
Chapter-1: "Infinite Suffering"

"What number this reborn I think it's 99999999999991st oh even i clearly remember my first life where this infinite suffering started".

In my first life my name is Zen Lin the young price of Yakura Kingdom even if it is a small kingdom with nothing very special even other kingdoms not attacking on us because they got nothing from attacking on us but after all our Kingdom is more peaceful than other kingdoms. Until a cruel and ambitious King Rea Lin. Who can do anything for rule over other kingdoms. This is a impossible thing even other than think until I born the doll of his ambitions. His son Zen Lin my mother the Queen an exceptional beuty among the kingdom Sia Lin got death during giving me birth. Some rage of his dead wife some of his ambitions that he make a decision to make me unparalleled demon who can beat and kill the hundred of thousands peoples single handedly but a obedient "Hound" who never disobey his masters orders. He give me training from every ruthless and cruel teachers who trained me every single day until i nearly dead on every single day and give me army strategies during the training my all human emotions are disappeared and after the training I surpassed the my teachers because i think I am a natural demon who learn anything easily except human emotions. My masters who devoted his whole life for there martial arts, army strategies, fighting styles they give them their whole life my 76 masters who are on the peak of their specialities they all minimum in the 80+ age group and i a kid who is not fully grown man age of 16 i start the training at the age of 4 i completely surpassed the my teachers in just 12years. After the completing my training my father's first order is kill the my 76 teachers only using one hand in the end he got what he wanted a emotionless hound who never disobey him. I Zen Lin no The Hound my father the my only master give me order to kill the all teachers who give me their whole life's experiences I kill them using my one hand. After that my master the King declared the war against 118 countries this war lead 10 years in the end Yakura Kingdom a mearly small kingdom one time no one carrying about him today becomes one and only Empire Yakura Empire only due to the king's son "The Demonic Hell Hound". This is a name that give by empire's peoples to me. In the war I have to kill mostly innocent peoples on the order of my master. My master is very happy from the result of war. Finally he become a Emperor. But his this happiness is not long lasting because of old age he become a bed patient after becoming a bed patient after one year he became a dead corpse. After the death of emperor nothing much happening because my master predict it so with my help he kill peoples and their whole families who can do treason. In the empire most of peoples are loyal with emperor even he is a cruel and ruthless but also he is a wise decision maker emperor so most of peoples even lower class peoples live comfortably under his rules so no one dare to do treason. All of in the empire know about my emotionless and no interest in throne so they decide to engage me after the marriage my wife can lead the empire because after my master's death no one in the empire able to give me order. So they decide to engage me because my masters last order is only a family member can be my next master. Until the empire's peoples decide who will be my next master I without taking rest just doing practice so I can be useful for my master even I will not eating food because on the orders of my master I can eat food. After 10 days on 11th day I got engaged and same night I got married with a orphan girl with no background she is same aga my and she is my new monster his blue eyes like she and white hair like cotton his name is Salicia because she is a orphan she has no last name after marriage she became Empire's first ruling woman Salicia Rin The Queen wife of  Demonic Hell Hound on the order of on the night of my marriage I satisfy my hunger of 10 days. But this is my last meal of my this life because on this wedding night my wife my new master stabe on my chest but my body becomes very tough because of training and involvement in the all wars from the age of 16 yes after the training my privious master send me in the wars and order me to kill the king of enemy country and who will coming in your way you have to kill them. Because I am a demon so after every war my body becomes stronger and stronger so normal swords, daggers and knife like weapons cannot affect me badly. After stabing my new master say me "I know these normal weapons cannot affect you because your a truelly a demon with no emotion you kill my parents my new born brother and my older sister without any hesitation why? Just because your master order you so why you left me why you don't kill me? Just because he is your master so now I am your master I am order you kill yourself give me your heart ". I know these eyes in my only incomplete mission given by my master "kill the Duke of Reona Kingdom Duke Rehin Tai and his whole family" on that time I kill the whole family of duke but after the killing his new born baby in my heart some type of hesitation flooded in my heart so I am just going to kill his middle child his daughter Siao Taio but before killing him she lost his consciousness before she lost his consciousness she looking at me with his killing gaze out of my master's order I left him I don't kill him I don't know why I just don't kill him and I don't tell my master about I don't kill Duke's daughter. Now she is my master so I obey his orders and I put by heart from my body and offer to my master this is last order that I completed given by my master and this is my life's end this is just I think. But when I open my eyes I got myself in a void of white space there is a person sitting front of my. When I asked him where I am? Who are you? He laughed and said "ha ha ha it is a long time when someone talk to me like that". And answer of your questions is "I am a entity that human called me god but I am not a normal god I am god of gods "Supreme God" after seeing your power is almost at low level god as mere mortal that is impossible to get a half transcential body and answer of your second question this is just a empty space that created by just in mistake I want to create a multiple galaxies but I create a empty space this is just a small place for me but as mortal for you this is a infinite space. When he answered my questions I asked him why summon me here and what is meaning of low level god and half transcential body? "Oh are you curious about it so let me explain you first what is meaning of low level god and half transectial body"

When a immortal trained himself to at peak of his body limitations and break's the limitations he got half transectial body as well as when he got peak at his half transectial body he got full transectial body I explained you in batter way like in chart



                      Half transectial body


                      Full transectial body


                        Low level god


          Low level half transectial god


          Low level full transectial god


                         Mid level god


         Mid level half transectial god


         Mid level full transectial god


                       High level god


        High level half transectial god


         High level full transectial god


                   True Transectial god


                          Supreme God

"So I hope you can understand the rank of gods". But why there after True transectial god question mark and before Supreme God. Because gods body limitations are only on True Transectial body if they want to break their limitations then their body become ash and disappear in hell and heaven. But your special or a godly demon because you not only break your body limitations even stronger than a full transectial body and you almost possess the power of low level god. It is impossible for a immortal not only immortal but even god they do not possess the power higher than their body limitations not only you possess the half transectial body but even one level higher than your body limitations. I am impressed as a mere mortal that is impossible not only mortal even immortal can not achieve it. Oh and you question about the question mark it's because I created the immortal, I created god, higher god, even True Transectial from my only 1/3 part of my power gods and immortals can only possess one element from two creation and destruction elements it is Light and Darkness. Who possess the power of creation light called himself Angels and who possess the power of destruction Darkness called himself Demons. I am Supreme God because I possess both elements Light and Darkness so how can a mortal like you say that I am in the ranking of gods because I am creator of gods creator cannot be ranked and also at the same time I am a destroyer who can destroy the ranking. No one the in the existence can defeat me until a god broke the limitations of True Transectial body and possess both Light and Darkness. Answer of your other question is a see your life your life is so painful if you at least more 59years staying alive you can become a immortal and possess the power of High level Full Transectial god even you can become a True Transectial God but as a mortal you achieve more than enough so I give you a a chance live one peaceful and normal life. That time I think it's a reward for all suffering that I take until. I thanking him for that "your going to give me a chance thank you thank you very much I do anything for you". "You don't have to do anything just stay alive" these are the last words of the entity who can call himself Supreme God. "But in reality this is the starting of my suffering ". When I open my eyes got myself in the arms of a woman a woman who is my mother in this life and nearby a person is stand who is my father these peoples are my parents not my master. But I am still confused because if this is my new life so why I clearly remember the my past life's memories not only memories even I still have my strength and power it's not matter if I am a new born baby I still have half transectial body and power of more than full transectial body then I remember god not said that he seal my memories of  previous life's memories. But because I remember my previous life's memories so in this life I also have no emotions of a human. Even I call my parents as father and mother but can't do anything without his orders that's why my parents used to worry about me. It's my first time someone is worrying about me but I can't help them because I have no emotions I am a just emotionless hound even if I am emotionless hound I have some type of a attraction with fighting,war and killing the peoples. In this world where I born this time is a magical world where magic exist in the form of mana. In my previous world only exist martial arts and fighting styles. In this world you can use stronger magic if you have a stronge Mana Body this is a body that can you have from the birth. But I have half transectial body my body is stronger than anyone in this world like previous world in this life I am also a demon who achieve the Tilte of Demoic Sorcerer King in this world Demonic Sorcerer is a peak level  of a magical or sorcerer but my power is more than a Demonic Sorcerer so they create a new level for me. In this at the age of 15 I defeated the all the kingdom and create a first and only Empire in the return King give our family Title of Half imperial family it means in future if our family wants to become King they claim the 70% of whole Empire. But my family is not happy with this because after the all of this I couldn't show any type of emotions. But in this world I achieve the Low level god body and Low level full transectial god powers and I learn the four elemental power these are Fire, Water, Earth, and Lightning. I also created fifth element the space element that allows to create a portal through the space and transport anywhere there are more have powers of space but it requires large amount of mana so only Demoic Sorcerer level magician can use it or a low level magician can use it for one time in the a year but that time I have half transectial body but even half transectial body contains infinite amount of mana so I can use it freely. But after some time on the age of 21 I frequently got reminded my previous life's memories and got haunted by dreams as nightmares. One day I become out of control due to my nightmares and kill my whole family by myself after that I first time feel a emotion that is sadness that's why I couldn't bear burden of guilt and I suicide like in previous life I thought this is a my final end but when I open my eyes I got myself in a another world again everything repeated like my second life. This happens continuously I got myself in a Infinite Suffering I couldn't understand what is going on after every life I become stronger and stronger and finally I surpassed the True Transectial body and power at my 10000000000th life in the end of that life I again summoned by Supreme God I asked why this happens to me when Supreme God answer me I feel two emotions they are Hatred and Anger I want to just kill that entity but his pressure surpress me like a elephant's leg on a ant even I surpassed the True Transectial body level. I feel myself very helpless when I asked him why why only with me he said

"Because I am very bored when I see you accidentally and sense that you have half transectial body and power that surpassed the Full Transectial body even your just a low life mortal. Then I found a toy for my entertainment. But I don't know how you successfully achieve your previous lifes powers but that's not matter it's just entertain me more. Now today you achieve powers that immortals and gods are just imagine and dream about it".

Hahaha so all the time I am a just a toy for you just remind it on day I become more stronger more powerful than you and kill you I become a God killer and kill you even it's price is my soul I just kill you! You fu*ker I kill you! That is my first time that I curse someone with my tongue.

"Hahahaha I wait for you when that day come and you kill me".

That day I got a motive, a wish, a mission kill the that B*sterd Supreme God. In every life I go to the peak of that world in every way. In that time I successfully achieve Dark and Light elements but I only achieve them at their low level and only use their 0.9999% power but after some million of lifes I successfully achieve their full powers but I cannot use them at the same time and if that thing Supreme God know he will definitely kill me so I also learn a skill that completely sealed my elements High level essence it is just a low level skill but due to my Demonic Talent I developed that skill to the level that supreme God never found about my these powers. I trained myself hurt myself insanely until my that life end. Some time rarely reborn in same world that I already I spent my one life.

Now this is my 99999999999991st and I reborn on earth some time I already reborn on this world. When I open my eyes I saw my parents of this life. They shocked when they see I have red eyes yes every life I have same appearance red eyes and black hairs. I think they are going to kill me because when I reborn at earth some time when they see my red eyes they are kill me because they thought I am a vessel of a demon. Even I surpassed the gods but when I every time reborn I have to take time to settle my powers in my new born body if I going to settle my powers at the same time when I born so that Supreme God will fit out about my sealed powers. So during the time when I settled my powers in my body I become a normal human so if they want to kill me that time they will kill me. But why everything is going to be opposite what I think!

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