
Ch. 2 - Classmates

As I walked down the corridor, I remember that I always take the path on my right, but in this year, I go straight to the new building. I saw my room and it was still locked, my new classmates was outside the door and i saw my "early bird" friends waiting outside for the door to open.

"Hi Wendy, Hi Aya" I greeted them

"Hi Janesa, Good Morning" Said my friend Aya and hugged me.

Aya is a very religious girl and loves to respect her elder friends, but sometimes she's like a crazy kid XD.

"How are you?" Asked Wendy

"Well, I'm fine... I'm really excited about today though" I said

"Me too, all four of us are here, Mika, Wendy, You and me" Said Aya.

"Don't forget the other two..." I said

"Who?" Aya asked

"Isobelle and Carl, they're also here" Wendy said.

"Ohh... Okay"

I smiled and looked around the hallway, I see my old classmates in front of the other rooms. Actually, the 5 of us are from the 1st Section, and my other classmates are scattered all over the other sections while most stayed in the 1st. I actually regretted that I didn't study that much last year, it's because I was tired of everything, my parents misunderstood me so much, they didn't know what capacity i had in my brain and always compared me to my friends back at 1st secrion and to other kids. They think I'm a "Perfectly built robot"... But I'm not.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone hugged me from behind...

*To be continued...*

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