

Regions: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar, Paldea.

Yes, there is more to the Pokémon world than regions, such as dungeons, off routes, islands, unexplored land, etc.

Pokefilia, as in human Pokémon relationships, is not possible. Even The weakest Pokémon can kill humans and psychic types can hypnotize and brainwash other Pokémon, but they will never cross that line. Pokémon doesn't see humans that way, as they prefer other Pokémon.

Just wanted to address that. There will be no Pokémon human stuff here.

School ranking: 60-65 is C, 65-70 is B, 70-75 is A, and 75-100 is S. S is the most difficult to achieve.

Here are the Army ranks in ascending order:

Private (PVT)

Private Second Class (PV2)

Private First Class (PFC)

Specialist (SPC)

Corporal (CPL)

Sergeant (SGT)

Staff Sergeant (SSG)

Sergeant First Class (SFC)

Master Sergeant (MSG)

First Sergeant (1SG)

Sergeant Major (SGM)

Command Sergeant Major (CSM)

Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA)

No, Pokémon will not have ranks, or be judged upon their potential such as other fanfics that use colors. In my fanfic, each and every Pokémon can kill a person.

Trainer licenses: E-D-C-B-A-S

Perks: Bronze-Silver-Gold-Diamond-Platinum

The licenses are determined by how many battles, badges, and their contributions to society. It says how experienced a trainer is.

Perks are given by their sponsor or the league. It is the carry limits, monthly wages, and what access they have to information.

This is only for registered Pokémon and trainers. But if a trainer is caught with an unregistered Pokémon, they are sentenced to up to a minimum of 5 years.

Trainer Licenses:

E-License: Given to novice trainers who have just started their journey. They may have only participated in a few battles or caught a few Pokémon.

D-License: Given to trainers who have earned at least one gym badge or have won a certain number of battles. They have some experience but are still considered to be relatively new to the world of Pokémon.

C-License: Given to trainers who have earned at least 4 gym badges or have won a significant number of battles. They have proven their skills and are considered to be competent trainers.

B-License: Given to trainers who have earned at least 6 gym badges or have won many battles. They have a lot of experience and are viewed as skilled trainers.

A-License: Given to trainers who have earned all the gym badges and have won a significant number of battles against powerful opponents. They are mostly league winners.

S-License: Given to trainers like Elite Four and the Champion. They are viewed as the strongest trainers in the region.


Bronze: Trainers with a Bronze perk have a carry limit of 5 for their Pokémon, a small monthly wage, and access to basic information about Pokémon and training.

Silver: Trainers with a Silver perk have a carry limit of 6, a larger monthly wage, and access to more advanced information about Pokémon, training, etc.

Gold: Trainers with a Gold perk have a higher carry limit of 8 for their Pokémon, a substantial monthly wage, and access to exclusive information about rare Pokémon and advanced training techniques.

Diamond: Trainers with a Diamond perk have a carry limit of 10 and an extremely high monthly wage. They may also have exclusive access to certain areas and events.

Platinum: Trainers with a Platinum perk have no limit. They can go wherever they want, and have whatever Pokémon they want. The league gives trainers this perk only to the strongest trainer in the region.

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