
SAKAMOTO DAYS:The Dragon ( Rework )

I may add few things from baki , kengan , lookism and other works but it will mainly focus on sakamoto days.

20thCenturyPharaoh · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Fifteen Years Later

In the middle of a cold, dark room, a young boy sat, seemingly at the beginning of his teenage years. His body was covered in dried blood and scars from torture. His figure only told a story of pain and suffering. His wide eyes stared into the darkness, contemplating the stone walls surrounding him.

The only sound in the room was the dripping of blood from his foot as he struggled to stay conscious despite the overwhelming pain consuming his body. His mind was foggy, and all he could think about was how long it had been since he had last seen the light.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, breaking the silence. A faint light flooded in for a brief moment before the darkness consumed the room again.

A tall, slender man entered, with wavy white hair streaked with a few black hair strands near his forehead. His eyes held a cold gaze. He wore a sleek black suit, his pale face devoid of expression, save for a small, smug smile playing on his lips. His steps were slow and deliberate as though he knew he was in complete control of everything around him.

"Kei?" the boy whispered weakly.

"Oh? You know my little brother? That makes things easier for both of us," the man said.

The boy continued staring at the man in front of him, confused.

"To be honest with you, Freed, the higher-ups ordered me to kill you after your fourth escape attempt during your fifth mission three months ago. But I refused, even though you're probably the worst and weakest in this orphanage," the man said, pulling up a chair in front of the boy. "Why do you think I did that?"

The boy stared blankly at the man infront of him as if he was waiting for the answer


The boy thought for a moment, then said excitedly, "Because I have a hidden talent?!"

"Wrong!" the man yelled in his face. "I love your freedom. You've tried to escape over and over, even knowing the consequences. None of the other midgets ever dared to do that... You and I, are alike."

"What? Sorry, I stopped listening when you yelled at me," the boy said with a grin. "Could you repeat that? And make it five words or less, please."

"Haha, what a funny boy " the man sneered. "I was saying, I like your freedom."

Freed smiled coldly at the man. "Really? From what I know, your name's Asaki, right?"

"Oh, you know m—"

Freed interrupted, "And Al kamar belongs to you, doesn't it? So all my friends who died, all my broken bones... my whole life as a slave was because of you. And now you're here to tell me you love my freedom? Come on, man."

Asaki sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Did Kei tell you that?"

"Does it matter how I know?"

"Haha ..No, of course not... The point is, Kei left this place a week ago, and now he's living his life comfortably at the JCC. While you were being tortured, he was sleeping soundly in the best academy in the world... How sad " Asaki said, pulling out a handkerchief to wipe his non-existent tears " everything he told you about me is a complete lie... he was right about me owning this place... but you shouldn't blame me for the caretakers misbehaviour "

"You're lying... he promised me—"

Asaki interrupted him by throwing down several papers with photos of Kei at the academy.

"We had a plan," Freed whispered, staring sadly at the pictures in his lap.

"Let me guess, your plan was to escape and try get help? I'm sorry Freed, but Al kamar is a public knowledge... Your escape to get help would've just led to your death" Asaki said, patting Freed's shoulder.

"What do you want from me?" Freed asked.

"Let's make a deal. Work for me for a certain period of time and then you'll be a free man," Asaki said, freeing Freed from his chains.

"And if I refuse?" Freed asked without turning to face Asaki behind him.

"You'll die... Tomorrow, my men will come in and kill you ...Oh and let me tell you will not like your last moments " Asaki said, holding Freed's shoulders tightly "So? What do you say?"

"I... I don't know," Freed muttered, avoiding Asaki's gaze

"You don't know? Should I take that as a yes?" Asaki said, lifting Freed's chin

"I... I don't kno—"

"Great! I'm glad to be working with you, Freed" Asaki interrupted, shaking Freed's hand. He then placed his hand on Freed's shoulder and pulled him out of the room.

"W-wait," Freed tried to resist, but he couldn't due to his injuries.