
Getting Ready

When I got into the house, Melissa's dad was in the living room watching a basketball game. When he heard the door close, he turned around on the couch to see who had come in.

"Ah, Tess! How are you today…um…tonight?"

Melissa rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Dad, it's night, remember?"

"Well, I don't recall it being dark. It's only been an hour since I started keeping up with the game."

"That's because you haven't been paying any attention to the time, obviously."

They both laughed, so I figured I'd just smile too so I won't look like a weirdo.

"Dad, Tess here is gonna be staying for a while. You think you and mom can handle it?"

Her dad looked at me like he was trying to figure out if I played baseball, soccer or basketball. Then he turned to Melissa.

"Girl, if your mother and I were able to raise a 15 year-old tech genius who sometimes sets stuff in the house on fire, then I'm pretty sure we can handle two girls."

" Thanks, dad. You're the best!"

Her dad smirked with delight. "I know."

Then she turned to me."C'mon, let's go to my room."

I looked at her. From her expression, her room was probably as big as a lab or something…

"Will it be enough for both of us?" I asked.

Now you can't blame me for asking. I just had to know, and that made Melissa laugh.

"Yeah. I think it will."

Turns out… I was right about the size of her room.

There was a lot of stuff in there. It was like I'd just stepped into the Power Rangers Beast Morphers' lab. The bed was exactly the size and width of a race car… plus it was a race car bed, so… whatever. But the fact that it was a double bunk race car bed had me in total shock. Even I didn't realize when my mouth was wide open.

Melissa looked at me and gently closed my mouth.

"You ok, girl?"

I was more than ok. I turned around to see the other parts of the room. It had a construction table for sketches and stuff, along with a wardrobe- sized stash of every… and I mean every type of tool known to modern man (I think).

"Okay, Tess. If you have questions about anything, you let me know. Oh, and which part of the bunk are you taking?"

I looked at the double bunk again.

"Is it okay if I sleep at the bottom?"

"Sure. Now you can unpack your bags…uh…bag and put your stuff in the drawer at the bottom of the bed."

At that point, I was surprised, but in a good way. There's a drawer in the bed! Wow!

I started unpacking, and that was when Melissa said "Is that what I think it is?!!"

The katana blade was reflecting the light of the bulb in the ceiling, and for some reason Melissa seemed to like the sword.

"How did you get this?"

"Well, my dad owns it."

"No... way. Your dad's a martial artist?"

"I thought you knew."

"Well, I didn't know that he was a ninja." That part actually made me laugh.

"Not ninja, Melissa. Just… Batman-like."

" Just one issue with it."

I looked at her, confused. "Which is…"

" Well, it's too long. And you'll have to carry a sheath around or the bag. Not to mention the fact that you'll stress yourself dragging it out of the sheath. But don't worry. I'll just make a few modern adjustments to it and you'll see how it is tomorrow morning."

That had me thinking a lot of things. "How are you gonna change…uh… modify it in just one night?"

"Oh, you'll see."

"Fine, but please don't change the physical integrity of the blade. It's one of a kind."

Melissa put her right hand on her chest and raised the other hand

"I promise to not reduce but improve the efficiency of your blade. There. We're good."

She saw me yawn. Turns out I was very tired.

"Alright, sleepy-head. Off to bed. I'll see you in the morning."

I went to the bottom bunk and got in. it was just like the batmobile, so I was feeling comfy in it. I looked over and saw Melissa taking the katana.

"Wait… What are you doing?"

"I'm starting my work."

"But isn't it a little late? Go to bed. You need your sleep, you know."

"I know. It'll be quick because of the tools available. See ya in the morning."

"Yeah, ok. Good night."

The next morning, I got up very early, like 4am. When I got out of the bed, I looked to the upper bunk that Melissa was sleeping in, and she was sleeping. And man, I mean SLEEPING. Her hair was a mess, sort of like a rat's nest, so I figured she slept real late. I got out of the house and went for a jog.

I forgot to mention the fact that Melissa's house was near a lonely forest (a.k.a the woods), so I figured I'd jog around and see what I can see there. I actually saw a deer drinking water from a lake, and at that moment I remembered all the times that mom, dad and I would go camping in the woods, full of wolves to fight, and mom would always take me to the stream where the gazelles always go to take a cool drink of forest water in the most secluded of places. That memory made me sad to the point that I almost cried, so I decided it was time I head back to Melissa's house.

When I got back, Melissa was already up, and from the looks of it, she just brushed her teeth.

"Well, you were up early."

"Yeah. It's a habit."

"Alright, batgirl."

I laughed."Your hair looked like a rat's nest."

Melissa blushed. "Well, I was working, remember? Oh! I forgot! I need to show you something."

She took me into a room that apparently was in the wall of the room, and I mean in...the…wall.

Turns out that was where she was working on my katana. She walked towards her work table and picked up a case that looked kinda like the case that Black panther gave to Bulky containing his new metal arm.

"I totally upgraded your katana, and I didn't reduce it's physical properties. Actually I added to it… a little. Hope you like it."

She opened the case. I was shocked.

"Melissa, what have you done?!!"

My sword wasn't a sword anymore. It was just the handle, and nothing else.

Melissa laughed.

"No, silly. Take it and see."

I took the sword handle-which was pretty much everything now… until…

I saw a small fingerprint- like space on the handle.

"What's this?"

"Put a finger on it. I prescribe your thumb."

I held it in a way that my thumb was touching the space. And then something awesome happened.

The blade of the katana instantly shot out of the handle, and it was shinier than ever.


"That's not all."

She went into a closet and brought out a metal baseball bat and placed it on her 'Experiments' table.

"Slice it."

I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Not possible, even with my dad's strength."

"Just do it."


I used half my strength, and the blade went clean through… the… bat. I was shocked and amazed and wowed at the same time.

" WHAT… THE …!!"

Melissa smiled. She could tell that I was super impressed.

"You like it?" "Like it? I love it!"

"I'm glad you do."

Just then, Melissa's dad called from the living room.

" Girls! Breakfast! "

Melissa and I exchanged looks. "Well, you better get to school."

"Kk, and when I get back, we'll talk about this plan of yours to save your mom. In the meantime, you get used to the new look of your sword, while I take a bath. I kinda stink."

I laughed when she said that. Just when I did, my phone rang, and I picked it up to see who was calling. It was dad… I thought 'Oh shit! He knows." But I couldn't leave it unanswered.

"Hi dad", I said as I answered the call.

"Tess, where are you?"

"Dad… I'm sorry for sneaking out. But it's just that I couldn't live with the fact that you have to deal with this all on your own, so I decided to relieve your stress a little."

"I know that. What I want to know is… where are you now?"

" At Melissa's. but I'm ok, dad. You don't need to worry about your batgirl, because she's fine. I can take care of myself."

Dad chuckled.

"Yeah. I know that." "So… you're not mad?" Dad stopped for 3 seconds and said "No. I'm not mad at you."

"Ok, dad." "Just be safe. Be careful. Don't let any boy try to touch you." "Dad, you know I'll hunt them down if they try it, so…"

"Yeah. Well… go get 'em, Batgirl."

Thanks, dad. You take care of yourself, too."

"I may look old, but I'm still the master, remember?"

I chuckled."Yeah. Ok, old man."

"Ok. Well, bye. See you later, I guess."

"Yeah. Later, dad."

Dad hung up. I started crying. I knew that he felt sad I left, but I just couldn't deal with the fact that he was going through all this shit alone, and he knows that too. All of a sudden, I felt anger and regret at the same time; anger for the people that kidnapped mom, and regret for leaving dad all alone. But one thing was for sure; he was ok with me leaving, and he can take care of himself, so I need not worry about him.

I started training with the new katana that Melissa had upgraded for me, and I must say… I am impressed. The sword was actually lighter than usual, and it can cut anything in one slice, and I mean one…slice.

When Melissa got back from school, she entered the room and saw me doing pushups, which she has pretty much gotten used to.

"How many?"

"34…35…36" I said, breathing hard.

"Still going, huh?"

"Yep. Wanna get to 70."

"I know you. You can do it."


Melissa went to sit by a table she calls her Sketch Desk, where she was drawing stuff. She was there all through my pushups drawing.


"Yeah, girl. You rock!"

"Aw, stop it."

"No, I'm serious. I can't even do 5."

I looked at her like she just said I have three legs and four butts.

"You're joking, right?"


"Well, damn."

"Whatever. Come check this out."

"First, let me take a shower."


After I was done, I came to her desk, and man, was I dazzled.

Melissa had drawn 7 different costumes that match a female's body, with 6 different masks and setups.


"Yeah. I'm actually still working on some more."

I looked at her, confused.

"More?" "Yeah. Since you're going to go after those guys who kidnapped your mom, you're gonna need to keep your identity a secret." "Oh… Ok."

"Here's one I was working on this morning."

Melissa brought out a paper that had a drawing of my face… well, my mask, anyway.

At that moment, I was in love.

"I like this one."


"Yeah. It feels more like me."

Melisa made a face of accomplishment, like she was the first person to step on Pluto.

"Well, that's settled. I presume you also want the costume to be black and white?"

I laughed."Yes, ma'am. That would be nice, thank you very much."

We both laughed.

"Ok, assassin's creed. Tell me your plan… oh, wait! I forgot something."


"I'll be right back."

"Ok, mad scientist."

She went into her lab closet- that's what I'm calling it. Anyway, she went in and brought out a brown box.

"I made these for you."

I gave her a confused look. "What?" "Just open it and see." I opened the box and I saw a pair of shoes.

"You got me new shoes?"

"Not just ordinary shoes…they're plasma- infused magnetic shoes…or plasmeg for short." Part of my brain was trying to figure out half of what she just said.

" Try them on."

I didn't know why she said I should, but I put on the shoes. The moment I did, the shoes started glowing. "Whoa...Whoa!"

"That's not all. The shoes are able to detect brain waves to go magnetic , turn off magnetism, help with extra force during high jumps etc. and one other thing…"

I looked at her. "Which is…"

Melissa looked at me with a weird smirk. " Walk on the wall."

At that point, I didn't know when I blurted out "You're crazy."

"Nope. Just do it."

I slowly walked towards the wall. I was scared.

Turns out… I panicked for nothing.

It was like the shoes were stuck to the wall, kinda like I was Spiderman…uh, Spidergirl, anyway.


"Yeah.", Melissa said. "The shoes can copy the ground surface gravity and impose its own on any surface."

I had a thought."So if what I think you're saying is what you're saying…"

I looked at the ceiling, then at her. She pointed up, so I went. I was suspended at the ceiling.

"Shit! This is awesome!"

"Yeah, I know. Do you like it?"

"Girl, you've got to stop asking me that question, 'cause all your gadgets are awesome!" Melissa was pretty happy I liked the shoes.

"And another thing…"

I looked at her again with surprise."How much stuff have you been working for the past two days?" "Well… quite a few."


"Try to call the katana."

"Like… call it to myself? Like…Thor's hammer? Are you serious?"

"We'll see."

I looked at the blade. I closed my eyes and spoke to the sword.

Come on, uh…night splicer. Come on…

The sword first shook on the table, and then the next second, it flew straight into my hand (NOTE:I was still on the ceiling.)

"Well, this is just… AWESOME!!"

"Yeah. I'm really glad you like it."

We stared at each other while I was still suspended in the ceiling…uh, on the ceiling…you get the point anyway.

"Well, jungle book, you better get down, 'cause it's weird seeing you upside down."

I smirked. "What if you're the one who's upside down?"

"Ha-ha, good one. Just get down."

"Yes, ma'am."

I made the mistake of imagining the shoes powering down. The moment I did, they went off, and I fell. I fell…like Alita when she was trying to walk for the first time. I landed on my butt, which made Melissa and I exchange looks and explode into laughter two seconds later.

"Well, I've now learned to never do that again till I'm on the ground."

Melissa chuckled. "Yeah. Sure thing, Tess."

After we had lunch, we came back to the bedroom, and Melissa fell to the floor groaning. "Oooh…I'm so stuffed."

"Well, I told you not to eat too much."

"I know, but it just tasted sooo good."

"Well now look at you. You look like Winnie- the- pooh just got 3 months pregnant for nothing."

Melissa looked at me."Really?"


"Aw, well. Join me down here on the floor, would ya?"


We both lay on the floor staring at the ceiling for a while. After like an hour of ceiling- staring, Melissa looked at me.

"Wanna play a video game?"

I looked at her, smirking with one raised eyebrow.

"What kind?"

"Well, to be specific… mortal kombat."

"You're on."

Turns out there's a section of Melissa's lab that actually leads to a game room that's half as big as the batcave back at home. When we got there, she started the ps4 console and tossed me a game pad.

"Ready to die?"

"Not until you die first."

"Sure, girl. Sure."

The game started.

Now everybody knows that before the fight in mortal kombat, the players get to choose their 'champion' to fight, so Melissa chose Noob Saibot, while I chose my all- time favorite, Raiden, the lord of lightning. After that, the "Round one…fight!" part, and we started playing.

Melissa was good. Her fingers were moving as fast as shazam's when he was playing against Freddy, but I still knocked her guy out cold and earned the first round. She took the defeat pretty well.

"Nice one."

"Thank you."

The next round came on, and Melissa was killing me. She didn't give me even the slightest second to move, and before I could make her energy bar get to the middle, she made mine drop to the edge and she got a clean chance to strike. The moment she saw that, she used Noob Saibot to give Raiden a monkey grab-and-slap, which earned her the second round.

I was amazed. with my eyes open wide, I turned to look at her.


"Yeah, I know. I'm amazing." She said as she patted me on the back.

"But remember… the fun's not over yet. The final round…has arrived!"

"Alright. we'll see who the M. K champion is."

When the final round started, we were beating each other hard. After a while, both Noob Saibot and Raiden had lives down to a last punch before the finish- him point, so we were both trying as hard as we could to block each other's attacks.

Until… Melissa made the mistake of leaving Noob Saibot open in order to punch, so I used that opportunity to make Raiden give that dude the shock… of… his… life. And then I finally got my opportunity to "FINISH HIM!", and I gave Noob Saibot an transdimensional blast that pretty much exploded him to pieces. After that, the background voice said "FATALITY", and I dropped my game pad on the bed in celebration as Melissa watched her avatar die with her mouth open wide in amazement. She then turned to look at a very happy Tess smiling in victory by her side.

"How did you…"

"Told ya you were going down, and guess what… YOU DID!!"

I immediately jumped up and started doing a victory dance while saying "Oh yeah. Uh-huh. I won. That's right."

"Well congrats, girl."


We shook hands like we just made a million- dollar deal with Bill gates or something.

"Ok, Tess. Now we need to talk about your plan to save your mom."

That moment she said 'your mom 'made me remember all the fun moments we had together, how she would help me regain my self confidence when all the other girls would laugh at me… and now, I'm was scared that something might have happened to her. I burst into tears, and Melissa gave me a tight hug, trying to console me.

"Aww. It's gonna be okay, Tess."

"My mom!" I sobbed.

"I'm sure she's alright. and I know that she needs you, so you have to calm down in order to save her."

I sniffed."You don't know that."

"Yeah, I do."

" Ok."

"Yeah. She's gonna be alright. we're gonna get her back, okay?"

I wiped my nose with my arm.


" Alright."

Next chapter