
I became Haruno Sakura

When she opened her eyes this morning, Sakura Haruno found herself in the Naruto world.

At first, she was panicking from the sudden change of the situation.

Back on earth, Sakura was merely an otaku who likes to cosplay anime characters. She joined the summer comiket cosplaying as one of the heroines in the famous manga and anime Naruto.

She's more into cosplaying than reading manga or watching anime. But who says that you can't cosplay characters if you didn't watch the anime? It didn't stop her to cosplay as Sakura.

She chose Sakura Haruno since her looks were very flashy with pink hair, so she decided to cosplay as her. After the event, she was just going home when suddenly a flash of bright light came and suddenly she could only see darkness.

And that's all that she recalled until the present.

"I actually became her?" Sakura grabbed unto her face not accepting the reality yet. She still needed time to digest the information from Sakura's memories, fully integrating her soul and fusing them with each other.

After a while, the confusion from reality finally settled down. Sakura looked around her room, her mind is strangely calm and void of chaotic thoughts unlike earlier.

"There's only one explanation for this. This should be one of those other world reincarnation stories, right?"

Sakura finally ended up accepting her situation. The fact that she was now going to be living in this world, means there's nothing she could do but do the best out of her situation.

At the corner of her eye, she could perceive a reflection of sunlight. Focusing her attention, she sees a cloth with a head metal protector and a symbol carved in it.

"If I'm not wrong, yesterday must be the graduation day for the Shinobi Academy." She searched from her memories and indeed that was the case.

To graduate from the Shinobi Academy, you need to master the basic ninjutsus. Shadow Clone Technique and Body Transformation Technique are one of the few.

With Sakura's barely sufficient chakra capacity and genius level chakra controlling talent, original Sakura managed to pass it easily.

"No, in this dangerous world I'll have to work hard to improve quickly." And then Sakura set a goal for herself.

With her meagre knowledge from the manga, she could only do what she could do for now. As long as she does her best, Sakura believes she will overcome obstacles coming her way.

"Yosh! Let's do our best! Ey ey Ooohhh!!" A cute chant coming from a 12 year old Sakura.

Shinobi Academy...

At the Shinobi Academy, Sakura arrived in their classroom. She heard a loud voice echoing through the entire room.

"Huh? Naruto, what the hell are you doing here? Only those who pass are supposed to be here." One of the newly graduated students from the Academy said to Naruto.

"Hey, hey, can't you see this forehead protector?" a yellow haired boy pointed at his forehead protector with his thumb, proudly showing it off to him.

'That must be the famous main character, Uzumaki Naruto.' Sakura thought.

In that same table, she could also see a cool black haired boy sitting the same with Naruto but there's a space between them. 'That must be Uchiha Sasuke right?'

Unlike many other otaku fangirls, Sakura was one of the minor otaku girls that didn't have Sasuke as her husbando. She's after all more obsessed with Zoro from another famous manga, One Piece.

Looking around the seats around the room, they were already nearly full and there were only a few vacant seats left.

The one near her was the seat in between Naruto and Sasuke.

'It shouldn't hurt too much if I sit in between them right?'.

Sakura approached Naruto.

"Good morning Naruto-kun. Would you mind if I sit over there?" Sakura greeted Naruto and asked her politely.

"S-Sakura-chan..." When Naruto saw her, his eyes sparkled and his cheeks went red.

"Hm? Is there anyone that should be sitting there beside you?" Sakura asked again.

"N-No Sakura-chan! Of course you could sit beside me!" Naruto flustered and made way for Sakura.

"Hehe, thank you very much Naruto-kun." Sakura smiled at him.

Sakura moved inside and sat down. She's now in between Naruto and Sasuke.

Unknowingly her actions brought Naruto to the Cloud 9. The cute girl he developed interested in actually was kind to him? In the past they didn't even talk with each other properly. But now it was her who took the initiative to talk with him! And lastly Sakura didn't have an unpleasant look on her eyes when talking to him!

'As a heroine, acting cute is the basic requirement needed. I hope I did well earlier and not get suspicious with my behavior.' Sakura was glad she practiced her acting skills in the past cosplaying many different female heroines from different manga and anime.

'And being kind to the main character shouldn't be bad right?' That's what Sakura thought.

Sakura didn't know that because of her actions, the unforgettable experience of Naruto and Sasuke kissing never happened.

After a while an Academy Teacher arrived and stood in front of the class to give an announcement.

"Now... You will soon be assigned to missions by the village. So today we will be creating the three man teams... And each will have a Jonin sensei." the academy teacher said.

"You will follow that sensei's instructions as you complete the assigned duties. We tried to balance the team's strength."

And so the announcement of the three man teams were underway.

"Team 1..."

"Team 2..."

"Team 3..."

"Team 4..."

"Team 5..."

"Team 6..."

"Team 7... Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki Naruto, and Uchiha Sasuke."

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