
A name

When they were 7 years old, boys were given names in the abbaye of Sint-Oblivion. Long ago, a man that came from that abbaye became a hero when he saved the country. It was 400 hundred years ago, when the second Dark War raged and chaos reigned. His name was Oblivion. The legend says he gave his life to kill a terrifying monster which was theatening the country.

In the Abbaye, it was a name that no one could hope to receive, as the years pass, the name became more and more sacred to the point where no one was worthy of it.

Before reaching 7, boys were called acolytes and were under the monk's teaching. they were allowed to have rocks or plant names to call themself before receiving their officials names.

Coal was an average boy, thinner than hid pairs and clumsy. Still, he had eyes of a profound Green and dark Brown hairs that wouldn't be unremarked if he was a bit more tidy and carefull in his look. He never made a great impression on his preceptors nor has he many friends. Coal was easily distracted, always in his head rather than listenning in class. It has Never been easy for him to live and grow in Sint-Oblivion Abbay. He had been given to the care of the monks when he was only 1 years old, the only bit of informations he manage to get was that one day, a huge, musclar man came to the abbay in distress and asked them to take care of it. He never came back.

Like many other children, he had joined the School established by the Oblivion's monk many décades ago.

Today was the most special day of his life, today was his seven birtday !

He wokes up in the dormitory with a smile reaching his ears.

- No more ''Coal'', today I'm going to have a real name ! - he says loudly.

- Oh yea sure Coal, maybe they will finaly give you a more fitting name, like ... dirt, for exemple ! hahahah.

It was Gold, one of the favored student, he was only 6 and already graduated the 1 level of Magic Theory, History, Herbology and Defence Art where Coal didn't graduated in anything... In the Abbay, after getting a name, you could attend better classes and you were supposed to graduated at least 5 branches to the lvl 1 before reaching 8 years old. If you couldn't, you would have to quit learning and transfer to the exploration crew or the workers which was equal to becoming canon fodder or work like a slave on mindless tasks.

- After a long silence where the laughts of several others Accolytes joined Gold's, he answered - I..I will get a good name, that's what the main Monk told me so you can laugh all you want. I m not worthless, I will be great.

The laughters got stronger and Coal ran away red faced.