
Chapter 1

What the hell?

Where am I? Why is it so bright. How did I end up in here?

Wait... I remember going to buy diner for myself and then....

I saw that beautiful woman and she was about to be hit by truck-kun. And I ran towars her and I pushed her, ... wait, the truck hit me so...

HOLY SHIIIIT!! FUUUUUCCKKKK! DID I DIE? I must have. I mean I am in a bright white space and there is nothing here. I`m dead....

Calm down. I need to calm down. Breathe slowly. Iiiiiiiin aaandd ooouuut. Puuuuuhhh.

Alright. I`m dead and I can`t change that. Now the guestion is am I going to be reincarnated or going to heaven or he....

Wait, what if I end up in hell? [TROB][GASP]


No calm down. Wait and calm down. You can`t change it now it`s too late. I can only wait for something to happen.

-Well it`s your lucky day, you don´t have to wait anymore Benjamin. (MC´s name)

-Benjamin: WHO?

-You should follow your own advice and calm down. I´m what you mortals would call a God. And don´t worry you won´t end up in hell.

-Benjamin: Oh thank god. I was about to freak out. ( About to? =] ) So what will happen to me. Do I get some wishes for my next life or something?

- Well you´re going to be reincarnated to One Piece world. And you will be born the same year that Luffy does. Those things can´t be changed.

-Benjamin: I´m not complaining but why can´t those be changed?

-Because it´s too troublesome to do the paperwork again.

-Benjamin: Wha.... , nevermind,... I don´t care anymore. So do I get any wishes?

- You will get one wish.

-Benjamin: Only one, huh. That´s a though one. Do I want a system? Or maybe a rare devil fruit. Gura Gura no Mi? Yami Yami no Mi? Wait... Do I get to keep my memories?

- No you will not. Unless you use your wish for it.

-Benjamin: Well that makes it easy then. My only option is to use my wish for my memories. After all whit out my knowledge I probably won´t be able to survive. Knowledge is half a victory already.

- Is that your wish?

-Benjamin: Yes, I want to keep my memories.

- Alright, but your memories will only return when you turn four years old. Otherwise you will fry your brain. So good luck, and hopefully you will have interesting next life. Bye

After that Benjamin´s soul flew to his next life.


4 years later, Foosha village, Goa Kingdom

Benjamin woke up whit an massive headache. And whit new set of memories. So my full name is Benjamin D. Cross.

Benjamin had a red spiky hair. He had regular height for a four year old. ( What ever it is? I don´t know.) Sword like eyebrows and he had chiseled face, but it was covered in baby fat. But you knew watching him that he would be very handsome in the future.

So I have been born in One Piece world. And to think that I have that kind of past. Benjamin was feeling really sad remembering his past. My parent´s used to be slaves for Celestial Dragons/World Nobles. They had been on the run when he was a baby.

But then they were able to hide so that they had been living somewhat peacefully when he was 2 years old in one small village in East Blue. Those were his happy memories from his parent´s.

But one faith full day it all changed, one of the villagers happened to saw his fathers slave tattoo in his back. And the villager had reported that to world government in a hope that they would reward him. Luckily his mother found out, so his parent´s had hid him in a cave in nearby forest and they left him there whit food and water for a month. Leaving Benjamin hidden, so that he would be save.

So they went back to the village and bought a lot gunpowder and other explosives. And they also bought a corpse of a 2 year old child from nearby graveyard. And then they waited. The knew that Benjamin would never have a normal life if they didn´t do this, so they resolved themselfs.

Then World Government´s agents and few Celestial Dragons arrived to village. Then it happened, when they rushed inside Benjamin´s parent´s house. Benjamin´s father waited that the World Nobles entered and then he light the fuse. The explosion was massive it killed the World nobles and most of the Government agent´s and also a lot of civilians.

When Benjamin heard the explosion, he realized that the sound came from his home village so he ran out of the cave. Forgetting all the warnings from his parent´s told him. He just ran towards the village. And then he reached hill and he saw that the village was on fire. And that his home was burning too. Then he started to cry realizing his parent´s were dead. It didn`t feel real. How could have that happened, why it happened.

Then and there Benjamin swore that he would avenge his parent´s and that would become so strong that nobody would dare to touch his loved ones.

-Benjamin: Mom, Dad I swear that I will avenge you and I WILL BECOME STRONGEST IN THE WORLD.

Benjamin did´t even notice himself that when he finished shouting that all the the animals nearby him fainted.

After that Benjamin returned to the cave. He stayed there for 2 weeks until somebody found him.

Vice-admiral Monkey D. Garp had been close to the village that had gained attention of the world. 2 Celestial Dragons had been killed. So World Government sent him to investigate the scene. Garp was really unwilling to go there, he didn´t like the World Nobles and he had been trying to spend sometime whit his grandsons. So he saw the scene and found the remains of the bodies and realized what had happened. Two ex-slaves had blown up themselfs and their child to avoid capture.

So he sent his report to Sengogu.

And decided to do a final sweep of the island whit his Kenbunshoku Haki (Color of Observation). When he did that he felt that a 2 year old child was living inside a cave in the forest alone. He decided to go check it out. Soon he was at the cave. He saw a small child whit a red hair that fit the described child of the ex-slaves. He instantly figured out who the child was. He was really surprised of ex-slaves resourcefullnes, they had been able to fool World Government. Then he realized what the child´s fate would be if he would inform the Government. The child would be tortured to dead. And he didn´t like the World Nobles so he decided to not turn the child in. Besides the child was innocent. But that brought another problem where would the child go. He can´t stay here.

Well I already have 2 grandsons, third won´t be much different. (That`s because Dadan is taking care of them =] ) Besides that will bring my dream closer to happening. My grandsons will be the future Admirals of Marines.

Then he Garp started to chuckle to his dream, and that alerted Benjamin.

Hi, hopefully you enjoyed that. I´m really new at writing and English is my second language. So I would really like some feedback of my writing.

P.S. Also let me know which is better Sara Sara no MI, Model: Salamander or just Sara Sara no MI?

And thank you for reading.


Daoist_Northpinecreators' thoughts