side.

And as the tail beast unleashed their Bijuudama that fusion into one on the fly, Seijuro thought that now was the perfect time to do it.

'Kiri, Kumo, Suna, Taki. Let me show you the Uzumaki clan anger!'

But as he gather his Chakra, Seijuro suddenly felt a huge human Chakra competing with the tail beasts, approaching rapidly the Bijuudamas from the side.

Searching with his eyes for that human, he saw a green light flash at that position, before a huge blue-green Chakra in a spheric shape 2 size lower than the bijuudama appear to confront them. Following that, he heard a familiar voice that he thought impossible to find here.

"Yôton: Odama-Genkidama!"

As the Genkidama, confront the fusion of the Bijuudama, they all prepared themselves for a big explosion to occur, but it didn't happen.

Instead the spectator assisted at a weird scene : when the two ball touch each other, the Genkidama seem to absorb something in the Bijuudama and start to grow in size while the latter reduce in size. Then without understanding how, the Genkidama erased the Bijuudama.


"Tha- What just happened!?"

"Is this the time to ask that? Don't you see that it's coming our way?!"

It was only after someone pointed it out that they reacted. One after another they started to cast defensive ninjutsu.

"Doton: earth rampart!"

"Suiton : water encampment wall!"

"Suiton : Great water pillar!"


With every Ninja on the front casting their best defensive jutsu, the alliance thought that even if many would die they would succeed in containing the Genkidama. Unfortunately while the plan was good in theory it just didn't work in reality.

Contrary to what they thought, when the Genkidama didn't denotate after colliding with those defensive ninjutsus. And to they horror, while it slow down because of those jutsu, but at the same time the Genkidama seems to pass through its. Then like with the Bijuudama those jutsu were erase too.

Seeing that seemingly invincible jutsu, every shinobi nearby tried to ran away, but it was too late.

Like before the Genkidama didn't make any sound, just silently erased the people coming in touch with it.

Be it Uzushio shinobi or the Kiri alliance, everyone was terrified by it.

Fortunately because the caster aimed to the ground, when the Genkidama touch it, it seems to blend to the earth. So except for those in his range everyone else was fine. The weirdest thing was that after the Genkidama disappeared, instead of the remains of those ninjas, vegetation start to grow quickly from where it land.

After the last trace of the Genkidama disappear, an eerie silence Settled in the battlefield. Even though that jutsu was already gone, just seeing it once was enough for them to remember it all their life. Even if they wanted to forget they couldn't anyway.

5000 ! That was how many people disappeared under that fearsome jutsu. But what afraid both armies was that they did not die, they disappeared! And silently!

That jutsu didn't burn cut or explode, it just silently erase you from existence! And it could even absorb Bijuudama!

How could they not be afraid of something like this? For them this jutsu was simply invincible!

'Is this really something a human can do?'

Not only Seijuro had that thought, but almost everyone there thought like that. But he couldn't continue to think about life because the perpetrator of their shock landed in front of the alliance army, becoming the focus of the battlefield.

They wanted to know. Who was the person powerful enough to face head-on a Bijuudama and erasing 5000 people at the same time.

But after they saw the man in question, a new shock came to them.


"How could it be him?!"

"Am I hallucinating?!"

"How could he appears here?! I thought Konoha wouldn't interfere in this?!"

"No, maybe it someone else! Look how young the guy is, he should be in his forty not in his twenty!"

"No, it should be him! Do you think someone with his power will still disguise himself as Konoha Sandaime? Look at his Hokage royal robe and his Konoha forehead protector. He's the real deal!"

Even though they knew it in their heart that it was really him, they were really unwilling in their hearts. After all the power he just showed already had the shadow of Senju Hashirama. And none of the great country wanted the arrival of a new God of Ninja, especially not from Konoha again.

Hōzuki Gengetsu wanting to see what happens on the front line, just arrived in front of the coalition army. After seeing the person in front of the Uzushio principal Gate, he first show an expression of surprise before laughing out loud in front of everyone. Earning him some weird gaze from both sides.

"Ha ha ha! I have to say, with Konoha way of conduct while I was expecting your arrival. But I certainly didn't forsee that kind of powerful entrance! Should I say, as expected from Konoha's Hokage? No matter which one, they are all monsters. To be honest I really thought that you Sarutobi Hiruzen will stay in the human realm with us, and not join your predecessors as a monster."

As you guessed the one that threw the terrifying Genkidama was none other than the Sandaime Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen!

After four days of rushing he finally got arrived in Uzushiogakure. And just in time.

Glancing at Uzumaki Seijuro, Hiruzen nodded at him before replying happily.

"Ha ha ha ha! Then I should be happy to have become a monster, otherwise that attack earlier would have been fatal to my family."

Gengetsu perk up after hearing that.

"...Your family?"

"Yes. Even though the Uzumakis aren't from our village. As our eternal friend we still consider them as a part of our grand family." Putting away his smile, Hiruzen suddenly became serious "But today you and your army still tried to hurt my family, I hope you're ready to face the consequences." As if to highlight his words Hiruzen monstrous Chakra erupt, scaring even Hōzuki Gengetsu.

On the other side of the wall, after hearing Hiruzen many Uzumaki celebrate the Hokage arrival, but bowed their head in shame. And for good reason.

They all believed that Konoha let them fend off for themselves, but look at it now. The Hokage came in person to save their ass! And when the enemy praised him, he on the contrary reply "stop your bullshlt and let fight! Why? You hurt my family!".

Family! The Hokage himself told in front of the enemy that they weren't some disposable pawn, but family! How could they not be ashamed when a few minutes earlier some even cursed at Konoha?

Even Seijuro himself felt a hint of shame. Even though he didn't say anything like the other, but he also cursed Konoha in heart. Even from the start because he himself was the chief of his village he knew what the difficulty Konoha will face if they come to help him, He thought that Konoha will never help them. Because that's what he'll do if he was Hokage.

And now seeing the back of Sarutobi Hiruzen with the word Sandaime Hokage written...

'I can't let him fight alone!' That was his decision after the lone Hokage full momentum confronting the coalition who came to deal with them.

Then without wasting time he undid the protective barrier surrounding the Village.

This was a dangerous move from Seijuro, because once the fight start, without the barrier the enemy could infiltrate the Village and take what they wanted.

All Uzushio shinobi knew it, but they didn't say anything. Without having Seijuro say anything, they knew what that move means and they approve.

Our ally came with their most powerful and riskiest person : the Hokage! And we will continue to hid under some protective barrier while he take care of the enemy? How could that be! Today we all live together or die together, there's no third option for Uzushiogakure.

And as they saw the Uzumaki shinobi face everyone understood the message.

"Ara, it's seems like if we want to return with our objective today, we'll have to come up with all our strength." As if on a cue two people appear from the Kiri coalition army and stood together with Gengetsu. They were the 3rd Raikage A and the second Kazekage Shamon.

After seeing the arrival of the newcomers Hiruzen became solemn which made Gengetsu smile wider.

"Don't blame us Sandaime Hokage for coming with three people, because you're too strong. If you want to blame something, blame yourself for coming alone."

Hiruzen didn't reply immediately because he suddenly felt something. After after confirm it, he smile at Gengetsu.

"Who told you that I came alone?"


Following the explosion from the west of the coalition army came the powerful voice of a woman.

"Mokuton : Birth of sea of Trees!"

Then under the shocked eyes of the people a big forest start to appear on the right side of the army, growing with a great momentum until reaching the four Kage side. What's made the alliance more angry and fearful was that those trees who grew up in a second start to capture them and absorb their Chakra.

Then from that dense forest three humanoid shadow came out to stand behind Hiruzen. They were obviously his three apprentice Jiraya, Tsunade and Orochimaru.

After seeing them, Hiruzen couldn't help but complain.

"Is it this difficult to follow my instructions? I told you to stay with the others to lead our shinobi."

"Don't worry old man, the Ino-Shika-Cho is taking care of it for us. Besides with Kurama Tenma, they won't have any problem."

"Sensei on the other hand you seem like you need some help." Finish Jiraya while watching his opponent vigilantly.

On the other side, after seeing Tsunade display of Mokuton and the aura of the three that were no weaker than them, Gengetsu suddenly felt like running away.

"I suddenly regret talking to much."

Next chapter