

Seraphina woke up abruptly, her chest searing with a burning sensation that left her panting for air. Her vision was hazy, however she couldn't forget the bright room that had held so many secrets, she was back. Seraphina stumbled to the mirror, her fists bunched up to slightly ease her trembling body. A gasp escaped her parched lips as she looked at her reflection. Her black hair that cascaded down her back in waves; her violet colored eyes that intertwined with specks of gold and her body that was covered in layers of clothing, there was no bruises on her body it was like they were never there. Seraphina was back to the place where she suffered, where she endured all the pain by herself and she loathed it.

Seraphina swore to the stars that she would change her foreshadowed fate of death and live a peaceful life by herself. Seraphina allowed herself to grasp onto the edge of the bed and take a few deep breaths. The warmth of the sun gently rested on her face, she was given a chance to change her fate and this time she wouldn't hide.

Serpahina submerged herself into the warm water, her fingers gently brushed against the rose petals as the steam rose. Her eyes scanned her still silky smooth skin, she had gone back at least two years before her death. She put on some clothes that had been pushed to the back of her closet, she grimaced at the diamond covered dresses. Serpahina pulled on a plain black dress that laced around her waist in a corset like manner and made her look sophisticated. She tied her hair up while taking a few more deep breaths, she now had to meet the people who had failed, failed to save her.

Serpahina opened the oak double doors that were the last barrier to the people she had now leared to despise. She walked in with even steps and her head held up high, she wouldn't be hiding anymore. She sat down in her place giving a small curt nod to each of her family members, she could still remember the memories where she would hug all of them even though they hated it.

"Good morning Seraphina", her step-mother said with a bright smile. Seraphina was happy to see her because she could remember her shouting to let her go, her step mother was the only one who cared about her. Seraphina was just to blind to notice.

"Good morning mother, how did you sleep?", Seraphina gently questioned.

After the initial shock that the whole family had her step-mother responded "I slept well thank you, how about you".

"I slept well because I finally know what I want to do with my life", Seraphina said with a slight smile.

"Very good, may I ask what that is", her step-mother asked.

"Probably asking to marry the Prince again", her brother sneered at her. Serpahina chose to ignore the hurtful comment. In her last life she would of cried at his comment, however she didn't really mind anymore. She was used to it.

"I would like to become a doctor", Seraphina reponded while taking a sip of water. She had always been interested in medicine, however because of the fear of rejection from her family she never did go through with it. Seraphina would always read books about medication and surgery on her own in the library but this time she wouldn't hide it.

"What did you just say?" her father angrily asked.

"Therefore I would like to cancel the engagement with the prince", Seraphina confidently stated.

"You will do no such thing", her father responded.

"No father, I will because you have never cared for me so tell me why you're doing it now. If you're so worried I might taint the family's name then I will gladly leave", Serpahina said with anger laced in her voice. She hated this because he never cared about her, so why should she listen to him.

"Seraphina I am your father".

"Do you know anything about me father, do you know even a single strand of information because If not you have no right to be my father", Serpahina darkly chuckled out. "You call yourselves my family but do you even know anything about me?" it was a rhetorical question because Seraphina already knew the answer- no.

Seraphina looked at each of her family members with burning hatred in her glares. "You do not have the right to call yourselves my family, therefore I will do as I like", Serpahina stated as she stood up. Her shoes tapping against the marble floor were loud and harsh, it was the first time she had walked out on them. She walked towards her room again, the anger burned deep inside her core. As soon as she got to her room, she started coughing continously and it was soon accompanied by blood. Seraphina wiped the blood of her mouth with the back of her hand, she was used to the pain. She had a terminal illness that allowed a dark spirit to slowly tare a-part he soul, she didn't have much time left. There was said to be no cure, however she would not rest until she had at least tried. Seraphina grabbed the books stacked in her wardrobe and opened them, she read through each page with so much passion. She would do what she wanted in this life because this time she wasn't some naive girl.

Seraphina woke to the sun shining down on her, she was covered with books and this alone made a small smile latch onto her lips. A knock at her door interrupted her thoughts "come in".

"Good morning miss, the prince is waiting for you outside", her maid stated, Seraphina nearly cried in joy. Carol was her maid and she had died trying to save her and now Seraphina had a chance to pay back her kindness.

"Thank you Carol", Seraphina happily said. "Why is the prince here", Seraphina's smile dropped into a frown.

"I don't know miss, probably wants to see you".

Seraphina tugged on a dark purple dress that complimented her eyes, it sinched around her waist and fell down in silky layers. She walked down the corridor, the hatred brewing inside of her was growing every second.

She was utterly disgusted by him.

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