
Samson Scars of Faith

Enter the haunting world of 'Samson: Scars of Faith,' where a post-apocalyptic Earth is besieged by demonic forces, and humanity's last hope lies in the hands of demon hunters. Follow the harrowing journey of Samson, born into chaos, marked by a brutal past, and bearing a dark power he never sought. Thrust into a life of relentless battles by a father whose legacy is as enigmatic as it is burdensome, Samson must navigate a perilous path of internal and external demons. With a world hanging by a thread, every slash of his sword and every decision he makes could mean the difference between salvation and destruction. Uncover the secrets of his cursed existence, the truth behind his father's sinister motives, and the ultimate quest for redemption. 'Samson: Scars of Faith' is not just a tale of survival; it's a journey of breaking free from the darkness within and rewriting one's destiny.

INDOMITABLE_13 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Echoes of a Scarred Legacy

In a world reshaped by demonic chaos, the Sanctuary of Saint Peter stood tall amidst the ruins of what was once London. Encircled by massive 50-meter walls powered by purified demonic cores, it was more than a sanctuary – it was a city unto itself, a bastion of humanity's resilience. Within these walls, people of diverse ethnicities coexisted, a melting pot of cultures united against a common enemy.

Samson, a young man marked by a life of struggle and a unique curse, was a product of this new era. Born two decades after the demonic outbreak, his life was a tapestry of harsh realities. Raised initially by his mother in the shadowed fringes of society, his childhood was abruptly upended by her untimely death, revealing the identity of his absent father – a decorated military veteran turned detective, known for his ruthlessness.

His father, upon discovering Samson's existence, subjected him to a grueling training regime. It was during this time that Samson was forced to ingest an unpurified demonic core, an act that should have led to his demonization. However, due to a curse placed upon him at birth by an S-class demon, he instead found himself growing in strength in a manner akin to demons themselves.

The scar running across Samson's face, from temple to chin, was a stark reminder of those brutal training days. It symbolized not just his physical struggles, but the constant battle against the demonic essence within him, a battle to maintain his humanity.


Under the neon glow of the cyberpunk-infused British architecture, the Hunter Guild of the Sanctuary of Saint Peter loomed like a beacon. Samson, determined to carve his own path and step out of his father's shadow, strode towards the guild, his boots echoing on the rain-slicked cobblestone streets.

As he entered, the air shifted, the electric buzz of neon lights intertwined with an eerie silence that enveloped the guild's interior. The walls, adorned with holographic displays of various demon types and high-tech equipment, reflected the fusion of old-world charm and futuristic advancements.

At the reception, a clerk, her hair tinted with streaks of neon blue, looked up from her console. Her eyes widened slightly at the sight of Samson, an acknowledgment of his infamous lineage.

"Name?" she asked, her voice echoing slightly in the cavernous hall.

"Samson," he replied curtly, his gaze fixed on the displays.

She nodded, tapping efficiently on the holographic screen. "Here for registration?"

"Yes. And a mission."

She paused, studying him for a moment. "First-time hunters usually start with lower-grade assignments. There's an E-class demon pack causing trouble nearby. It's a suitable task for your initiation."

Samson nodded. "I'll take it."

The clerk processed his registration, her fingers dancing over the holographic keys. "You're all set. This mission will be a good test of your skills. The pack has been elusive, but we've tracked them to the outskirts of the sanctuary."

Armed with the mission details, Samson turned to leave, his mind already strategizing. The guild, with its advanced technology and wealth of information, was a far cry from the rough-and-tumble life he had known. But beneath the neon lights and digital displays, the threat was the same - demons.

As he exited the guild, the neon lights of the sanctuary city cast long shadows on the streets. The fusion of old British architecture with the pulsing cyberpunk elements gave the sanctuary a surreal, almost otherworldly feel. It was a city reborn from the ashes of the old world, a stronghold against the darkness that lurked beyond its walls.

Samson's first mission as a registered hunter was more than a mere task; it was a step towards defining his own destiny, away from the legacy of his father. The E-class demons were just the beginning. With each step, he felt the weight of his past and the cursed power within him, a power he would need to harness to survive in this new world of hunters and demons.

As Samson completed the registration, the clerk gestured towards a sleek chamber at the side of the hall. "Before we finalize your mission assignment, we need to evaluate your spirit energy level. Please, step into the chamber."

The chamber, a cylindrical structure with a translucent door, hummed softly as Samson entered. He stood still as the chamber bathed him in a soft, scanning light. Holographic displays flickered to life around him, analyzing and calculating his energy signature.

After a moment, the clerk read the results from her console. "Your spirit energy is classified as C class. Impressive, given your lack of documented field experience. However, guild regulations require you to start at E rank as a hunter."

Samson stepped out of the chamber, unfazed. His journey was not about ranks but proving his worth beyond his father's shadow.

"Your first mission," the clerk continued, handing him a data pad, "involves a large pack of E class demons. They're congregating around an unpurified D class core. Initial reports suggest a mix of species, including demonic wolves and rats, each vying for the core's power. It's unusual for different demon types to band together unless drawn by something potent."

Samson reviewed the mission details. The situation was more than a mere hunt, it was a chaotic battle for supremacy among the demons, driven by their instinctual hunger for power. This mission would be a true test of his abilities.

"Successfully handling this situation could qualify you for a direct promotion to D rank," the clerk added. "It's a rare opportunity, but given the danger involved, it's only fair."

Samson nodded, accepting the challenge. The task ahead was daunting, yet it stirred a sense of purpose within him. As he left the guild, the neon-lit streets of the sanctuary city loomed before him, a stark reminder of the world he was sworn to protect as a newly registered hunter.

The outskirts of the sanctuary, where the demonic activity was reported, were eerily quiet. The remnants of the old city melded with the cyberpunk overtones of the new era, creating a surreal landscape.


The city outside was a labyrinth of desolation, a silent testament to the apocalypse that had befallen humanity. Samson strode closer to the location where the demons had been tracked down to with determination, his senses heightened, ever aware of the demonic presence that pervaded the air.

As he navigated through the ruins, a sense of foreboding grew within Samson. He could feel the demonic energy pulsating around him, a malevolent force that threatened to erupt at any moment.

As Samson ventured cautiously through the desolate streets, the tension was palpable. Suddenly, the eerie silence shattered into chaos. E-class demons, resembling twisted versions of earthly animals, emerged from the ruins. Their movements were erratic, driven by primal instincts rather than any semblance of intellect.

One of the demons, its form a grotesque distortion of a wolf, lunged at Samson with bared fangs. Its eyes glowed with a malevolent crimson light, and its fur was matted and coarse, patches of skin showing through where it had been torn away. Samson's reaction was immediate and precise. He stepped to the side, evading the creature's trajectory, and executed a clean, horizontal slash. His katana, aglow with sacred energy, cut through the demonic entity with ease, its blade singing a deadly song as it severed the monster in two.

Another demon, this one bearing the semblance of a large, misshapen rat with oversized, razor-sharp teeth, scurried towards him, its claws scraping against the concrete. Samson pivoted, shifting his weight effortlessly as he brought his katana down in a swift, vertical slash. The blade sliced through the demon's skull, splitting it cleanly, a testament to both the katana's holy power and Samson's exceptional skill.

With each demon that fell, Samson moved fluidly, a dance of death honed by years of rigorous training. His strikes were a perfect blend of power and precision, each movement deliberate and efficient. The way he handled his weapon displayed not only his physical prowess but also a deep understanding of his enemies' anatomy and behavior.

The demons, though lacking intelligence, were relentless. Yet, in the face of Samson's expertise, they were little more than shadows being dispelled by the light of his blade. He moved through them, his body and sword in perfect harmony, each slash and thrust a display of his unyielding resolve and mastery of combat.

As the last of the E-class demons fell, its form dissipating into a dark mist upon defeat leaving a translucent red demon core the size of a jasper healing crystal, Samson stood amidst the carnage, his breathing steady, his expression resolute. The battle was a grim reminder of the world they lived in, a world where such creatures roamed freely, preying on the remnants of humanity. But for Samson, it was also a reaffirmation of his purpose, his commitment to fighting these dark forces and protecting what was left of mankind.

I wiped the sweat from my brow, the adrenaline from the fight still coursing through my veins. The battleground was littered with the remnants of E-class demons, their twisted forms slowly dissolving into the earth. I couldn't help but feel a sense of grim satisfaction. Each demon down meant one less threat to the sanctuary, one less nightmare in the night.

Picking up the demon cores was a tedious task. E-class cores, though somewhat valuable, held little significance to me personally. The fortune my father left behind, one of the few legacies he bestowed upon me, made these cores seem trivial. Yet, they were a necessary proof of my victory, a tangible result of the battle I had

As I approached the towering gates of the Sanctuary of Saint Peter, the guards stationed at the entrance eyed me warily. They recognized me, of course – it's hard to miss a 6'3" hunter carrying a katana and a bag full of demon cores. I flashed my hunter's ID card, still fresh with its newly minted E-class rank. The guards, though still skeptical, nodded and let me through.

The sanctuary was a stark contrast to the desolation outside. Here, within these neon-lit walls, life thrummed with a semblance of normalcy. People bustled about, some casting curious glances my way. Word travels fast in a place like this, especially when it concerns the son of a notorious figure.

I made my way back to the Hunter Guild, the cores weighing heavily in my bag. The streets of the sanctuary, with their British architecture bathed in cyberpunk neon, felt almost surreal, a vivid backdrop to my own tumultuous thoughts.

Stepping into the guild, I headed straight for the clerk's desk, ready to hand over the cores and complete the mission. Emily, at least that's what it says on her name tag, with neon blue streaks in her hair, looked up, her eyes widening in surprise.

"You're back already?" she exclaimed

This is my first ever publication so please feel free to give any and all feedback or advice as I’ve never really written before

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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